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Mobasheri, MR, Chahardoli, M, Farajzadeh, M (2010). "Introducing PASAVI and PANDVI Methods for Sugarcane Physiological Date Estimation, Using ASTER Images". JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 12(3), 309-320.
Patel, NR, Dadhwal, VK, Saha, SK, Garg, A, Sharma, N (2010). Evaluation of MODIS data potential to infer water stress for wheat NPP estimation. TROPICAL ECOLOGY, 51(1), 93-105.
Prados, AI, Leptoukh, G, Lynnes, C, Johnson, J, Rui, HL, Chen, AJ, Husar, RB (2010). "Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets via the Giovanni Online Tool". IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 359-370.
Wen, QK, Zhang, ZX, Liu, S, Wang, XA, Wang, C (2010). "Classification of Grassland Types by MODIS Time-Series Images in Tibet, China". IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 404-409.
Li, Y, North, GR, Yang, P, Baum, BA (2010). Exploration of the MODIS Cloud-Top Property Products for the Investigation of Equatorial Wave Systems. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 49(9), 2050-2057.
Suzuki, K, Nakajima, TY, Stephens, GL (2010). Particle Growth and Drop Collection Efficiency of Warm Clouds as Inferred from Joint CloudSat and MODIS Observations. JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 67(9), 3019-3032.
Thoppil, PG, Hogan, PJ (2010). A Modeling Study of Circulation and Eddies in the Persian Gulf. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, 40(9), 2122-2134.
Maddux, BC, Ackerman, SA, Platnick, S (2010). Viewing Geometry Dependencies in MODIS Cloud Products. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 27(9), 1519-1528.
Schwartz, MD, Hanes, JM (2010). Intercomparing multiple measures of the onset of spring in eastern North America. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(11), 1614-1626.
Zhang, YC, Lin, S, Liu, JP, Qian, X, Ge, Y (2010). Time-series MODIS Image-based Retrieval and Distribution Analysis of Total Suspended Matter Concentrations in Lake Taihu (China). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 7(9), 3545-3560.
Lu, DS, Xu, XF, Tian, HQ, Moran, E, Zhao, MS, Running, S (2010). The Effects of Urbanization on Net Primary Productivity in Southeastern China. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 46(3), 404-410.
Holligan, PM, Charalampopoulou, A, Hutson, R (2010). "Seasonal distributions of the coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, and of particulate inorganic carbon in surface waters of the Scotia Sea". JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 82(4), 195-205.
Song, SY, Wang, J, Wang, JB, Song, SS, Meng, JM (2010). Numerical simulation of internal waves propagation in deep sea by nonlinear Schrodinger equation. ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 59(9), 6339-6344.
Liu, Y, Liu, RG, Ge, QS (2010). Evaluating the vegetation destruction and recovery of Wenchuan earthquake using MODIS data. NATURAL HAZARDS, 54(3), 851-862.
Freedman, AH, Thomassen, HA, Buermann, W, Smith, TB (2010). Genomic signals of diversification along ecological gradients in a tropical lizard. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY, 19(17), 3773-3788.
Vargas, R, Baldocchi, DD, Allen, MF, Bahn, M, Black, TA, Collins, SL, Yuste, JC, Hirano, T, Jassal, RS, Pumpanen, J, Tang, JW (2010). Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2 production and efflux. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 20(6), 1569-1582.
Du, JH, Yan, P, Dong, YX (2010). "Phenological response of Nitraria tangutorum to climate change in Minqin County, Gansu Province, northwest China". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 54(5), 583-593.
Vina, A, Tuanmu, MN, Xu, WH, Li, Y, Ouyang, ZY, DeFries, R, Liu, JG (2010). Range-wide analysis of wildlife habitat: Implications for conservation. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 143(9), 1960-1969.
Wang, LT, Jang, C, Zhang, Y, Wang, K, Zhang, QA, Streets, D, Fu, J, Lei, Y, Schreifels, J, He, KB, Hao, JM, Lam, YF, Lin, J, Meskhidze, N, Voorhees, S, Evarts, D, Phillips, S (2010). Assessment of air quality benefits from national air pollution control policies in China. Part II: Evaluation of air quality predictions and air quality benefits assessment. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 44(28), 3449-3457.
Zhong, L, Ma, YM, Su, ZB, Salama, MS (2010). Estimation of land surface temperature over the Tibetan Plateau using AVHRR and MODIS data. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 27(5), 1110-1118.
Ha, R, Shin, HJ, Park, MJ, Kim, SJ (2010). Comparison of hydrological responses by two different satellite remotely sensed leaf area indices in a mountainous watershed of South Korea. KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 14(5), 785-796.
Yuan, YA, Yi, HL, Yong, SA, Wang, FQ, Tan, HP (2010). Inverse problem for particle size distributions of atmospheric aerosols using stochastic particle swarm optimization. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 111(14), 2106-2114.
Bocchiola, D, Groppelli, B (2010). Spatial estimation of snow water equivalent at different dates within the Adamello Park of Italy. COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 63(3), 97-109.
Busetto, L, Colombo, R, Migliavacca, M, Cremonese, E, Meroni, M, Galvagno, M, Rossini, M, Siniscalco, C, Di Cella, UM, Pari, E (2010). Remote sensing of larch phenological cycle and analysis of relationships with climate in the Alpine region. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 16(9), 2504-2517.
Devineau, JL, Fournier, A, Nignan, S (2010). Savanna fire regimes assessment with MODIS fire data: Their relationship to land cover and plant species distribution in western Burkina Faso (West Africa). JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 74(9), 1092-1101.
Singh, RP; Chaturvedi, P (2010). Comparison of chlorophyll concentration in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea using IRS-P4 OCM and MODIS Aqua. INDIAN JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCES, 39(3), 334-340.
