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Your search has returned 66 results.
Giglio, L; Justice, CO (2024). Early polar-orbiting satellite-based fire remote sensing during the 1960s. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 45(16), 5605-5615.
Zubkova, M; Lötter, M; Bronkhorst, F; Giglio, L (2024). Assessment of the effectiveness of coarse resolution fire products in monitoring long-term changes in fire regime within protected areas in South Africa. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 132, 104064.
Hall, JV; Schroeder, W; Rishmawi, K; Wooster, M; Schmidt, CC; Huang, C; Csiszar, I; Giglio, L (2023). Geostationary active fire products validation: GOES-17 ABI, GOES-16 ABI, and Himawari AHI. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 44(10), 3174-3193.
Zubkova, M; Humber, ML; Giglio, L (2023). Is global burned area declining due to cropland expansion? How much do we know based on remotely sensed data?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 44(4), 1132-1150.
Humber, M; Zubkova, M; Giglio, L (2022). A remote sensing-based approach to estimating the fire spread rate parameter for individual burn patch extraction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 43(2), 649-673.
van Wees, D; van der Werf, GR; Randerson, JT; Rogers, BM; Chen, Y; Veraverbeke, S; Giglio, L; Morton, DC (2022). Global biomass burning fuel consumption and emissions at 500 m spatialresolution based on the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED). GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, 15(22), 8411-8437.
Zubkova, M; Boschetti, L; Abatzoglou, JT; Giglio, L (2022). Fire Regions as Environmental Niches: A New Paradigm to Define Potential Fire Regimes in Africa and Australia. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 127(8), e2021JG006694.
Hall, JV; Argueta, F; Giglio, L (2021). Validation of MCD64A1 and FireCCI51 cropland burned area mapping in Ukraine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 102, 102443.
Hall, JV; Zibtsev, SV; Giglio, L; Skakun, S; Myroniuk, V; Zhuravel, O; Goldammer, JG; Kussul, N (2021). Environmental and political implications of underestimated cropland burning in Ukraine. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 16(6), 64019.
Humber, ML; Boschetti, L; Giglio, L (2020). Assessing the Shape Accuracy of Coarse Resolution Burned Area Identifications. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 58(3), 1516-1526.
Andela, N; Morton, DC; Giglio, L; Paugam, R; Chen, Y; Hantson, S; van der Werf, GR; Randerson, JT (2019). The Global Fire Atlas of individual fire size, duration, speed and direction. EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE DATA, 11(2), 529-552.
Boschetti, L; Roy, DP; Giglio, L; Huang, HY; Zubkova, M; Humber, ML (2019). Global validation of the collection 6 MODIS burned area product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 235, 111490.
Humber, ML; Boschetti, L; Giglio, L; Justice, CO (2019). Spatial and temporal intercomparison of four global burned area products. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 12(4), 460-484.
Rodrigues, JA; Libonati, R; Pereira, AA; Nogueira, JMP; Santos, FLM; Peres, LF; Santa Rosa, A; Schroeder, W; Pereira, JMC; Giglio, L; Trigo, IF; Setzer, AW (2019). How well do global burned area products represent fire patterns in the Brazilian Savannas biome? An accuracy assessment of the MCD64 collections. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 78, 318-331.
Roy, DP; Huang, HY; Boschetti, L; Giglio, L; Yan, L; Zhang, HKH; Li, ZB (2019). Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 burned area mapping - A combined sensor multi-temporal change detection approach. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 231, UNSP 111254.
Vadrevu, KP; Lasko, K; Giglio, L; Schroeder, W; Biswas, S; Justice, C (2019). Trends in Vegetation fires in South and Southeast Asian Countries. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 9, 7422.
Giglio, L; Boschetti, L; Roy, DP; Humber, ML; Justice, CO (2018). The Collection 6 MODIS burned area mapping algorithm and product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 217, 72-85.
Giglio, L; Schroeder, W; Justice, CO (2016). The collection 6 MODIS active fire detection algorithm and fire products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 178, 31-41.
Hall, JV; Loboda, TV; Giglio, L; McCarty, GW (2016). A MODIS-based burned area assessment for Russian croplands: Mapping requirements and challenges. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 184, 506-521.
Schroeder, W; Oliva, P; Giglio, L; Quayle, B; Lorenz, E; Morelli, F (2016). Active fire detection using Landsat-8/OLI data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 185, 210-220.
Csiszar, Ivan; Schroeder, Wilfrid; Giglio, Louis; Ellicott, Evan; Vadrevu, Krishna P.; Justice, Christopher O.; Wind, Brad (2014). Active fires from the Suomi NPP Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite: Product status and first evaluation results. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 119(2), 803-816.
Giglio, Louis; Schroeder, Wilfrid (2014). A global feasibility assessment of the bi-spectral fire temperature and area retrieval using MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 152, 166-173.
Schroeder, Wilfrid; Oliva, Patricia; Giglio, Louis; Csiszar, Ivan A. (2014). The New VIIRS 375 m active fire detection data product: Algorithm description and initial assessment. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 143, 85-96.
