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Your search has returned 56 results.
Song, XP; Li, HJ; Potapov, P; Hansen, MC (2022). Annual 30 m soybean yield mapping in Brazil using long-term satellite observations, climate data and machine learning. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 326, 109186.
Hakimdavar, R; Hubbard, A; Policelli, F; Pickens, A; Hansen, M; Fatoyinbo, T; Lagomasino, D; Pahlevan, N; Unninayar, S; Kavvada, A; Carroll, M; Smith, B; Hurwitz, M; Wood, D; Uz, SS (2020). Monitoring Water-Related Ecosystems with Earth Observation Data in Support of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Reporting. REMOTE SENSING, 12(10), 1634.
Potapov, P; Hansen, MC; Kommareddy, I; Kommareddy, A; Turubanova, S; Pickens, A; Adusei, B; Tyukavina, A; Ying, Q (2020). Landsat Analysis Ready Data for Global Land Cover and Land Cover Change Mapping. REMOTE SENSING, 12(3), 426.
Potapov, P; Tyukavina, A; Turubanova, S; Talero, Y; Hernandez-Serna, A; Hansen, MC; Saah, D; Tenneson, K; Poortinga, A; Aekakkararungroj, A; Chishtie, F; Towashiraporn, P; Bhandari, B; Aung, KS; Nguyen, QH (2019). Annual continuous fields of woody vegetation structure in the Lower Mekong region from 2000-2017 Landsat time-series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 232, UNSP 111278.
Egorov, AV; Roy, DP; Zhang, HKK; Hansen, MC; Kommareddy, A (2018). Demonstration of Percent Tree Cover Mapping Using Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD) and Sensitivity with Respect to Landsat ARD Processing Level. REMOTE SENSING, 10(2), 209.
Khan, A; Hansen, MC; Potapov, PV; Adusei, B; Pickens, A; Krylov, A; Stehman, SV (2018). Evaluating Landsat and RapidEye Data for Winter Wheat Mapping and Area Estimation in Punjab, Pakistan. REMOTE SENSING, 10(4), 489.
King, L; Adusei, B; Stehman, SV; Potapov, PV; Song, XP; Krylov, A; Di Bella, C; Loveland, TR; Johnson, DM; Hansen, MC (2017). A multi-resolution approach to national-scale cultivated area estimation of soybean. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 13-29.
Song, XP; Potapov, PV; Krylov, A; King, L; Di Bella, CM; Hudson, A; Khan, A; Adusei, B; Stehman, SV; Hansen, MC (2017). National-scale soybean mapping and area estimation in the United States using medium resolution satellite imagery and field survey. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 383-395.
Hansen, MC; Krylov, A; Tyukavina, A; Potapov, PV; Turubanova, S; Zutta, B; Ifo, S; Margono, B; Stolle, F; Moore, R (2016). Humid tropical forest disturbance alerts using Landsat data. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 11(3), 34008.
Jantz, SM; Pintea, L; Nackoney, J; Hansen, MC (2016). Landsat ETM plus and SRTM Data Provide Near Real-Time Monitoring of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) Habitats in Africa. REMOTE SENSING, 8(5), 427.
Khan, A; Hansen, MC; Potapov, P; Stehman, SV; Chatta, AA (2016). Landsat-based wheat mapping in the heterogeneous cropping system of Punjab, Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 37(6), 1391-1410.