Paradise, S; Wilson, B; Braverman, A (2010). The aerosol measurement and processing system (AMAPS). EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS, 3(3), 159-165.
Islam, AS; Bala, SK; Haque, MA (2010). Flood inundation map of Bangladesh using MODIS time-series images. JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT, 3(3), 210-222.
Kaneko, D; Yang, P; Yeh, PJF; Kumakura, T (2010). Developing a photosynthetic sterility model to estimate CO2 fixation through the crop yield in Asia with the aid of MODIS data. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 5(5), 390-399.
Schnur, MT; Xie, HJ; Wang, XW (2010). Estimating root zone soil moisture at distant sites using MODIS NDVI and EVI in a semi-arid region of southwestern USA. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 5(5), 400-409.
Li, M; Qu, JJ; Hao, XJ (2010). Investigating phenological changes using MODIS vegetation indices in deciduous broadleaf forest over continental U.S. during 2000-2008. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 5(5), 410-417.
Cavalieri, DJ; Markus, T; Hall, DK; Ivanoff, A; Glick, E (2010). Assessment of AMSR-E Antarctic Winter Sea-Ice Concentrations Using Aqua MODIS. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 48(9), 3331-3339.
Liu, SH; Liu, QA; Liu, QH; Wen, JG; Li, XW (2010). The Angular and Spectral Kernel Model for BRDF and Albedo Retrieval. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 241-256.
Li, FQ; Jupp, DLB; Reddy, S; Lymburner, L; Mueller, N; Tan, P; Islam, A (2010). An Evaluation of the Use of Atmospheric and BRDF Correction to Standardize Landsat Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 257-270.
Fensholt, R; Huber, S; Proud, SR; Mbow, C (2010). Detecting Canopy Water Status Using Shortwave Infrared Reflectance Data From Polar Orbiting and Geostationary Platforms. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 271-285.
Clerici, M; Vossbeck, M; Pinty, B; Kaminski, T; Taberner, M; Lavergne, T; Andredakis, I (2010). Consolidating the Two-Stream Inversion Package (JRC-TIP) to Retrieve Land Surface Parameters From Albedo Products. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 286-295.
Zhang, XT; Liang, SL; Wang, KC; Li, L; Gui, S (2010). Analysis of Global Land Surface Shortwave Broadband Albedo From Multiple Data Sources. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 296-305.
Xiong, J; Wu, BF; Yan, NN; Zeng, YA; Liu, SF (2010). Estimation and Validation of Land Surface Evaporation Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data in North China. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 337-344.
Prados, AI; Leptoukh, G; Lynnes, C; Johnson, J; Rui, HL; Chen, AJ; Husar, RB (2010). Access, Visualization, and Interoperability of Air Quality Remote Sensing Data Sets via the Giovanni Online Tool. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 359-370.
Wen, QK; Zhang, ZX; Liu, S; Wang, X; Wang, C (2010). Classification of Grassland Types by MODIS Time-Series Images in Tibet, China. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 3(3), 404-409.
Pere, JC; Mallet, M; Pont, V; Bessagnet, B (2010). Evaluation of an aerosol optical scheme in the chemistry-transport model CHIMERE. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 44(30), 3688-3699.
Jin, ML; Dickinson, RE (2010). Land surface skin temperature climatology: benefitting from the strengths of satellite observations. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 5(4), 44004.
Royer, A, Goita, K, Kohn, J, De Seve, D (2010). "Monitoring Dry, Wet, and No-Snow Conditions From Microwave Satellite Observations". IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 7(4), 670-674.
Kervyn, M, Ernst, GGJ, Keller, J, Vaughan, RG, Klaudius, J, Pradal, E, Belton, F, Mattsson, HB, Mbede, E, Jacobs, P (2010). "Fundamental changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania". BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, 72(8), 913-931.
Jones, TA, Christopher, SA (2010). Satellite and Radar Remote Sensing of Southern Plains Grass Fires: A Case Study. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 49(10), 2133-2146.
van Donkelaar, A, Martin, RV, Brauer, M, Kahn, R, Levy, R, Verduzco, C, Villeneuve, PJ (2010). Global Estimates of Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Concentrations from Satellite-Based Aerosol Optical Depth: Development and Application. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, 118(10), 847-855.
Phillips, LB, Hansen, AJ, Flather, CH, Robison-Cox, J (2010). Applying species-energy theory to conservation: a case study for North American birds. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 20(7), 2007-2023.
Ohde, T (2010). Impact of Saharan Dust on Ocean Surface Wind Speed Derived by Microwave Satellite Sensors. JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, 31(10), 1225-1244.
Hofgaard, A, Rees, G, Tommervik, H, Tutubalina, O, Golubeva, E, Lukina, N, Hogda, KA, Karlsen, SR, Isaeva, L, Kharuk, V (2010). Role of disturbed vegetation in mapping the boreal zone in northern Eurasia. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE, 13(4), 460-472.
Tiedje, B, Moll, A, Kaleschke, L (2010). Comparison of temporal and spatial structures of chlorophyll derived from MODIS satellite data and ECOHAM3 model data in the North Sea. JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 64(3), 250-259.
Zhao, SH, Yang, YH, Qiu, GY, Qin, QM, Yao, YJ, Xiong, YJ, Li, CQ (2010). Remote detection of bare soil moisture using a surface-temperature-based soil evaporation transfer coefficient. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 12(5), 351-358.
Cheema, MJM, Bastiaanssen, WGM (2010). Land use and land cover classification in the irrigated Indus Basin using growth phenology information from satellite data to support water management analysis. AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT, 97(10), 1541-1552.
