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Gowda, PH, Chavez, JL, Colaizzi, PD, Evett, SR, Howell, TA, Tolk, JA (2007). Remote sensing based energy balance algorithms for mapping ET: Current status and future challenges. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASABE, 50(5), 1639-1644.
Shi, Z, Ruecker, GR, Mueller, M, Conrad, C, Ibragimov, N, Lamers, JPA, Martius, C, Strunz, G, Dech, S, Vlek, PLG (2007). Modeling of cotton yields in the amu darya river floodplains of Uzbekistan integrating multitemporal remote sensing and minimum field data. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 99(5), 1317-1326.
Tian, J, Chen, DM (2007). "Evaluating Satellite-Based Measurements for Mapping Air Quality in Ontario, Canada". JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATICS, 10(1), 30-36.
Kharol, SK, Badarinath, KVS (2007). "Effect of synoptic meteorological conditions on aerosol properties over urban environment: A study over tropical urban region of Hyderabad, India". ACTA GEOPHYSICA, 55(3), 383-397.
Yan, H, Yang, S (2007). A MODIS dual spectral rain algorithm. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 46(9), 1305-1323.
Melesse, AM, Nangia, V, Wang, XX, McClain, M (2007). Wetland restoration response analysis using MODIS and groundwater data. SENSORS, 7(9), 1916-1933.
Wang, L, Cao, C, Ciren, P (2007). Assessing NOAA-16 HIRS radiance accuracy using simultaneous nadir overpass observations from AIRS. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 24(9), 1546-1561.
Reverdin, G, Blouch, P, Boutin, J, Niiler, PP, Rolland, J, Scuba, W, Lourenco, A, Rios, AF (2007). Surface salinity measurements - COSMOS 2005 experiment in the Bay of Biscay. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 24(9), 1643-1654.
Prasad, AK, Singh, S, Chauhan, SS, Srivastava, MK, Singh, RP, Singh, R (2007). Aerosol radiative forcing over the Indo-Gangetic plains during major dust storms. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(29), 6289-6301.
Kokhanovsky, AA, Breon, FM, Cacciari, A, Carboni, E, Diner, D, Di Nicolantonio, W, Grainger, RG, Grey, WMF, Holler, R, Lee, KH, Li, Z, North, PRJ, Sayer, AM, Thomas, GE, von Hoyningen-Huene, W (2007). Aerosol remote sensing over land: A comparison of satellite retrievals using different algorithms and instruments. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 85(4-Mar), 372-394.
Guo, JT, Fu, G, Li, ZL, Shao, LM, Duan, YH, Wang, JG (2007). Analyses and numerical modeling of a polar low over the Japan Sea on 19 December 2003. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 85(4-Mar), 395-412.
Powers, JG (2007). Numerical prediction of an antarctic severe wind event with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 135(9), 3134-3157.
Lazarus, SM, Calvert, CG, Splitt, ME, Santos, P, Sharp, DW, Blottman, PF, Spratt, SM (2007). "Real-time, high-resolution, space-time analysis of sea surface temperatures from multiple platforms". MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 135(9), 3158-3173.
Sun, JQ, Xiong, XX (2007). MODIS polarization-sensitivity analysis. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(9), 2875-2885.
Yang, P, Zhang, L, Hong, G, Nasiri, SL, Baum, BA, Huang, HL, King, MD, Platnick, S (2007). Differences between collection 4 and 5 MODIS ice cloud optical/microphysical products and their impact on radiative forcing simulations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(9), 2886-2899.
Haines, SL, Jedlovec, GJ, Lazarus, SM (2007). "A MODIS sea surface temperature, composite for regional applications". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(9), 2919-2927.
Bocco, W, Ovando, G, Sayago, S, Willington, E (2007). Neural network models for land cover classification from satellite images. AGRICULTURA TECNICA, 67(4), 414-421.
Achard, F, DeFries, R, Eva, H, Hansen, M, Mayaux, P, Stibig, HJ (2007). Pan-tropical monitoring of deforestation. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2(4), 45022.
Houghton, RA, Butman, D, Bunn, AG, Krankina, ON, Schlesinger, P, Stone, TA (2007). Mapping Russian forest biomass with data from satellites and forest inventories. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2(4), 45032.
