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Your search has returned 32 results.
Tang, XJ; Woodcock, CE; Olofsson, P; Hutyra, LR (2021). Spatiotemporal assessment of land use/land cover change and associated carbon emissions and uptake in the Mekong River Basin. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 256, 112336.
Zhang, YL; Song, CH; Hwang, T; Novick, K; Coulston, JW; Vose, J; Dannenberg, MP; Hakkenberg, CR; Mao, JF; Woodcock, CE (2021). Land cover change-induced decline in terrestrial gross primary production over the conterminous United States from 2001 to 2016. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 308, 108609.
Qiu, S; Zhu, Z; Woodcock, CE (2020). Cirrus clouds that adversely affect Landsat 8 images: What are they and how to detect them?. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 246, 111884.
Tang, XJ; Bullock, EL; Olofsson, P; Woodcock, CE (2020). Can VIIRS continue the legacy of MODIS for near real-time monitoring of tropical forest disturbance?. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 249, 112024.
Woodcock, CE; Loveland, TR; Herold, M; Bauer, ME (2020). Transitioning from change detection to monitoring with remote sensing: A paradigm shift. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 238, 111558.
Tang, XJ; Bullock, EL; Olofsson, P; Estel, S; Woodcock, CE (2019). Near real-time monitoring of tropical forest disturbance: New algorithms and assessment framework. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 224, 202-218.
Zhu, Z; Fu, YC; Woodcock, CE; Olofsson, P; Vogelmann, JE; Holden, C; Wang, M; Dai, S; Yu, Y (2016). Including land cover change in analysis of greenness trends using all available Landsat 5, 7, and 8 images: A case study from Guangzhou, China (2000-2014). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 185, 243-257.
Zhu, Zhe; Woodcock, Curtis E.; Holden, Christopher; Yang, Zhiqiang (2015). Generating synthetic Landsat images based on all available Landsat data: Predicting Landsat surface reflectance at any given time. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 162, 67-83.
Wang, Zhuosen; Schaaf, Crystal B.; Strahler, Alan H.; Chopping, Mark J.; Roman, Miguel O.; Shuai, Yanmin; Woodcock, Curtis E.; Hollinger, David Y.; Fitzjarrald, David R. (2014). Evaluation of MODIS albedo product (MCD43A) over grassland, agriculture and forest surface types during dormant and snow-covered periods. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 140, 60-77.
Zhu, Zhe; Woodcock, Curtis E. (2014). Continuous change detection and classification of land cover using all available Landsat data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 144, 152-171.
Xin, QC; Olofsson, P; Zhu, Z; Tan, B; Woodcock, CE (2013). Toward near real-time monitoring of forest disturbance by fusion of MODIS and Landsat data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 135, 234-247.
Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Chopping, MJ; Strahler, AH; Wang, JD; Roman, MO; Rocha, AV; Woodcock, CE; Shuai, YM (2012). Evaluation of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow albedo product (MCD43A) over tundra. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 117, 264-280.
Xin, QC; Woodcock, CE; Liu, JC; Tan, B; Melloh, RA; Davis, RE (2012). View angle effects on MODIS snow mapping in forests. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 118, 50-59.
Zhu, Z; Woodcock, CE (2012). Object-based cloud and cloud shadow detection in Landsat imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 118, 83-94.
Sulla-Menashe, D; Friedl, MA; Krankina, ON; Baccini, A; Woodcock, CE; Sibley, A; Sun, GQ; Kharuk, V; Elsakov, V (2011). Hierarchical mapping of Northern Eurasian land cover using MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 115(2), 392-403.
Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB, Lewis, P, Gao, F, Anderson, GP, Privette, JL, Strahler, AH, Woodcock, CE, Barnsley, M (2010). Assessing the coupling between surface albedo derived from MODIS and the fraction of diffuse skylight over spatially-characterized landscapes. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 738-760.
Herold, M, Mayaux, P, Woodcock, CE, Baccini, A, Schmullius, C (2008). Some challenges in global land cover mapping: An assessment of agreement and accuracy in existing 1 km datasets. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 112(5), 2538-2556.
Liu, JC, Melloh, RA, Woodcock, CE, Davis, RE, Painter, TH, Mckenzie, C (2008). Modeling the View Angle Dependence of Gap Fractions in Forest Canopies: Implications for Mapping Fractional Snow Cover Using Optical Remote Sensing. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 9(5), 1005-1019.
Baccini, A, Friedl, MA, Woodcock, CE, Zhu, Z (2007). Scaling field data to calibrate and validate moderate spatial resolution remote sensing models. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 73(8), 945-954.
Ozdogan, M, Woodcock, CE (2006). Resolution dependent errors in remote sensing of cultivated areas. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 103(2), 203-217.
Tan, B, Woodcock, CE, Hu, J, Zhang, P, Ozdogan, M, Huang, D, Yang, W, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2006). "The impact of gridding artifacts on the local spatial properties of MODIS data: Implications for validation, compositing, and band-to-band registration across resolutions". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 105(2), 98-114.
Wang, YJ, Woodcock, CE, Buermann, W, Stenberg, P, Voipio, P, Smolander, H, Hame, T, Tian, YH, Hu, JN, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2004). Evaluation of the MODIS LAI algorithm at a coniferous forest site in Finland. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 91(1), 114-127.
Jin, YF, Schaaf, CB, Woodcock, CE, Gao, F, Li, XW, Strahler, AH, Lucht, W, Liang, SL (2003). Consistency of MODIS surface bidirectional reflectance distribution function and albedo retrievals: 2. Validation. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 108(D5), 4159.
Morisette, JT, Nickeson, JE, Davis, P, Wang, YJ, Tian, YH, Woodcock, CE, Shabanov, N, Hansen, M, Cohen, WB, Oetter, DR, Kennedy, RE (2003). High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA Scientific Data Purchase. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 88(2-Jan), 100-110.
Schneider, A, Friedl, MA, Mciver, DK, Woodcock, CE (2003). Mapping urban areas by fusing multiple sources of coarse resolution remotely sensed data. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 69(12), 1377-1386.
Friedl, MA, McIver, DK, Hodges, JCF, Zhang, XY, Muchoney, D, Strahler, AH, Woodcock, CE, Gopal, S, Schneider, A, Cooper, A, Baccini, A, Gao, F, Schaaf, C (2002). Global land cover mapping from MODIS: algorithms and early results. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(2-Jan), 287-302.
Tian, YH, Woodcock, CE, Wang, YJ, Privette, JL, Shabanov, NV, Zhou, LM, Zhang, Y, Buermann, W, Dong, JR, Veikkanen, B, Hame, T, Andersson, K, Ozdogan, M, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2002). Multiscale analysis and validation of the MODIS LAI product - I. Uncertainty assessment. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(3), 414-430.
Tian, YH, Woodcock, CE, Wang, YJ, Privette, JL, Shabanova, NV, Zhou, LM, Zhang, Y, Buermann, W, Dong, JR, Veikkanen, B, Hame, T, Andersson, K, Ozdogan, M, Knyazikhin, Y, Myneni, RB (2002). Multiscale analysis and validation of the MODIS LAI product - II. Sampling strategy. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 83(3), 431-441.
PaxLenney, M, Woodcock, CE (1997). The effect of spatial resolution on the ability on to monitor the status of agricultural lands. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 61(2), 210-220.
Li, XW, Ni, WG, Hu, BX, Woodcock, C, Strahler, A (1996). Decoupling path-scattering of light in a homogeneous layer and multiple bouncing at its non-Lambertian bottom. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 39(6), 656-669.
Moody, A, Woodcock, CE (1995). The influence of scale and the spatial characteristics of landscapes on land-cover mapping using remote sensing. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 10(6), 363-379.