Ren, DD; Leslie, LM; Fu, R; Dickinson, RE; Xin, XA (2010). A Storm-Triggered Landslide Monitoring and Prediction System: Formulation and Case Study. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 14, 12.
Galford, GL; Melillo, J; Mustard, JF; Cerri, CEP; Cerri, CC (2010). The Amazon Frontier of Land-Use Change: Croplands and Consequences for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 14, 15.
He, L; Li, Y; Zhou, H; Yuan, DL (2010). Variability of Cross-shelf Penetrating Fronts in the East China Sea. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 57(19-20), 1820-1826.
Yuan, DL; Li, Y; He, L; Zhou, H; Li, RX; Wang, F; Lei, H; Hu, DX (2010). An observation of the three-dimensional structure of a cross-shelf penetrating front off the Changjiang mouth. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 57(19-20), 1827-1834.
Royer, A; Goita, K; Kohn, J; De Seve, D (2010). Monitoring Dry, Wet, and No-Snow Conditions From Microwave Satellite Observations. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 7(4), 670-674.
Wang, WH; Liang, SL (2010). A Method for Estimating Clear-Sky Instantaneous Land-Surface Longwave Radiation With GOES Sounder and GOES-R ABI Data. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 7(4), 708-712.
Barreto, A; Arbelo, M; Hernandez-Leal, PA; Nunez-Casillas, L; Mira, M; Coll, C (2010). Evaluation of Surface Temperature and Emissivity Derived from ASTER Data: A Case Study Using Ground-Based Measurements at a Volcanic Site. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 27(10), 1677-1688.
Ueyama, M; Harazono, Y; Ichii, K (2010). Satellite-Based Modeling of the Carbon Fluxes in Mature Black Spruce Forests in Alaska: A Synthesis of the Eddy Covariance Data and Satellite Remote Sensing Data. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 14, 13.
Kervyn, M; Ernst, GGJ; Keller, J; Vaughan, RG; Klaudius, J; Pradal, E; Belton, F; Mattsson, HB; Mbede, E; Jacobs, P (2010). Fundamental changes in the activity of the natrocarbonatite volcano Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania. BULLETIN OF VOLCANOLOGY, 72(8), 913-931.
Casady, GM; van Leeuwen, WJD; Marsh, SE (2010). Evaluating Post-wildfire Vegetation Regeneration as a Response to Multiple Environmental Determinants. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT, 15(5), 295-307.
Liu, WL; Wang, SX; Zhou, Y; Wang, LT; Zhang, SJ (2010). Lightning-caused Forest Fires Risk Assessment Based on Historical Fires Events in DaXingAn Mountains of China. DISASTER ADVANCES, 3(4), 143-147.
Luo, JH; Zhang, JC; Huang, WJ; Xu, XG; Jin, N (2010). Preliminary Study on the Relationship between Land Surface Temperature and Occurrence of Yellow Rust in Winter Wheat. DISASTER ADVANCES, 3(4), 288-292.
Retalis, A, Paronis, D, Lagouvardos, K, Kotroni, V (2010). "The heat wave of June 2007 in Athens, Greece-Part 1: Study of satellite derived land surface temperature". ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(4-Feb), 458-467.
Ulevicius, V; Bycenkiene, S; Remeikis, V; Garbaras, A; Kecorius, S; Andriejauskiene, J; Jasineviciene, D; Mocnik, G (2010). Characterization of pollution events in the East Baltic region affected by regional biomass fire emissions. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(4-Feb), 190-200.
In, HJ; Kim, YP (2010). Estimation of the aerosol optical thickness distribution in the Northeast Asian forest fire episode in May 2003: Possible missing emissions. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(4-Feb), 261-273.
Wilson, DI; Piketh, SJ; Smirnov, A; Holben, BN; Kuyper, B (2010). Aerosol optical properties over the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean during the 140th cruise of the M/V SA Agulhas. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(4-Feb), 285-296.
Retalis, A; Paronis, D; Lagouvardos, K; Kotroni, V (2010). The heat wave of June 2007 in Athens, Greece-Part 1: Study of satellite derived land surface temperature. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 98(4-Feb), 458-467.
Ozyavuz, M (2010). Analysis of Igneada and Its Surrounding Vegetation Dynamics Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Data From 1987-2000. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 26(6), 1001-1006.
Ge, JJ (2010). MODIS observed impacts of intensive agriculture on surface temperature in the southern Great Plains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(13), 1994-2003.
Zhang, N, Gao, ZQ, Wang, XM, Chen, Y (2010). "Modeling the impact of urbanization on the local and regional climate in Yangtze River Delta, China". THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 102(4-Mar), 331-342.
Huang, N, Wang, ZM, Liu, DW, Niu, Z (2010). "Selecting Sites for Converting Farmlands to Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, Based on Remote Sensing and GIS". ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 46(5), 790-800.
Giardino, C, Bresciani, M, Villa, P, Martinelli, A (2010). "Application of Remote Sensing in Water Resource Management: The Case Study of Lake Trasimeno, Italy". WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 24(14), 3885-3899.
Graham, EA, Riordan, EC, Yuen, EM, Estrin, D, Rundel, PW (2010). Public Internet-connected cameras used as a cross-continental ground-based plant phenology monitoring system. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 16(11), 3014-3023.
Boschetti, M; Stroppiana, D; Brivio, PA (2010). Mapping Burned Areas in a Mediterranean Environment Using Soft Integration of Spectral Indices from High-Resolution Satellite Images. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 14, 17.
Yang, S; Wang, SX; Zhou, Y; Yan, FL; Wang, F (2010). Algorithm of Inland Water Retrieval Based on Spectral Matching. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 30(11), 3056-3060.
Zhang, MW; Dong, Q; Tang, JW; Song, QJ (2010). Evaluation of the retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in Taihu Lake, China from CBERS-02B CCD. CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY, 28(6), 1316-1322.
Jia, YJ; Zhang, J (2010). Detection of the Kuroshio frontal instable processes (KFIP) in the East China Sea using the MODIS images. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 29(6), 35-43.
Yuan, JA; Houze, RA (2010). Global Variability of Mesoscale Convective System Anvil Structure from A-Train Satellite Data. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 23(21), 5864-5888.
Moore, N; Torbick, N; Lofgren, B; Wang, J; Pijanowski, B; Andresen, J; Kim, DY; Olson, J (2010). Adapting MODIS-derived LAI and fractional cover into the RAMS in East Africa. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(13), 1954-1969.
Lawrence, PJ; Chase, TN (2010). Investigating the climate impacts of global land cover change in the community climate system model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(13), 2066-2087.
Anantharaj, VG; Nair, US; Lawrence, P; Chase, TN; Christopher, S; Jones, T (2010). Comparison of satellite-derived TOA shortwave clear-sky fluxes to estimates from GCM simulations constrained by satellite observations of land surface characteristics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(13), 2088-2104.
Kvalevag, MM; Myhre, G; Bonan, G; Levis, S (2010). Anthropogenic land cover changes in a GCM with surface albedo changes based on MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 30(13), 2105-2117.
Zhang, N; Gao, ZQ; Wang, XM; Chen, Y (2010). Modeling the impact of urbanization on the local and regional climate in Yangtze River Delta, China. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 102(4-Mar), 331-342.
Prabha, T; Hoogenboom, G (2010). Evaluation of solar irradiance at the surface-inferences from in situ and satellite observations and a mesoscale model. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 102(4-Mar), 455-469.
Knievel, JC; Rife, DL; Grim, JA; Hahmann, AN; Hacker, JP; Ge, M; Fisher, HH (2010). A Simple Technique for Creating Regional Composites of Sea Surface Temperature from MODIS for Use in Operational Mesoscale NWP. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 49(11), 2267-2284.
Wind, G; Platnick, S; King, MD; Hubanks, PA; Pavolonis, MJ; Heidinger, AK; Yang, P; Baum, BA (2010). Multilayer Cloud Detection with the MODIS Near-Infrared Water Vapor Absorption Band. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 49(11), 2315-2333.
Cooper, SJ; Garrett, TJ (2010). Identification of Small Ice Cloud Particles Using Passive Radiometric Observations. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 49(11), 2334-2347.
Sonwalkar, M; Fang, L; Sun, DL (2010). Use of NDVI dataset for a GIS based analysis: A sample study of TAR Creek superfund site. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 5(6), 484-491.
Hong, WY; Park, MJ; Park, JY; Park, GA; Kim, SJ (2010). The spatial and temporal correlation analysis between MODIS NDVI and SWAT predicted soil moisture during forest NDVI increasing and decreasing periods. KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 14(6), 931-939.
Lewis, J; De Young, R; Ferrare, R; Chu, DA (2010). Comparison of summer and winter California central valley aerosol distributions from lidar and MODIS measurements. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 44(35), 4510-4520.
Singh, HB; Anderson, BE; Brune, WH; Cai, C; Cohen, RC; Crawford, JH; Cubison, MJ; Czech, EP; Emmons, L; Fuelberg, HE; Huey, G; Jacob, DJ; Jimenez, JL; Kaduwela, A; Kondo, Y; Mao, J; Olson, JR; Sachse, GW; Vay, SA; Weinheimer, A; Wennberg, PO; Wisthaler, A (2010). Pollution influences on atmospheric composition and chemistry at high northern latitudes: Boreal and California forest fire emissions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 44(36), 4553-4564.
Sasakawa, M; Shimoyama, K; Machida, T; Tsuda, N; Suto, H; Arshinov, M; Davydov, D; Fofonov, A; Krasnov, O; Saeki, T; Koyama, Y; Maksyutov, S (2010). Continuous measurements of methane from a tower network over Siberia. TELLUS SERIES B-CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY, 62(5), 403-416.
Gao, HL; Gu, XF; Yu, T; Gong, H; Li, JG; Li, XY (2010). HJ-1A HSI on-orbit radiometric calibration and validation research. SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 53(11), 3119-3128.
Baum, BA; Yang, P; Hu, YX; Feng, QA (2010). The impact of ice particle roughness on the scattering phase matrix. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 111(17-18), 2534-2549.
Forzieri, G; Moser, G; Vivoni, ER; Castelli, F; Canovaro, F (2010). Riparian Vegetation Mapping for Hydraulic Roughness Estimation Using Very High Resolution Remote Sensing Data Fusion. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE, 136(11), 855-867.
Huang, N; Wang, ZM; Liu, DW; Niu, Z (2010). Selecting Sites for Converting Farmlands to Wetlands in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, Based on Remote Sensing and GIS. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 46(5), 790-800.
Xu, L; Li, YQ (2010). Reexamining the impact of Tibetan snow anomalies to the East Asian summer monsoon using MODIS snow retrieval. CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 35(6), 1039-1053.
Choi, YS; Ho, CH; Kim, SW; Lindzen, RS (2010). Observational Diagnosis of Cloud Phase in the Winter Antarctic Atmosphere for Parameterizations in Climate Models. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 27(6), 1233-1245.
Nayak, RK; Patel, NR; Dadhwal, VK (2010). Estimation and analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity over India by remote-sensing-driven terrestrial biosphere model. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 170(4-Jan), 195-213.
Wulder, MA; White, JC; Gillis, MD; Walsworth, N; Hansen, MC; Potapov, P (2010). Multiscale satellite and spatial information and analysis framework in support of a large-area forest monitoring and inventory update. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 170(4-Jan), 417-433.
Giardino, C; Bresciani, M; Villa, P; Martinelli, A (2010). Application of Remote Sensing in Water Resource Management: The Case Study of Lake Trasimeno, Italy. WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, 24(14), 3885-3899.
Zhu, AX, Liu, F, Li, BL, Pei, T, Qin, CZ, Liu, GH, Wang, YJ, Chen, YN, Ma, XW, Qi, F, Zhou, CH (2010). Differentiation of Soil Conditions over Low Relief Areas Using Feedback Dynamic Patterns. SOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL, 74(3), 861-869.
Clinton, NE, Potter, C, Crabtree, B, Genovese, V, Gross, P, Gong, P (2010). Remote Sensing-Based Time-Series Analysis of Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) Phenology. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, 39(3), 955-963.
Park, JG, Saito, M, Hara, K, Asanuma, I, Yasuda, Y, Nunohiro, E, Mackin, KJ, Matsushita, K, Yanagisawa, Y, Igarashi, M (2010). Effective band combination for land cover classification accuracy using MODIS data. INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 13(3), 709-717.
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Coddington, OM, Pilewskie, P, Redemann, J, Platnick, S, Russell, PB, Schmidt, KS, Gore, WJ, Livingston, J, Wind, G, Vukicevic, T (2010). Examining the impact of overlying aerosols on the retrieval of cloud optical properties from passive remote sensing. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D10211.
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Waggoner, DG, Sokolik, IN (2010). Seasonal dynamics and regional features of MODIS-derived land surface characteristics in dust source regions of East Asia. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2126-2136.
Schubert, P, Lund, M, Strom, L, Eklundh, L (2010). Impact of nutrients on peatland GPP estimations using MODIS time series data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2137-2145.
Sakamoto, T, Wardlow, BD, Gitelson, AA, Verma, SB, Suyker, AE, Arkebauer, TJ (2010). A Two-Step Filtering approach for detecting maize and soybean phenology with time-series MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2146-2159.
Jimenez-Munoz, JC, Sobrino, JA, Mattar, C, Franch, B (2010). Atmospheric correction of optical imagery from MODIS and Reanalysis atmospheric products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2195-2210.
Werdell, PJ, Franz, BA, Bailey, SW (2010). Evaluation of shortwave infrared atmospheric correction for ocean color remote sensing of Chesapeake Bay. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2238-2247.
Wang, HS, Jia, GS, Fu, CB, Feng, JM, Zhao, TB, Ma, ZG (2010). Deriving maximal light use efficiency from coordinated flux measurements and satellite data for regional gross primary production modeling. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2248-2258.
Merlin, O, Al Bitar, A, Walker, JP, Kerr, Y (2010). "An improved algorithm for disaggregating microwave-derived soil moisture based on red, near-infrared and thermal-infrared data". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(10), 2305-2316.
Lin, J; Nielsen, CP; Zhao, Y; Lei, Y; Liu, Y; Mcelroy, MB (2010). Recent Changes in Particulate Air Pollution over China Observed from Space and the Ground: Effectiveness of Emission Control. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 44(20), 7771-7776.
Kim, HY, Liang, SL (2010). Development of a hybrid method for estimating land surface shortwave net radiation from MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2393-2402.
Pan, XJ, Mannino, A, Russ, ME, Hooker, SB, Harding, LW (2010). Remote sensing of phytoplankton pigment distribution in the United States northeast coast. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2403-2416.
Emili, E, Popp, C, Petitta, M, Riffler, M, Wunderle, S, Zebisch, M (2010). PM10 remote sensing from geostationary SEVIRI and polar-orbiting MODIS sensors over the complex terrain of the European Alpine region. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2485-2499.
Merlin, O, Duchemin, B, Hagolle, O, Jacob, F, Coudert, B, Chehbouni, G, Dedieu, G, Garatuza, J, Kerr, Y (2010). Disaggregation of MODIS surface temperature over an agricultural area using a time series of Formosat-2 images. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2500-2512.
Fitch, DT, Stow, DA, Hope, AS, Rey, S (2010). MODIS vegetation metrics as indicators of hydrological response in watersheds of California Mediterranean-type climate zones. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2513-2523.
Veraverbeke, S, Lhermitte, S, Verstraeten, WW, Goossens, R (2010). The temporal dimension of differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) fire/burn severity studies: The case of the large 2007 Peloponnese wildfires in Greece. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2548-2563.
Wang, J, Xu, XG, Spurr, R, Wang, YX, Drury, E (2010). Improved algorithm for MODIS satellite retrievals of aerosol optical thickness over land in dusty atmosphere: Implications for air quality monitoring in China. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2575-2583.
Howell, SEL, Derksen, C, Tivy, A (2010). Development of a water clear of sea ice detection algorithm from enhanced SeaWinds/QuikSCAT and AMSR-E measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2594-2609.
Zhu, XL, Chen, J, Gao, F, Chen, XH, Masek, JG (2010). An enhanced spatial and temporal adaptive reflectance fusion model for complex heterogeneous regions. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2610-2623.
Alcantara, EH, Stech, JL, Lorenzzetti, JA, Bonnet, MP, Casamitjana, X, Assireu, AT, Novo, EMLD (2010). Remote sensing of water surface temperature and heat flux over a tropical hydroelectric reservoir. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2651-2665.
Jonsson, AM, Eklundh, L, Hellstrom, M, Barring, L, Jonsson, P (2010). Annual changes in MODIS vegetation indices of Swedish coniferous forests in relation to snow dynamics and tree phenology. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2719-2730.
Riihela, A, Laine, V, Manninen, T, Palo, T, Vihma, L (2010). Validation of the Climate-SAF surface broadband albedo product: Comparisons with in situ observations over Greenland and the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2779-2790.