Tullis, JA, Cothren, JD, Irwin, DE, Yeager, CP, Limp, WF, Wilson, JM, Gorham, BE, Ogle, S (2007). Yearly extraction of central America's land cover for carbon flux monitoring. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 44(4), 334-355.
Biradar, CM, Thenkabail, PS, Islam, MA, Anputhas, M, Tharme, R, Vithanage, J, Alankara, R, Gunasinghe, S (2007). Establishing the best spectral bands and timing of imagery for land use-land cover (LULC) class separability using Landsat ETM+ and Terra MODIS data. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 33(5), 431-444.
Wang, Y, Lu, D, Huo, J (2007). Determination of the optical thickness and effective particle radius of clouds from transmitted solar radiation measurements. PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE, 17(10), 1199-1207.
Liu, CH (2007). Error propagation from aerosol retrieval to atmospheric correction due to adjacency effect for FORMOSAT-2 RSI band. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 18(4), 827-841.
Tripathi, SN, Pattnaik, A, Dey, S (2007). Aerosol indirect effect over Indo-Gangetic plain. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(33), 7037-7047.
Wang, LL, Xin, JY, Wang, YS, Li, ZQ, Liu, GR, Li, J (2007). Evaluation of the MODIS aerosol optical depth retrieval over different ecosystems in China during EAST-AIRE. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(33), 7138-7149.
Hassan, QK, Bourque, CPA, Meng, FR, Cox, RM (2007). A wetness index using terrain-corrected surface temperature and normalized difference vegetation index derived from standard MODIS products: An evaluation of its use in a humid forest-dominated region of eastern Canada. SENSORS, 7(10), 2028-2048.
Berberoglu, S, Evrendilek, F, Ozkan, C, Donmez, C (2007). Modeling forest productivity using envisat MERIS data. SENSORS, 7(10), 2115-2127.
Hermance, JF, Jacob, RW, Bradley, BA, Mustard, JF (2007). Extracting phenological signals from multiyear AVHRR NDVI time series: Framework for applying high-order annual splines with roughness damping. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(10), 3264-3276.
Liang, SL, Zheng, T, Wang, DD, Wang, KC, Liu, RG, Tsay, SC, Running, S, Townshend, J (2007). Mapping high-resolution incident photosynthetically active radiation over land from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellite data. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 73(10), 1085-1089.
Schreiner, AJ, Ackerman, SA, Baum, BA, Heidinger, AK (2007). A multispectral technique for detecting low-level cloudiness near sunrise. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 24(10), 1800-1810.
Madsen, J, Tamstorf, M, Klaassen, M, Eide, N, Glahder, C, Riget, F, Nyegaard, H, Cottaar, F (2007). Effects of snow cover on the timing and success of reproduction in high-Arctic pink-footed geese Anser brachyrhynchus. POLAR BIOLOGY, 30(11), 1363-1372.
Chang, J, Hansen, MC, Pittman, K, Carroll, M, DiMiceli, C (2007). Corn and soybean mapping in the united states using MODN time-series data sets. AGRONOMY JOURNAL, 99(6), 1654-1664.
Du, Y, Xie, ZQ, Zeng, Y, Shi, YF, Wu, JG (2007). Impact of urban expansion on regional temperature change in the Yangtze River Delta. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 17(4), 387-398.
Feldman, MS, Howard, T, McDonald-Buller, E, Mullins, G, Allen, DT, Webb, A, Kimura, Y (2007). Applications of satellite remote sensing data for estimating dry deposition in eastern Texas. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(35), 7562-7576.
Jin, X, Hanesiak, JM, Barber, DG (2007). Time series of daily averaged cloud fractions over landfast first-year sea ice from multiple data sources. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 46(11), 1818-1827.
Hong, G, Yang, P, Gao, BC, Baum, BA, Hu, YX, King, MD, Platnick, S (2007). High cloud properties from three years of MODIS Terra and Aqua collection-4 data over the Tropics. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 46(11), 1840-1856.
Thenkabail, PS, Biradar, CM, Noojipady, P, Cai, XL, Dheeravath, V, Li, YJ, Velpuri, M, Gumma, M, Pandey, S (2007). Sub-pixel area calculation methods for estimating irrigated areas. SENSORS, 7(11), 2519-2538.
Matsushita, B, Yang, W, Chen, J, Onda, Y, Qiu, GY (2007). Sensitivity of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to topographic effects: A case study in high-density cypress forest. SENSORS, 7(11), 2636-2651.
