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Your search has returned 20 results.
Kong, J; Ryu, Y; Jeong, S; Zhong, ZL; Choi, W; Kim, J; Lee, K; Lim, J; Jang, K; Chun, J; Kim, KM; Houborg, R (2023). Super resolution of historic Landsat imagery using a dual generative adversarial network (GAN) model with CubeSat constellation imagery for spatially enhanced long-term vegetation monitoring. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 200, 1-23.
Johansen, K; Ziliani, MG; Houborg, R; Franz, TE; McCabe, MF (2022). CubeSat constellations provide enhanced crop phenology and digital agricultural insights using daily leaf area index retrievals. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12(1), 5244.
Kong, J; Ryu, Y; Liu, JG; Dechant, B; Rey-Sanchez, C; Shortt, R; Szutu, D; Verfaillie, J; Houborg, R; Baldocchi, DD (2022). Matching high resolution satellite data and flux tower footprints improves their agreement in photosynthesis estimates. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 316, 108878.
Nieto, L; Houborg, R; Zajdband, A; Jumpasut, A; Prasad, PVV; Olson, BJSC; Ciampitti, IA (2022). Impact of High-Cadence Earth Observation in Maize Crop Phenology Classification. REMOTE SENSING, 14(3), 469.
Kong, JW; Ryu, Y; Huang, Y; Dechant, B; Houborg, R; Guan, KY; Zhu, XL (2021). Evaluation of four image fusion NDVI products against in-situ spectral-measurements over a heterogeneous rice paddy landscape. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 297, 108255.
Roy, DP; Huang, HY; Houborg, R; Martins, VS (2021). A global analysis of the temporal availability of PlanetScope high spatial resolution multi-spectral imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 264, 112586.
Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2018). A Cubesat enabled Spatio-Temporal Enhancement Method (CESTEM) utilizing Planet, Landsat and MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 209, 211-226.
Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2018). Daily Retrieval of NDVI and LAI at 3 m Resolution via the Fusion of CubeSat, Landsat, and MODIS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 890.
Lopez, O; Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2017). Evaluating the hydrological consistency of evaporation products using satellite-based gravity and rainfall data. HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, 21(1), 323-343.
Rosas, J; Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2017). Sensitivity of Landsat 8 Surface Temperature Estimates to Atmospheric Profile Data: A Study Using MODTRAN in Dryland Irrigated Systems. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 988.
Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2016). High-Resolution NDVI from Planet's Constellation of Earth Observing Nano-Satellites: A New Data Source for Precision Agriculture. REMOTE SENSING, 8(9), 768.
Houborg, R; McCabe, MF; Gao, F (2016). A Spatio-Temporal Enhancement Method for medium resolution LAI (STEM-LAI). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 47, 15-29.
Gao, Feng; Anderson, Martha C.; Kustas, William P.; Houborg, Rasmus (2014). Retrieving Leaf Area Index From Landsat Using MODIS LAI Products and Field Measurements. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 11(4), 773-777.
Houborg, R; Anderson, MC; Daughtry, CST; Kustas, WP; Rodell, M (2011). Using leaf chlorophyll to parameterize light-use-efficiency within a thermal-based carbon, water and energy exchange model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(7), 1694-1705.
Houborg, R, Anderson, M, Daughtry, C (2009). Utility of an image-based canopy reflectance modeling tool for remote estimation of LAI and leaf chlorophyll content at the field scale. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113(1), 259-274.
Houborg, R, Anderson, MC (2009). Utility of an image-based canopy reflectance modeling tool for remote estimation of LAI and leaf chlorophyll content at regional scales. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 3, 33529.
Houborg, R, Boegh, E (2008). Mapping leaf chlorophyll and leaf area index using inverse and forward canopy reflectance modeling and SPOT reflectance data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(1), 186-202.
Houborg, R, Soegaard, H, Boegh, E (2007). Combining vegetation index and model inversion methods for the extraction of key vegetation biophysical parameters using Terra and Aqua MODIS reflectance data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 106(1), 39-58.
Houborg, R, Soegaard, H, Emmerich, W, Moran, S (2007). Inferences of all-sky solar irradiance using Terra and Aqua MODIS satellite data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(20), 4509-4535.
Houborg, RM, Soegaard, H (2004). "Regional simulation of ecosystem CO2 and water vapor exchange for agricultural land using NOAA AVHRR and Terra MODIS satellite data. Application to Zealand, Denmark". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 93(2-Jan), 150-167.