Wang, YJ, Lyapustin, AI, Privette, JL, Cook, RB, SanthanaVannan, SK, Vermote, EF, Schaaf, CL (2010). Assessment of biases in MODIS surface reflectance due to Lambertian approximation. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2791-2801.
Clark, ML, Aide, TM, Grau, HR, Riner, G (2010). A scalable approach to mapping annual land cover at 250 m using MODIS time series data: A case study in the Dry Chaco ecoregion of South America. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(11), 2816-2832.
Horn, J; Schulz, K (2010). Post-processing analysis of MODIS leaf area index subsets. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 4, 43557.
Wang, YG; Huang, JY; Zananski, TJ; Hopke, PK; Holsen, TM (2010). Impacts of the Canadian Forest Fires on Atmospheric Mercury and Carbonaceous Particles in Northern New York. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 44(22), 8435-8440.
Saarnio, K, Aurela, M, Timonen, H, Saarikoski, S, Teinila, K, Makela, T, Sofiev, M, Koskinen, J, Aalto, PP, Kulmala, M, Kukkonen, J, Hillamo, R (2010). Chemical composition of fine particles in fresh smoke plumes from boreal wild-land fires in Europe. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 408(12), 2527-2542.
Garrity, SR, Vierling, LA, Bickford, K (2010). A simple filtered photodiode instrument for continuous measurement of narrowband NDVI and PRI over vegetated canopies. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(3), 489-496.
Lv, TT, Liu, C (2010). Study on extraction of crop information using time-series MODIS data in the Chao Phraya Basin of Thailand. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 45(6), 775-784.
Hall, DK, Riggs, GA, Foster, JL, Kumar, SV (2010). Development and evaluation of a cloud-gap-filled MODIS daily snow-cover product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 496-503.
Imhoff, ML, Zhang, P, Wolfe, RE, Bounoua, L (2010). Remote sensing of the urban heat island effect across biomes in the continental USA. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 504-513.
Tang, RL, Li, ZL, Tang, BH (2010). An application of the T-s-VI triangle method with enhanced edges determination for evapotranspiration estimation from MODIS data in and and semi-arid regions: Implementation and validation. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 540-551.
Wang, XW, Zender, CS (2010). MODIS snow albedo bias at high solar zenith angles relative to theory and to in situ observations in Greenland. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 563-575.
Xiao, JF, Zhuang, QL, Law, BE, Chen, JQ, Baldocchi, DD, Cook, DR, Oren, R, Richardson, AD, Wharton, S, Ma, SY, Martin, TA, Verma, SB, Suyker, AE, Scott, RL, Monson, RK, Litvak, M, Hollinger, DY, Sun, G, Davis, KJ, Bolstad, PV, Burns, SP, Curtis, PS, Drake, BG, Falk, M, Fischer, ML, Foster, DR, Gu, LH, Hadley, JL, Katul, GG, Roser, Y, McNulty, S, Meyers, TP, Munger, JW, Noormets, A, Oechel, WC, Paw, KT, Schmid, HP, Starr, G, Torn, MS, Wofsy, SC (2010). A continuous measure of gross primary production for the conterminous United States derived from MODIS and AmeriFlux data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 576-591.
Julien, Y, Sobrino, JA (2010). Comparison of cloud-reconstruction methods for time series of composite NDVI data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 618-625.
Jang, K, Kang, S, Kim, J, Lee, CB, Kim, T, Kim, J, Hirata, R, Saigusa, N (2010). Mapping evapotranspiration using MODIS and MM5 Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(3), 657-673.
Jiang, L, Kogan, FN, Guo, W, Tarpley, JD, Mitchell, KE, Ek, MB, Tian, YH, Zheng, WZ, Zou, CZ, Ramsay, BH (2010). Real-time weekly global green vegetation fraction derived from advanced very high resolution radiometer-based NOAA operational global vegetation index (GVI) system. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D11114.
Schubert, P, Eklundh, L, Lund, M, Nilsson, M (2010). Estimating northern peatland CO2 exchange from MODIS time series data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(6), 1178-1189.
Ozdogan, M (2010). The spatial distribution of crop types from MODIS data: Temporal unmixing using Independent Component Analysis. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(6), 1190-1204.
Wolf, A, Berry, JA, Asner, GP (2010). Allometric constraints on sources of variability in multi-angle reflectance measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(6), 1205-1219.
Narasimhan, R, Stow, D (2010). Daily MODIS products for analyzing early season vegetation dynamics across the North Slope of Alaska. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(6), 1251-1262.
Becker-Reshef, I, Vermote, E, Lindeman, M, Justice, C (2010). A generalized regression-based model for forecasting winter wheat yields in Kansas and Ukraine using MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(6), 1312-1323.
Long, D, Gao, YC, Singh, VP (2010). Estimation of daily average net radiation from MODIS data and DEM over the Baiyangdian watershed in North China for clear sky days. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 388(4-Mar), 217-233.
Karam, DB, Flamant, C, Cuesta, J, Pelon, J, Williams, E (2010). Dust emission and transport associated with a Saharan depression: February 2007 case. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D00H27.
Ge, JM, Su, J, Ackerman, TP, Fu, Q, Huang, JP, Shi, JS (2010). Dust aerosol optical properties retrieval and radiative forcing over northwestern China during the 2008 China-US joint field experiment. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D00K12.
Nieto, H, Aguado, I, Chuvieco, E, Sandholt, I (2010). Dead fuel moisture estimation with MSG-SEVIRI data. Retrieval of meteorological data for the calculation of the equilibrium moisture content. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(8-Jul), 861-870.