Fritz, Steffen; See, Linda; McCallum, Ian; You, Liangzhi; Bun, Andriy; Moltchanova, Elena; Duerauer, Martina; Albrecht, Fransizka; Schill, Christian; Perger, Christoph; Havlik, Petr; Mosnier, Aline; Thornton, Philip; Wood-Sichra, Ulrike; Herrero, Mario; Becker-Reshef, Inbal; Justice, Chris; Hansen, Matthew; Gong, Peng; Aziz, Sheta Abdel; Cipriani, Anna; Cumani, Renato; Cecchi, Giuliano; Conchedda, Giulia; Ferreira, Stefanus; Gomez, Adriana; Haffani, Myriam; Kayitakire, Francois; Malanding, Jaiteh; Mueller, Rick; Newby, Terence; Nonguierma, Andre; Olusegun, Adeaga; Ortner, Simone; Rajak, D. Ram; Rocha, Jansle; Schepaschenko, Dmitry; Schepaschenko, Maria; Terekhov, Alexey; Tiangwa, Alex; Vancutsem, Christelle; Vintrou, Elodie; Wu Wenbin; van der Velde, Marijn; Dunwoody, Antonia; Kraxner, Florian; Obersteiner, Michael (2015). Mapping global cropland and field size. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 21(5), 1980-1992.
Potapov, P. V.; Turubanova, S. A.; Tyukavina, A.; Krylov, A. M.; McCarty, J. L.; Radeloff, V. C.; Hansen, M. C. (2015). Eastern Europe's forest cover dynamics from 1985 to 2012 quantified from the full Landsat archive. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 159, 28-43.
Song, Xiao-Peng; Huang, Chengquan; Saatchi, Sassan S.; Hansen, Matthew C.; Townshend, John R. (2015). Annual Carbon Emissions from Deforestation in the Amazon Basin between 2000 and 2010. PLOS ONE, 10(5), e0126754.
Staver, A. Carla; Hansen, Matthew C. (2015). Analysis of stable states in global savannas: is the CART pulling the horse? - a comment. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 24(8), 985-987.
Staver, A. Carla; Hansen, Matthew C. (2015). Analysis of stable states in global savannas: is the CART pulling the horse? - a comment. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 24(8), 985-987.
Dempewolf, Jan; Adusei, Bernard; Becker-Reshef, Inbal; Hansen, Matthew; Potapov, Peter; Khan, Ahmad; Barker, Brian (2014). Wheat Yield Forecasting for Punjab Province from Vegetation Index Time Series and Historic Crop Statistics. REMOTE SENSING, 6(10), 9653-9675.
Krylov, Alexander; McCarty, Jessica L.; Potapov, Peter; Loboda, Tatiana; Tyukavina, Alexandra; Turubanova, Svetlana; Hansen, Matthew C. (2014). Remote sensing estimates of stand-replacement fires in Russia, 2002-2011. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 9(10), 105007.
Potapov, P. V.; Dempewolf, J.; Talero, Y.; Hansen, M. C.; Stehman, S. V.; Vargas, C.; Rojas, E. J.; Castillo, D.; Mendoza, E.; Calderon, A.; Giudice, R.; Malaga, N.; Zutta, B. R. (2014). National satellite-based humid tropical forest change assessment in Peru in support of REDD plus implementation. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 9(12), 124012.
Roy, D. P.; Qin, Y.; Kovalskyy, V.; Vermote, E. F.; Ju, J.; Egorov, A.; Hansen, M. C.; Kommareddy, I.; Yan, L. (2014). Conterminous United States demonstration and characterization of MODIS-based Landsat ETM plus atmospheric correction. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 140, 433-449.
Alpers, W; Brandt, P; Lazar, A; Dagorne, D; Sow, B; Faye, S; Hansen, MW; Rubino, A; Poulain, PM; Brehmer, P (2013). A small-scale oceanic eddy off the coast of West Africa studied by multi-sensor satellite and surface drifter data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 129, 132-143.
Broich, M; Hansen, M; Potapov, P; Wimberly, M (2013). Patterns of tree-cover loss along the Indonesia-Malaysia border on Borneo. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 34(16), 5748-5760.
Giree, N; Stehman, SV; Potapov, P; Hansen, MC (2013). A Sample-Based Forest Monitoring Strategy Using Landsat, AVHRR and MODIS Data to Estimate Gross Forest Cover Loss in Malaysia between 1990 and 2005. REMOTE SENSING, 5(4), 1842-1855.
