Smoke was billowing from several fires along the border between Manitoba and Ontario, Canada in late July, 2018. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’s Aqua satellite acquired a true-color image of the scene on July 21.
The Manitoba government’s web-based Fire Status Report identifies the largest fire in this image as EA 096, burning in the southeast section of Manitoba near Lake Winnipeg. EA 096 was first reported on July 14 as a lightning-ignited fire. As of July 22, it had consumed 27,000 hectares of forest land. It was listed as “out of control” and assigned only limited action. This means that there will not be a major battle to quench the fire – a choice sometimes made in areas that are difficult to reach, terrain that may limit spread, or areas of wilderness where little risk to humans or buildings exist.
According to the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS), as of July 18 there were 4,077 fires reported in Canada in 2018, consuming 606,221 hectares of forest. The report stated “the total numbers for fires so far this year is above the 10-year average (119.7 percent) and the area burned is well below average (36.3 percent).
Image Facts
Date Acquired: 7/21/2018
1km (279.7 KB), 500m (698.1 KB), 250m (562.5 KB)
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Image Credit:
Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC