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Your search has returned 24 results.


Nagler, PL; Sall, I; Gómez-Sapiens, MM; Flessa, KW; Barreto-Muñoz, A; Didan, K (2024). Effect of water delivery and irrigation for riparian restoration in the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. RESTORATION ECOLOGY.


Abbasi, N; Nouri, H; Didan, K; Barreto-Mu?oz, A; Borujeni, SC; Opp, C; Nagler, P; Thenkabail, PS; Siebert, S (2023). Mapping Vegetation Index-Derived Actual Evapotranspiration across Croplands Using the Google Earth Engine Platform. REMOTE SENSING, 15(4), 1017.

Abbasi, N; Nouri, H; Nagler, P; Didan, K; Borujeni, SC; Barreto-Mu?oz, A; Opp, C; Siebert, S (2023). Crop water use dynamics over arid and semi-arid croplands in the lower Colorado River Basin. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 56(1), 2259244.

Nagler, PL; Barreto-Mu?oz, A; Sall, I; Lurtz, MR; Didan, K (2023). Riparian Plant Evapotranspiration and Consumptive Use for Selected Areas of the Little Colorado River Watershed on the Navajo Nation. REMOTE SENSING, 15(1), 52.


Nagler, P; Sall, I; Barreto-Munoz, A; Gomez-Sapiens, M; Nouri, H; Borujeni, SC; Didan, K (2022). Effect of Restoration on Plant Greenness and Water Use in Relation to Drought in the Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION, 58(5), 746-784.


Nagler, PL; Barreto-Munoz, A; Borujeni, SC; Jarchow, CJ; Gomez-Sapiens, MM; Nouri, H; Herrmann, SM; Didan, K (2020). Ecohydrological responses to surface flow across borders: Two decades of changes in vegetation greenness and water use in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 34(25), 4851-4883.

Nouri, H; Nagler, P; Borujeni, SC; Munez, AB; Alaghmand, S; Noori, B; Galindo, A; Didan, K (2020). Effect of spatial resolution of satellite images on estimating the greenness and evapotranspiration of urban green spaces. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 34(15), 3183-3199.


Jarchow, CJ; Didan, K; Barreto-Munoz, A; Nagler, PL; Glenn, EP (2018). Application and Comparison of the MODIS-Derived Enhanced Vegetation Index to VIIRS, Landsat 5 TM and Landsat 8 OLI Platforms: A Case Study in the Arid Colorado River Delta, Mexico. SENSORS, 18(5), 1546.


Peng, DL; Zhang, XY; Wu, CY; Huang, WJ; Gonsamo, A; Huete, AR; Didan, K; Tan, B; Liu, XJ; Zhang, B (2017). Intercomparison and evaluation of spring phenology products using National Phenology Network and AmeriFlux observations in the contiguous United States. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 242, 33-46.


Herrmann, SM; Didan, K; Barreto-Munoz, A; Crimmins, MA (2016). Divergent responses of vegetation cover in Southwestern US ecosystems to dry and wet years at different elevations. Environmental Research Letters, 11(12), 124005.

Nagler, PL; Doody, TM; Glenn, EP; Jarchow, CJ; Barreto-Munoz, A; Didan, K (2016). Wide-area estimates of evapotranspiration by red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and associated vegetation in the Murray-Darling River Basin, Australia. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 30(9), 1376-1387.


Rahman, AF; Dragoni, D; Didan, K; Barreto-Munoz, A; Hutabarat, JA (2013). Detecting large scale conversion of mangroves to aquaculture with change point and mixed-pixel analyses of high-fidelity MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 130, 96-107.


Nagler, PL, Morino, K, Didan, K, Erker, J, Osterberg, J, Hultine, KR, Glenn, EP (2009). Wide-area estimates of saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) evapotranspiration on the lower Colorado River measured by heat balance and remote sensing methods. ECOHYDROLOGY, 2(1), 18-33.


Glenn, EP, Morino, K, Didan, K, Jordan, F, Carroll, KC, Nagler, PL, Hultine, K, Sheader, L, Waugh, J (2008). Scaling sap flux measurements of grazed and ungrazed shrub communities with fine and coarse-resolution remote sensing. ECOHYDROLOGY, 1(4), 316-329.

Huete, AR, Restrepo-Coupe, N, Ratana, P, Didan, K, Saleska, SR, Ichii, K, Panuthai, S, Gamo, M (2008). Multiple site tower flux and remote sensing comparisons of tropical forest dynamics in Monsoon Asia. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 148(5), 748-760.

Jiang, ZY, Huete, AR, Didan, K, Miura, T (2008). Development of a two-band enhanced vegetation index without a blue band. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(10), 3833-3845.


Nagler, P, Jetton, A, Fleming, J, Didan, K, Glenn, E, Erker, J, Morino, K, Milliken, J, Gloss, S (2007). Evapotranspiration in a cottonwood (Populus fremontii) restoration plantation estimated by sap flow and remote sensing methods. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 144(2-Jan), 95-110.


Brown, ME, Pinzon, JE, Didan, K, Morisette, JT, Tucker, CJ (2006). "Evaluation of the consistency of long-term NDVI time series derived from AVHRR, SPOT-Vegetation, SeaWiFS, MODIS, and Landsat ETM+ sensors". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1787-1793.

Huete, AR, Didan, K, Shimabukuro, YE, Ratana, P, Saleska, SR, Hutyra, LR, Yang, WZ, Nemani, RR, Myneni, R (2006). Amazon rainforests green-up with sunlight in dry season. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 33(6), L06405.


Gao, X, Huete, AR, Didan, K (2003). Multisensor comparisons and validation of MODIS vegetation indices at the semiarid Jornada experimental range. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 41(10), 2368-2381.


Huete, A, Didan, K, Miura, T, Rodriguez, EP, Gao, X, Ferreira, LG (2002). Overview of the radiometric and biophysical performance of the MODIS vegetation indices. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 195-213.


Miura, T, Huete, AR, van Leeuwen, WJD, Didan, K (1998). Vegetation detection through smoke-filled AVIRIS images: An assessment using MODIS band passes. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 103(D24), 32001-32011.

Nagler, P; Sall, I; Barreto-Munoz, A; Gomez-Sapiens, M; Nouri, H; Borujeni, SC; Didan, K (). Effect of Restoration on Plant Greenness and Water Use in Relation to Drought in the Riparian Corridor of the Colorado River Delta. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION.

Nagler, PL; Barreto-Munoz, A; Borujeni, SC; Jarchow, CJ; Gomez-Sapiens, MM; Nouri, H; Herrmann, SM; Didan, K (). Ecohydrological responses to surface flow across borders: Two decades of changes in vegetation greenness and water use in the riparian corridor of the Colorado River delta. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES.