Lima, Evaldo de Paiva; Sediyama, Gilberto Chohaku; Andrade, Ricardo Guimar?es; Lopes, Vin?cius Duarte; Silva, Bernardo Barbosa da (2014). Evapotranspira??o real di?ria em sub-bacias do Paracatu, utilizando produtos do sensor Modis. Revista Ceres, 61(1), 17-27. Abstract Evapotranspiration defines the total loss of water from the soil-plant system to the atmosphere. In agricultural areas, particularly under some form of irrigation, the remote sensing-based determination of evapotranspiration is gaining increasing importance, since it provides a measure of water use efficiency. In this context, this study aimed to estimate the daily actual evapotranspiration (ETr) using MODIS sensor products in the sub-basins of Entre Ribeiros creek and Preto river, between the states of Goi?s and Minas Gerais. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) was used to obtain the ETr in four different days from July to October, 2007. The results were consistent with other reports in the literature and the comparison between the evapotranspiration by SEBAL and crop evapotranspiration (ETc) showed that this algorithm can be a good option to estimate the daily evapotranspiration using MODIS sensor products in the conditions of the sub-basins of Entre Ribeiros creek and Preto river. DOI:
ISSN: 0034-737X |