Vadrevu, Krishna Prasad; Lasko, Kristofer; Giglio, Louis; Justice, Chris (2014). Analysis of Southeast Asian pollution episode during June 2013 using satellite remote sensing datasets. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 195, 245-256.
Giglio, L; Randerson, JT; van der Werf, GR (2013). Analysis of daily, monthly, and annual burned area using the fourth-generation global fire emissions database (GFED4). JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 118(1), 317-328.
Hyer, EJ; Reid, JS; Prins, EM; Hoffman, JP; Schmidt, CC; Miettinen, JI; Giglio, L (2013). Patterns of fire activity over Indonesia and Malaysia from polar and geostationary satellite observations. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 122, 504-519.
Vadrevu, KP; Csiszar, I; Ellicott, E; Giglio, L; Badarinath, KVS; Vermote, E; Justice, C (2013). Hotspot Analysis of Vegetation Fires and Intensity in the Indian Region. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 6(1), 224-238.
Vadrevu, KP; Giglio, L; Justice, C (2013). Satellite based analysis of fire-carbon monoxide relationships from forest and agricultural residue burning (2003-2011). ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 64, 179-191.
Lin, HW; Jin, YF; Giglio, L; Foley, JA; Randerson, JT (2012). Evaluating greenhouse gas emissions inventories for agricultural burning using satellite observations of active fires. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 22(4), 1345-1364.
Loboda, TV; Giglio, L; Boschetti, L; Justice, CO (2012). Regional fire monitoring and characterization using global NASA MODIS fire products in dry lands of Central Asia. FRONTIERS OF EARTH SCIENCE, 6(2), 196-205.
Vadrevu, KP; Ellicott, E; Giglio, L; Badarinath, KVS; Vermote, E; Justice, C; Lau, WKM (2012). Vegetation fires in the himalayan region - Aerosol load, black carbon emissions and smoke plume heights. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 47, 241-251.
Loboda, TV; Hoy, EE; Giglio, L; Kasischke, ES (2011). Mapping burned area in Alaska using MODIS data: a data limitations-driven modification to the regional burned area algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 20(4), 487-496.
Boschetti, L; Roy, DP; Justice, CO; Giglio, L (2010). Global assessment of the temporal reporting accuracy and precision of the MODIS burned area product. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 19(6), 705-709.
Giglio, L, Randerson, JT, van der Werf, GR, Kasibhatla, PS, Collatz, GJ, Morton, DC, DeFries, RS (2010). Assessing variability and long-term trends in burned area by merging multiple satellite fire products. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 7(3), 1171-1186.
Schroeder, W, Csiszar, I, Giglio, L, Schmidt, CC (2010). "On the use of fire radiative power, area, and temperature estimates to characterize biomass burning via moderate to coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data in the Brazilian Amazon". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21121.
Schroeder, W; Csiszar, I; Giglio, L; Schmidt, CC (2010). On the use of fire radiative power, area, and temperature estimates to characterize biomass burning via moderate to coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data in the Brazilian Amazon. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21121.
van der Werf, GR; Randerson, JT; Giglio, L; Collatz, GJ; Mu, M; Kasibhatla, PS; Morton, DC; DeFries, RS; Jin, Y; van Leeuwen, TT (2010). Global fire emissions and the contribution of deforestation, savanna, forest, agricultural, and peat fires (1997-2009). ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 10(23), 11707-11735.
Giglio, L, Loboda, T, Roy, DP, Quayle, B, Justice, CO (2009). An active-fire based burned area mapping algorithm for the MODIS sensor. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(2), 408-420.
Soja, AJ, Al-Saadi, J, Giglio, L, Randall, D, Kittaka, C, Pouliot, G, Kordzi, JJ, Raffuse, S, Pace, TG, Pierce, TE, Moore, T, Roy, B, Pierce, RB, Szykman, JJ (2009). Assessing satellite-based fire data for use in the National Emissions Inventory. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 3, 31504.
van der Werf, GR, Morton, DC, DeFries, RS, Giglio, L, Randerson, JT, Collatz, GJ, Kasibhatla, PS (2009). Estimates of fire emissions from an active deforestation region in the southern Amazon based on satellite data and biogeochemical modelling. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 6(2), 235-249.
Chuvieco, E, Giglio, L, Justice, C (2008). Global characterization of fire activity: toward defining fire regimes from Earth observation data. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 14(7), 1488-1502.
Giglio, L, Csiszar, I, Restas, A, Morisette, JT, Schroeder, W, Morton, D, Justice, CO (2008). Active fire detection and characterization with the advanced spaceborne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(6), 3055-3063.
Ichoku, C, Giglio, L, Wooster, MJ, Remer, LA (2008). Global characterization of biomass-burning patterns using satellite measurements of fire radiative energy. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(6), 2950-2962.
Morton, DC, Defries, RS, Randerson, JT, Giglio, L, Schroeder, W, van Der Werf, GR (2008). Agricultural intensification increases deforestation fire activity in Amazonia. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 14(10), 2262-2275.