Kaskaoutis, DG, Kosmopoulos, P, Kambezidis, HD, Nastos, PT (2007). "Aerosol climatology and discrimination of different types over Athens, Greece, based on MODIS data". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(34), 7315-7329.
Liu, Y, Koutrakis, P, Kahn, R, Turquety, S, Yantosca, RM (2007). Estimating fine particulate matter component concentrations and size distributions using satellite-retrieved fractional aerosol optical depth: Part 2 - A case study. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, 57(11), 1360-1369.
Zhou, Y, Zhu, Q, Chen, JM, Wang, YQ, Liu, J, Sun, R, Tang, S (2007). "Observation and simulation of net primary productivity in Qilian Mountain, western China". JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 85(3), 574-584.
Tang, S, Chen, JM, Zhu, Q, Li, X, Chen, M, Sun, R, Zhou, Y, Deng, F, Xie, D (2007). LAI inversion algorithm based on directional reflectance kernels. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 85(3), 638-648.
Liu, R, Chen, JM, Liu, J, Deng, F, Sun, R (2007). Application of a new leaf area index algorithm to China's landmass using MODIS data for carbon cycle research. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 85(3), 649-658.
Rigo, G, Parlow, E (2007). Modelling the ground heat flux of an urban area using remote sensing data. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 90(4-Mar), 185-199.
Langner, A, Miettinen, J, Siegert, F (2007). Land cover change 2002-2005 in Borneo and the role of fire derived from MODIS imagery. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13(11), 2329-2340.
Jin, ML, Shepherd, JM, Peters-Lidard, C (2007). Development of a parameterization for simulating the urban temperature hazard using satellite observations in climate model. NATURAL HAZARDS, 43(2), 257-271.
Sun, DL, Kafatos, M, Cervone, G, Boybeyi, Z, Yang, RX (2007). Satellite microwave detected SST anomalies and hurricane intensification. NATURAL HAZARDS, 43(2), 273-284.
Adamo, M, De Carolis, G, Morelli, S (2007). Comparison of MODIS and ETA profiles of atmospheric parameters in coastal zones with radiosonde data. NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA C-GEOPHYSICS AND SPACE PHYSICS, 30(3), 255-275.
Rizzoli, A, Neteler, M, Rosa, R, Versini, W, Cristofolini, A, Bregoli, M, Buckley, A, Gould, EA (2007). "Early detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus spatial distribution and activity in the province of Trento, northern Italy". GEOSPATIAL HEALTH, 1(2), 169-176.
Studer, S, Stockli, R, Appenzeller, C, Vidale, PL (2007). A comparative study of satellite and ground-based phenology. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 51(5), 405-414.
Hong, G, Yang, P, Huang, HL, Baum, BA, Hu, YX, Platnick, S (2007). The sensitivity of ice cloud optical and microphysical passive satellite retrievals to cloud geometrical thickness. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(5), 1315-1323.
Nicholls, SD, Young, GS (2007). Dendritic patterns in tropical cumulus: An observational analysis. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 135(5), 1994-2005.
He, XQ, Pan, DL, Bai, Y, Zhu, QK, Gong, F (2007). Vector radiative transfer numerical model of coupled ocean-atmosphere system using matrix-operator method. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 50(3), 442-452.
Weaver, C, da Silva, A, Chin, M, Ginoux, P, Dubovik, O, Flittner, D, Zia, A, Remer, L, Holben, B, Gregg, W (2007). Direct insertion of MODIS radiances in a global aerosol transport model. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 64(3), 808-826.
Khlopenkov, KV, Trishchenko, AP (2007). "SPARC: New cloud, snow, and cloud shadow detection scheme for historical 1-km AVHHR data over Canada". JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 24(3), 322-343.
Chiriaco, M, Chepfer, H, Minnis, P, Haeffelin, M, Platnick, S, Baumgardner, D, Dubuisson, P, McGill, M, Noel, V, Pelon, J, Spangenberg, D, Sun-Mack, S, Wind, G (2007). "Comparison of CALIPSO-like, LaRC, and MODIS retrievals of ice-cloud properties over SIRTA in France and Florida during CRYSTAL-FACE". JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 46(3), 249-272.
Miglietta, F, Gioli, B, Hutjes, RWA, Reichstein, M (2007). "Net regional ecosystem CO2 exchange from airborne and ground-based eddy covariance, land-use maps and weather observations". GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13(3), 548-560.