Yang, WZ, Ni-Meister, W, Kiang, NY, Moorcroft, PR, Strahler, AH, Oliphant, A (2010). A clumped-foliage canopy radiative transfer model for a Global Dynamic Terrestrial Ecosystem Model II: Comparison to measurements. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(8-Jul), 895-907.
Selkowitz, DJ (2010). "A comparison of multi-spectral, multi-angular, and multi-temporal remote sensing datasets for fractional shrub canopy mapping in Arctic Alaska". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1338-1352.
Bindschadler, RA, Scambos, TA, Choi, H, Haran, TM (2010). Ice sheet change detection by satellite image differencing. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1353-1362.
Dash, J, Jeganathan, C, Atkinson, PM (2010). The use of MERIS Terrestrial Chlorophyll Index to study spatio-temporal variation in vegetation phenology over India. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1388-1402.
Yuan, WP, Liu, SG, Yu, GR, Bonnefond, JM, Chen, JQ, Davis, K, Desai, AR, Goldstein, AH, Gianelle, D, Rossi, F, Suyker, AE, Verma, SB (2010). Global estimates of evapotranspiration and gross primary production based on MODIS and global meteorology data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1416-1431.
Jiang, B, Liang, SL, Wang, JD, Xiao, ZQ (2010). Modeling MODIS LAI time series using three statistical methods. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1432-1444.
Hulley, GC, Hook, SJ, Baldridge, AM (2010). Investigating the effects of soil moisture on thermal infrared land surface temperature and emissivity using satellite retrievals and laboratory measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1480-1493.
Bisht, G, Bras, RL (2010). Estimation of net radiation from the MODIS data under all sky conditions: Southern Great Plains case study. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(7), 1522-1534.
Kimura, R, Shinoda, M (2010). Spatial distribution of threshold wind speeds for dust outbreaks in northeast Asia. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 114(3), 319-325.
Wang, WT, Qu, JJ, Hao, XJ, Liu, YQ, Stanturf, JA (2010). Post-hurricane forest damage assessment using satellite remote sensing. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(1), 122-132.
Ju, JC, Roy, DP, Shuai, YM, Schaaf, C (2010). Development of an approach for generation of temporally complete daily nadir MODIS reflectance time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 1-20.
Roy, DP, Ju, JC, Kline, K, Scaramuzza, PL, Kovalskyy, V, Hansen, M, Loveland, TR, Vermote, E, Zhang, CS (2010). Web-enabled Landsat Data (WELD): Landsat ETM plus composited mosaics of the conterminous United States. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 35-49.
Wang, ZF, Chen, LF, Tao, JH, Zhang, Y, Su, L (2010). Satellite-based estimation of regional particulate matter (PM) in Beijing using vertical-and-RH correcting method. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 50-63.
Verbesselt, J, Hyndman, R, Newnham, G, Culvenor, D (2010). Detecting trend and seasonal changes in satellite image time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 106-115.
Friedl, MA, Sulla-Menashe, D, Tan, B, Schneider, A, Ramankutty, N, Sibley, A, Huang, XM (2010). MODIS Collection 5 global land cover: Algorithm refinements and characterization of new datasets. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(1), 168-182.
Parajka, J, Pepe, M, Rampini, A, Rossi, S, Bloschl, G (2010). A regional snow-line method for estimating snow cover from MODIS during cloud cover. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 381(4-Mar), 203-212.
Nagai, S, Nasahara, KN, Muraoka, H, Akiyama, T, Tsuchida, S (2010). Field experiments to test the use of the normalized-difference vegetation index for phenology detection. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(2), 152-160.
Jiang, GM (2010). Intercalibration of infrared channels of polar-orbiting IRAS/FY-3A with AIRS/Aqua data. OPTICS EXPRESS, 18(4), 3358-3363.
Tian, J, Chen, DM (2010). A semi-empirical model for predicting hourly ground-level fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration in southern Ontario from satellite remote sensing and ground-based meteorological measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(2), 221-229.
Melin, F, Clerici, M, Zibordi, G, Holben, BN, Smirnov, A (2010). Validation of SeaWiFS and MODIS aerosol products with globally distributed AERONET data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(2), 230-250.
Lahet, F, Stramski, D (2010). MODIS imagery of turbid plumes in San Diego coastal waters during rainstorm events. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(2), 332-344.
Zhang, MW, Tang, JW, Dong, Q, Song, QT, Ding, J (2010). Retrieval of total suspended matter concentration in the Yellow and East China Seas from MODIS imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(2), 392-403.
Vancutsem, C, Ceccato, P, Dinku, T, Connor, SJ (2010). Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature data to estimate air temperature in different ecosystems over Africa. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(2), 449-465.
Widlowski, JL (2010). On the bias of instantaneous FAPAR estimates in open-canopy forests. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(12), 1501-1522.
Ouyang, W; Hao, FH; Skidmore, AK; Toxopeus, AG (2010). Soil erosion and sediment yield and their relationships with vegetation cover in upper stream of the Yellow River. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 409(2), 396-403.
Hilker, T; Hall, FG; Coops, NC; Lyapustin, A; Wang, YJ; Nesic, Z; Grant, N; Black, TA; Wulder, MA; Kljun, N; Hopkinson, C; Chasmer, L (2010). Remote sensing of photosynthetic light-use efficiency across two forested biomes: Spatial scaling. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(12), 2863-2874.
Rhee, J; Im, J; Carbone, GJ (2010). Monitoring agricultural drought for arid and humid regions using multi-sensor remote sensing data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(12), 2875-2887.
Fraser, AD; Massom, RA; Michael, KJ (2010). Generation of high-resolution East Antarctic landfast sea-ice maps from cloud-free MODIS satellite composite imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(12), 2888-2896.