Schroeder, W, Prins, E, Giglio, L, Csiszar, I, Schmidt, C, Morisette, J, Morton, D (2008). Validation of GOES and MODIS active fire detection products using ASTER and ETM plus data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(5), 2711-2726.
Schroeder, W, Ruminski, M, Csiszar, I, Giglio, L, Prins, E, Schmidt, C, Morisette, J (2008). Validation analyses of an operational fire monitoring product: The Hazard Mapping System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 29(20), 6059-6066.
van der Werf, GR, Randerson, JT, Giglio, L, Gobron, N, Dolman, AJ (2008). Climate controls on the variability of fires in the tropics and subtropics. GLOBAL BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLES, 22(3), GB3028.
Giglio, L (2007). Characterization of the tropical diurnal fire cycle using VIRS and MODIS observations. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 108(4), 407-421.
Csiszar, IA, Morisette, JT, Giglio, L (2006). Validation of active fire detection from moderate-resolution satellite sensors: The MODIS example in northern Eurasia. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 44(7), 1757-1764.
Edwards, DP, Emmons, LK, Gille, JC, Chu, A, Attie, JL, Giglio, L, Wood, SW, Haywood, J, Deeter, MN, Massie, ST, Ziskin, DC, Drummond, JR (2006). Satellite-observed pollution from Southern Hemisphere biomass burning. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 111(D14), D14312.
Giglio, L, Csiszar, I, Justice, CO (2006). Global distribution and seasonality of active fires as observed with the Terra and Aqua Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensors. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 111(G2), G02016.
Giglio, L, van der Werf, GR, Randerson, JT, Collatz, GJ, Kasibhatla, P (2006). Global estimation of burned area using MODIS active fire observations. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 6, 957-974.
van der Werf, GR, Randerson, JT, Giglio, L, Collatz, GJ, Kasibhatla, PS, Arellano, AF (2006). Interannual variability in global biomass burning emissions from 1997 to 2004. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 6, 3423-3441.
Csiszar, I, Denis, L, Giglio, L, Justice, CO, Hewson, J (2005). Global fire activity from two years of MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 14(2), 117-130.
Morisette, JT, Giglio, L, Csiszar, I, Justice, CO (2005). Validation of the MODIS active fire product over Southern Africa with ASTER data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 26(19), 4239-4264.
Morisette, JT, Giglio, L, Csiszar, I, Setzer, A, Schroeder, W, Morton, D, Justice, CO (2005). Validation of MODIS active fire detection products derived from two algorithms. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 9, 9.
Schroeder, W, Morisette, JT, Csiszar, I, Giglio, L, Morton, D, Justice, CO (2005). Characterizing vegetation fire dynamics in Brazil through multisatellite data: Common trends and practical issues. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 9, 13.
Edwards, DP, Emmons, LK, Hauglustaine, DA, Chu, DA, Gille, JC, Kaufman, YJ, Petron, G, Yurganov, LN, Giglio, L, Deeter, MN, Yudin, V, Ziskin, DC, Warner, J, Lamarque, JF, Francis, GL, Ho, SP, Mao, D, Chen, J, Grechko, EI, Drummond, JR (2004). Observations of carbon monoxide and aerosols from the Terra satellite: Northern Hemisphere variability. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 109(D24), D24202.
Giglio, L, Descloitres, J, Justice, CO, Kaufman, YJ (2003). An enhanced contextual fire detection algorithm for MODIS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 87(3-Feb), 273-282.
Giglio, L, Justice, CO (2003). Effect of wavelength selection on characterization of fire size and temperature. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 24(17), 3515-3520.
Giglio, L, Kendall, JD, Mack, R (2003). A multi-year active fire dataset for the tropics derived from the TRMM VIRS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 24(22), 4505-4525.
Justice, CO, Giglio, L, Korontzi, S, Owens, J, Morisette, JT, Roy, D, Descloitres, J, Alleaume, S, Petitcolin, F, Kaufman, Y (2002). The MODIS fire products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 244-262.
Giglio, L, Kendall, JD (2001). Application of the Dozier retrieval to wildfire characterization - A sensitivity analysis. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 77(1), 34-49.
Roy, DP, Giglio, L, Kendall, JD, Justice, CO (1999). Multi-temporal active-fire based burn scar detection algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 20(5), 1031-1038.
Justice, CO, Vermote, E, Townshend, JRG, Defries, R, Roy, DP, Hall, DK, Salomonson, VV, Privette, JL, Riggs, G, Strahler, A, Lucht, W, Myneni, RB, Knyazikhin, Y, Running, SW, Nemani, RR, Wan, ZM, Huete, AR, van Leeuwen, W, Wolfe, RE, Giglio, L, Muller, JP, Lewis, P, Barnsley, MJ (1998). The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS): Land remote sensing for global change research. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 36(4), 1228-1249.
Kaufman, YJ, Justice, CO, Flynn, LP, Kendall, JD, Prins, EM, Giglio, L, Ward, DE, Menzel, WP, Setzer, AW (1998). Potential global fire monitoring from EOS-MODIS. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 103(D24), 32215-32238.