Reichstein, M, Ciais, P, Papale, D, Valentini, R, Running, S, Viovy, N, Cramer, W, Granier, A, Ogee, J, Allard, V, Aubinet, M, Bernhofer, C, Buchmann, N, Carrara, A, Grunwald, T, Heimann, M, Heinesch, B, Knohl, A, Kutsch, W, Loustau, D, Manca, G, Matteucci, G, Miglietta, F, Ourcival, JM, Pilegaard, K, Pumpanen, J, Rambal, S, Schaphoff, S, Seufert, G, Soussana, JF, Sanz, MJ, Vesala, T, Zhao, M (2007). "Reduction of ecosystem productivity and respiration during the European summer 2003 climate anomaly: a joint flux tower, remote sensing and modelling analysis". GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13(3), 634-651.
Fisher, JI, Richardson, AD, Mustard, JF (2007). Phenology model from surface meteorology does not capture satellite-based greenup estimations. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 13(3), 707-721.
Yin, DZ, Nickovic, S, Sprigg, WA (2007). The impact of using different land cover data on wind-blown desert dust modeling results in the southwestern United States. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(10), 2214-2224.
Tzortziou, M, Subramaniam, A, Herman, JR, Gallegos, CL, Neale, PJ, Harding, LW (2007). Remote sensing reflectance and inherent optical properties in the mid Chesapeake Bay. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 72(2-Jan), 16-32.
Liu, ZY, Huang, JF, Wu, XH, Dong, YP (2007). Comparison of vegetation indices and red-edge parameters for estimating grassland cover from canopy reflectance data. JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY, 49(3), 299-306.
Kim, SW, Yoon, SC, Kim, J, Kim, SY (2007). "Seasonal and monthly variations of columnar aerosol optical properties over east Asia determined from multi-year MODIS, LIDAR, and AERONET Sun/sky radiometer measurements". ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(8), 1634-1651.
Fensholt, R, Anyamba, A, Stisen, S, Sandholt, I, Pak, E, Small, J (2007). Comparisons of compositing period length for vegetation index data from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites for the cloud-prone region of West Africa. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 73(3), 297-309.
Gilbert, M, Xiao, XM, Chaitaweesub, P, Kalpravidh, W, Premashthira, S, Boles, S, Slingenbergh, J (2007). "Avian influenza, domestic ducks and rice agriculture in Thailand". AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT, 119(4-Mar), 409-415.
Yi, YH, Yang, DW, Chen, DY, Huang, JF (2007). Retrieving crop physiological parameters and assessing water deficiency using MODIS data during the winter wheat growing period. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 33(3), 189-202.
Mao, KB, Shi, JC, Li, ZL, Qin, ZH, Li, MC, Xu, B (2007). A physics-based statistical algorithm for retrieving land surface temperature from AMSR-E passive microwave data. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 50(7), 1115-1120.
Cermak, J, Bendix, J (2007). Dynamical nighttime fog/low stratus detection based on meteosat SEVIRI data: A feasibility study. PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 164(7-Jun), 1179-1192.
Ghulam, A, Qin, QM, Teyip, T, Li, ZL (2007). Modified perpendicular drought index (MPDI): a real-time drought monitoring method. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 62(2), 150-164.
Grigera, G, Oesterheld, M, Pacin, F (2007). Monitoring forage production for farmers' decision making. AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS, 94(3), 637-648.
Uhlenbrock, NL, Bedka, KM, Feltz, WF, Ackerman, SA (2007). Mountain wave signatures in MODIS 6.7-mu m imagery and their relation to pilot reports of turbulence. WEATHER AND FORECASTING, 22(3), 662-670.
Syvitski, JPM, Saito, Y (2007). Morphodynamics of deltas under the influence of humans. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 57(4-Mar), 261-282.
Wang, LL, Xin, JY, Wang, YS, Li, ZQ, Wang, PC, Liu, GR, Wen, TX (2007). Validation of MODIS aerosol products by CSHNET over china. CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 52(12), 1708-1718.
Zhou, KF, Zhang, Q, Chen, X, Sun, L (2007). Features and trends of the environmental change in the arid areas in Central Asia. SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES, 50, 142-148.
Takata, Y, Funakawa, S, Akshalov, K, Ishida, N, Kosaki, T (2007). Spatial prediction of soil organic matter in northern Kazakhstan based on topographic and vegetation information. SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 53(3), 289-299.