Hansen, MC; Loveland, TR (2012). A review of large area monitoring of land cover change using Landsat data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 122, 66-74.
Potapov, PV; Turubanova, SA; Hansen, MC; Adusei, B; Broich, M; Altstatt, A; Mane, L; Justice, CO (2012). Quantifying forest cover loss in Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2000-2010, with Landsat ETM plus data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 122, 106-116.
Townshend, JR; Masek, JG; Huang, CQ; Vermote, EF; Gao, F; Channan, S; Sexton, JO; Feng, M; Narasimhan, R; Kim, D; Song, K; Song, DX; Song, XP; Noojipady, P; Tan, B; Hansen, MC; Li, MX; Wolfe, RE (2012). Global characterization and monitoring of forest cover using Landsat data: opportunities and challenges. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 5(5), 373-397.
Broich, M; Hansen, M; Stolle, F; Potapov, P; Margono, BA; Adusei, B (2011). Remotely sensed forest cover loss shows high spatial and temporal variation across Sumatera and Kalimantan, Indonesia 2000-2008. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 6(1), 14010.
Broich, M; Hansen, MC; Potapov, P; Adusei, B; Lindquist, E; Stehman, SV (2011). Time-series analysis of multi-resolution optical imagery for quantifying forest cover loss in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 13(2), 277-291.
Fritz, S; You, LZ; Bun, A; See, L; McCallum, I; Schill, C; Perger, C; Liu, JG; Hansen, M; Obersteiner, M (2011). Cropland for sub-Saharan Africa: A synergistic approach using five land cover data sets. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 38, L04404.
Hansen, MC; Egorov, A; Roy, DP; Potapov, P; Ju, JC; Turubanova, S; Kommareddy, I; Loveland, TR (2011). Continuous fields of land cover for the conterminous United States using Landsat data: first results from the Web-Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) project. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 2(4), 279-288.
Potapov, P; Hansen, MC; Gerrand, AM; Lindquist, EJ; Pittman, K; Turubanova, S; Wilkie, ML (2011). The global Landsat imagery database for the FAO FRA remote sensing survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 4(1), 2-21.
Potapov, P; Turubanova, S; Hansen, MC (2011). Regional-scale boreal forest cover and change mapping using Landsat data composites for European Russia. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(2), 548-561.
Stehman, SV; Hansen, MC; Broich, M; Potapov, PV (2011). Adapting a global stratified random sample for regional estimation of forest cover change derived from satellite imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(2), 650-658.
Hansen, MC, Stehman, SV, Potapov, PV (2010). Quantification of global gross forest cover loss. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 107(19), 8650-8655.
Roy, DP, Ju, JC, Kline, K, Scaramuzza, PL, Kovalskyy, V, Hansen, M, Loveland, TR, Vermote, E, Zhang, CS (2010). Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD): Landsat ETM plus composited mosaics of the conterminous United States. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 35-49.
Wulder, MA; White, JC; Gillis, MD; Walsworth, N; Hansen, MC; Potapov, P (2010). Multiscale satellite and spatial information and analysis framework in support of a large-area forest monitoring and inventory update. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 170(4-Jan), 417-433.
Potapov, P, Hansen, MC, Stehman, SV, Pittman, K, Turubanova, S (2009). Gross forest cover loss in temperate forests: biome-wide monitoring results using MODIS and Landsat data. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 3, 33569.
Hansen, MC, Roy, DP, Lindquist, E, Adusei, B, Justice, CO, Altstatt, A (2008). A method for integrating MODIS and Landsat data for systematic monitoring of forest cover and change in the Congo Basin. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(5), 2495-2513.
Hansen, MC, Shimabukuro, YE, Potapov, P, Pittman, K (2008). Comparing annual MODIS and PRODES forest cover change data for advancing monitoring of Brazilian forest cover. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(10), 3784-3793.
