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Your search has returned 5 results.
Santek, D; Nebuda, S; Stettner, D (2019). Demonstration and Evaluation of 3D Winds Generated by Tracking Features in Moisture and Ozone Fields Derived from AIRS Sounding Retrievals. REMOTE SENSING, 11(22), 2597.
Li, S; Sun, DL; Goldberg, MD; Sjoberg, B; Santek, D; Hoffman, JP; DeWeese, M; Restrepo, P; Lindsey, S; Holloway, E (2018). Automatic near real-time flood detection using Suomi-NPP/VIIRS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 204, 672-689.
Santek, D (2010). The Impact of Satellite-Derived Polar Winds on Lower-Latitude Forecasts. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 138(1), 123-139.
Santek, DA, Winguth, A (2007). A satellite view of internal waves induced by the Indian Ocean tsunami. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(13-14), 2927-2936.
Key, JR, Santek, D, Velden, CS, Bormann, N, Thepaut, JN, Riishojgaard, LP, Zhu, YQ, Menzel, WP (2003). Cloud-drift and water vapor winds in the polar regions from MODIS. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 41(2), 482-492.