Oey, LY, Ezer, T, Hu, CM, Muller-Karger, FE (2007). "Baroclinic tidal flows and inundation processes in Cook Inlet, Alaska: numerical modeling and satellite observations". OCEAN DYNAMICS, 57(3), 205-221.
Zoran, M, Weber, C (2007). Use of multi-temporal and multispectral satellite data for urban change detection analysis. JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS, 9(6), 1926-1932.
Lee, KH, Kim, YJ, von Hoyningen-Huene, W, Burrow, JP (2007). Spatio-temporal variability of satellite-derived aerosol optical thickness over Northeast Asia in 2004. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(19), 3959-3973.
Senay, GB, Budde, M, Verdin, JP, Melesse, AM (2007). A coupled remote sensing and simplified surface energy balance approach to estimate actual evapotranspiration from irrigated fields. SENSORS, 7(6), 979-1000.
Carrier, M, Zou, X, Lapenta, WM (2007). Identifying cloud-uncontaminated AIRS spectra from cloudy FOV based on cloud-top pressure and weighting functions. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW, 135(6), 2278-2294.
Voigt, S, Kemper, T, Riedlinger, T, Kiefl, R, Scholte, K, Mehl, H (2007). Satellite image analysis for disaster and crisis-management support. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(6), 1520-1528.
Hook, SJ, Vaughan, RG, Tonooka, H, Schladow, SG (2007). "Absolute radiometric in-flight validation of mid infrared and thermal infrared data from ASTER and MODIS on the terra spacecraft using the Lake Tahoe, CA/NV, USA, automated validation site". IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(6), 1798-1807.
Garrigues, S, Allard, D, Baret, F (2007). Using first- and second-order variograms for characterizing landscape spatial structures from remote sensing imagery. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(6), 1823-1834.
Gao, BC, Montes, MJ, Li, RR, Dierssen, HM, Davis, CO (2007). An atmospheric correction algorithm for remote sensing of bright coastal waters using MODIS land and ocean channels in the solar spectral region. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(6), 1835-1843.
Rakwatin, P, Takeuchi, W, Yasuoka, Y (2007). Stripe noise reduction in MODIS data by combining histogram matching with facet filter. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(6), 1844-1856.
Saarikoski, S, Sillanpaa, M, Sofiev, M, Timonen, H, Saarnio, K, Teinela, K, Karppinen, A, Kukkonen, J, Hillamo, R (2007). Chemical composition of aerosols during a major biomass burning episode over northern Europe in spring 2006: Experimental and modelling assessments. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(17), 3577-3589.
Sivanpillai, R, Latchininsky, AV (2007). "Mapping locust habitats in the Amudarya River Delta, Uzbekistan with multi-temporal MODIS imagery". ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 39(6), 876-886.
Ishizaka, J, Siswanto, E, Itoh, T, Murakami, H, Yaniaguchi, Y, Horimoto, N, Ishimaru, T, Hashimoto, S, Saino, T (2007). "Verification of vertically generalized production model and estimation of primary production in Sagami Bay, Japan". JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 63(3), 517-524.
Allen, RG, Tasumi, M, Trezza, R (2007). Satellite-based energy balance for mapping evapotranspiration with internalized calibration (METRIC) - Model. JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING-ASCE, 133(4), 380-394.
Osborne, SR, Haywood, JM, Bellouin, N (2007). In situ and remote-sensing measurements of the mean microphysical and optical properties of industrial pollution aerosol during ADRIEX. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 133, 17-32.
Zheng, DL, Heath, LS, Ducey, MJ (2007). "Forest biomass estimated from MODIS and FIA data in the Lake States: MN, WI and MI, USA". FORESTRY, 80(3), 265-278.
Sun, JQ, Xiong, XX, Barnes, WL, Guenther, B (2007). MODIS reflective solar bands on-orbit lunar calibration. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 45(7), 2383-2393.
Meyer, K, Yang, P, Gao, BC (2007). Ice cloud optical depth from MODIS cirrus reflectance. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 4(3), 471-474.
Badarinath, KVS, Kharol, SK, Chand, TRK (2007). Use of satellite data to study the impact of forest fires over the northeast region of India. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 4(3), 485-489.