Hansen, MC, Stehman, SV, Potapov, PV, Loveland, TR, Townshend, JRG, DeFries, RS, Pittman, KW, Arunarwati, B, Stolle, F, Steininger, MK, Carroll, M, DiMiceli, C (2008). Humid tropical forest clearing from 2000 to 2005 quantified by using multitemporal and multiresolution remotely sensed data. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 105(27), 9439-9444.
Lindquist, EJ, Hansen, MC, Roy, DP, Justice, CO (2008). The suitability of decadal image data sets for mapping tropical forest cover change in the Democratic Republic of Congo: implications for the global land survey. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 29(24), 7269-7275.
Potapov, P, Hansen, MC, Stehman, SV, Loveland, TR, Pittman, K (2008). Combining MODIS and Landsat imagery to estimate and map boreal forest cover loss. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(9), 3708-3719.
Roy, DP, Ju, J, Lewis, P, Schaaf, C, Gao, F, Hansen, M, Lindquist, E (2008). "Multi-temporal MODIS-Landsat data fusion for relative radiometric normalization, gap filling, and prediction of Landsat data". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(6), 3112-3130.
Achard, F, DeFries, R, Eva, H, Hansen, M, Mayaux, P, Stibig, HJ (2007). Pan-tropical monitoring of deforestation. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2(4), 45022.
Chang, J, Hansen, MC, Pittman, K, Carroll, M, DiMiceli, C (2007). Corn and soybean mapping in the united states using MODN time-series data sets. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 99(6), 1654-1664.
Hansen, MC, Townshend, JRG, Defries, RS, Carroll, M (2005). "Estimation of tree cover using MODIS data at global, continental and regional/local scales". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 26(19), 4359-4380.
Morton, DC, DeFries, RS, Shimabukuro, YE, Anderson, LO, Espirito-Santo, FDB, Hansen, M, Carroll, M (2005). Rapid assessment of annual deforestaion in the Brazilian Amazon using MODIS data. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 9, 8.
Hansen, MC, DeFries, RS, Townshend, JRG, Carroll, M, Dimiceli, C, Sohlberg, RA (2003). Global Percent Tree Cover at a Spatial Resolution of 500 Meters: First Results of the MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields Algorithm. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 7, 10.
Morisette, JT, Nickeson, JE, Davis, P, Wang, YJ, Tian, YH, Woodcock, CE, Shabanov, N, Hansen, M, Cohen, WB, Oetter, DR, Kennedy, RE (2003). High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 88(2-Jan), 100-110.
Hansen, MC, DeFries, RS, Townshend, JRG, Marufu, L, Sohlberg, R (2002). "Development of a MODIS tree cover validation data set for Western Province, Zambia". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 320-335.
Hansen, MC, DeFries, RS, Townshend, JRG, Sohlberg, R, Dimiceli, C, Carroll, M (2002). Towards an operational MODIS continuous field of percent tree cover algorithm: examples using AVHRR and MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 303-319.
Zhan, X, Sohlberg, RA, Townshend, JRG, DiMiceli, C, Carroll, ML, Eastman, JC, Hansen, MC, DeFries, RS (2002). Detection of land cover changes using MODIS 250 m data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 336-350.
Hansen, MC, Defries, RS, Townshend, JRG, Sohlberg, R (2000). Global land cover classification at 1km spatial resolution using a classification tree approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1331-1364.
Teillet, PM, El Saleous, N, Hansen, MC, Eidenshink, JC, Justice, CO, Townshend, JRG (2000). An evaluation of the global 1-km AVHRR land dataset. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(10), 1987-2021.
Zhan, X, Defries, R, Townshend, JRG, Dimiceli, C, Hansen, M, Huang, C, Sohlberg, R (2000). The 250 m global land cover change product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer of NASA's Earth Observing System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 21(7-Jun), 1433-1460.
De Fries, RS, Hansen, M, Townshend, JRG, Sohlberg, R (1998). Global land cover classifications at 8 km spatial resolution: the use of training data derived from Landsat imagery in decision tree classifiers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 19(16), 3141-3168.