Wright, SJ, Sanchez-Azofeifa, GA, Portillo-Quintero, C, Davies, D (2007). Poverty and corruption compromise tropical forest reserves. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 17(5), 1259-1266.
Kumar, N, Chu, A, Foster, A (2007). An empirical relationship between PM2.5 and aerosol optical depth in Delhi Metropolitan. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 41(21), 4492-4503.
Hosotani, K, Winarso, G (2007). Oceanic water intrusion into Kagoshima Bay resulting in thermal stratification. JOURNAL OF VISUALIZATION, 10(3), 325-334.
Renner, SC, Rappole, JH, Leimgruber, P, Kelly, DS, Shwe, NM, Aung, T, Aung, M (2007). Land cover in the Northern Forest Complex of Myanmar: new insights for conservation. ORYX, 41(1), 27-37.
Glass, GE, Shields, T, Cai, B, Yates, TL, Parmenter, R (2007). Persistently highest risk areas for hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: Potential sites for refugia. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 17(1), 129-139.
Mildrexler, DJ, Zhao, MS, Heinsch, FA, Running, SW (2007). A new satellite-based methodology for continental-scale disturbance detection. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 17(1), 235-250.
Rizzi, R, Rudorff, BFT (2007). MODIS sensor images associated with an agronomic model to estimate soybean grain yield. PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA, 42(1), 73-80.
Levy, RC, Pinker, RT (2007). Remote sensing of spectral aerosol properties - A classroom experience. BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY, 88(1), 25-0.
Tottrup, C, Rasmussen, MS, Eklundh, L, Jonsson, P (2007). Mapping fractional forest cover across the highlands of mainland Southeast Asia using MODIS data and regression tree modelling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 23-46.
Ferreira, NC, Ferreira, LG, Huete, AR, Ferreira, ME (2007). An operational deforestation mapping system using MODIS data and spatial context analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 47-62.
Zhang, LF, Furumi, S, Muramatsu, K, Fujiwara, N, Daigo, M, Zhang, LP (2007). A new vegetation index based on the universal pattern decomposition method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 107-124.
Zhang, LF, Fujiwara, N, Furumi, S, Muramatsu, K, Daigo, M, Zhang, LP (2007). Assessment of the universal pattern decomposition method using MODIS and ETM plus data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 125-142.
Matsuoka, M, Hayasaka, T, Fukushima, Y, Honda, Y (2007). Land cover in East Asia classified using Terra MODIS and DMSP OLS products. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 221-248.
Liu, X, Kafatos, M (2007). MISR multi-angular spectral remote sensing for temperate forest mapping at 1.1-km resolution. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 28(2-Jan), 459-464.
Jin, X, Hanesiak, J, Barber, D (2007). Detecting cloud vertical structures from radiosondes and MODIS over Arctic first-year sea ice. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 83(1), 64-76.
Hua, XM, Pan, JF, Ouzounov, D, Lyapustin, A, Wang, YJ, Tewari, K, Leptoukh, G, Vollmer, B (2007). A spatial presdeening technique for earth observation data. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 4(1), 152-156.
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Kouraev, AV, Semovski, SV, Shimaraev, MN, Mognard, NM, Legresy, B, Remy, F (2007). Observations of Lake Baikal ice from satellite altimetry and radiometry. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 108(3), 240-253.
Wardlow, BD, Egbert, SL, Kastens, JH (2007). Analysis of time-series MODIS 250 m vegetation index data for crop classification in the US Central Great Plains. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 108(3), 290-310.
Li, ZL, Li, J, Menzel, WP, Schmit, TJ, Ackerman, SA (2007). Comparison between current and future environmental satellite imagers on cloud classification using MODIS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 108(3), 311-326.
Hayes, DJ, Cohen, WB (2007). "Spatial, spectral and temporal patterns of tropical forest cover change as observed with multiple scales of optical satellite data". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 106(1), 1-16.
Houborg, R, Soegaard, H, Boegh, E (2007). Combining vegetation index and model inversion methods for the extraction of key vegetation biophysical parameters using Terra and Aqua MODIS reflectance data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 106(1), 39-58.
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Huang, D, Knyazikhin, Y, Dickinson, RE, Rautiainen, M, Stenberg, P, Disney, M, Lewis, P, Cescatti, A, Tian, YH, Verhoef, W, Martonchik, JV, Myneni, RB (2007). Canopy spectral invariants for remote sensing and model applications. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 106(1), 106-122.
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