Wu, CY; Munger, JW; Niu, Z; Kuang, D (2010). Comparison of multiple models for estimating gross primary production using MODIS and eddy covariance data in Harvard Forest. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(12), 2925-2939.
Verbesselt, J; Hyndman, R; Zeileis, A; Culvenor, D (2010). Phenological change detection while accounting for abrupt and gradual trends in satellite image time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(12), 2970-2980.
Wang, Z, Xiao, XM, Yan, XD (2010). Modeling gross primary production of maize cropland and degraded grassland in northeastern China. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 150(9), 1160-1167.
Marsden, C, le Maire, G, Stape, JL, Lo Seen, D, Roupsard, O, Cabral, O, Epron, D, Lima, AMN, Nouvellon, Y (2010). "Relating MODIS vegetation index time-series with structure, light absorption and stem production of fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations". FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT, 259(9), 1741-1753.
Yan, YE, Ouyang, ZT, Guo, HQ, Jin, SS, Zhao, B (2010). Detecting the spatiotemporal changes of tidal flood in the estuarine wetland by using MODIS time series data. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 384(2-Jan), 156-163.
Roman, MO, Schaaf, CB, Lewis, P, Gao, F, Anderson, GP, Privette, JL, Strahler, AH, Woodcock, CE, Barnsley, M (2010). Assessing the coupling between surface albedo derived from MODIS and the fraction of diffuse skylight over spatially-characterized landscapes. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 738-760.
Bergamino, N, Horion, S, Stenuite, S, Cornet, Y, Loiselle, S, Plisnier, PD, Descy, JP (2010). Spatio-temporal dynamics of phytoplankton and primary production in Lake Tanganyika using a MODIS based bio-optical time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 772-780.
Horion, S, Bergamino, N, Stenuite, S, Descy, JP, Plisnier, PD, Loiselle, SA, Cornet, Y (2010). "Optimized extraction of daily bio-optical time series derived from MODIS/Aqua imagery for Lake Tanganyika, Africa". REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 781-791.
Olthof, I, Pouliot, D (2010). Treeline vegetation composition and change in Canada's western Subarctic from AVHRR and canopy reflectance modeling. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 805-815.
Libonati, R, DaCamara, CC, Pereira, JMC, Peres, LF (2010). Retrieving middle-infrared reflectance for burned area mapping in tropical environments using MODIS. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 831-843.
Nechad, B, Ruddick, KG, Park, Y (2010). Calibration and validation of a generic multisensor algorithm for mapping of total suspended matter in turbid waters. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 854-866.
Chander, G, Xiong, XX, Choi, TY, Angal, A (2010). Monitoring on-orbit calibration stability of the Terra MODIS and Landsat 7 ETM+ sensors using pseudo-invariant test sites. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 114(4), 925-939.
Lee, Z, Shang, SL, Hu, CM, Lewis, M, Arnone, R, Li, YH, Lubac, B (2010). Time series of bio-optical properties in a subtropical gyre: Implications for the evaluation of interannual trends of biogeochemical properties. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 115, C09012.
Goetz, SJ, Sun, M, Baccini, A, Beck, PSA (2010). Synergistic use of spaceborne lidar and optical imagery for assessing forest disturbance: An Alaska case study. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 115, G00E07.
Avellaneda, NM, Serra, N, Minnett, PJ, Stammer, D (2010). Response of the eastern subtropical Atlantic SST to Saharan dust: A modeling and observational study. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 115, C08015.
Angal, A; Xiong, XX; Choi, TY; Chander, G; Wu, AS (2010). Using the Sonoran and Libyan Desert test sites to monitor the temporal stability of reflective solar bands for Landsat 7 enhanced thematic mapper plus and Terra moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer sensors. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 4, 43525.
Barnaba, F, Putaud, JP, Gruening, C, dell'Acqua, A, Dos Santos, S (2010). "Annual cycle in co-located in situ, total-column, and height-resolved aerosol observations in the Po Valley (Italy): Implications for ground-level particulate matter mass concentration estimation from remote sensing". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D19209.
Barnaba, F; Putaud, JP; Gruening, C; dell'Acqua, A; Dos Santos, S (2010). Annual cycle in co-located in situ, total-column, and height-resolved aerosol observations in the Po Valley (Italy): Implications for ground-level particulate matter mass concentration estimation from remote sensing. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D19209.
He, RY, Chen, K, Moore, T, Li, MK (2010). Mesoscale variations of sea surface temperature and ocean color patterns at the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelfbreak. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 37, L09607.
Li, C, Krotkov, NA, Dickerson, RR, Li, ZQ, Yang, K, Chin, M (2010). Transport and evolution of a pollution plume from northern China: A satellite-based case study. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D00K03.
Laurent, B; Tegen, I; Heinold, B; Schepanski, K; Weinzierl, B; Esselborn, M (2010). A model study of Saharan dust emissions and distributions during the SAMUM-1 campaign. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21210.
Long, D; Singh, VP (2010). Integration of the GG model with SEBAL to produce time series of evapotranspiration of high spatial resolution at watershed scales. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21128.
Badarinath, KVS, Sharma, AR, Kaskaoutis, DG, Kharol, SK, Kambezidis, HD (2010). "Solar dimming over the tropical urban region of Hyderabad, India: Effect of increased cloudiness and increased anthropogenic aerosols". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21208.
Fontana, FMA; Trishchenko, AP; Luo, Y; Khlopenkov, KV; Nussbaumer, SU; Wunderle, S (2010). Perennial snow and ice variations (2000-2008) in the Arctic circumpolar land area from satellite observations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE, 115, F04020.
Badarinath, KVS; Sharma, AR; Kaskaoutis, DG; Kharol, SK; Kambezidis, HD (2010). Solar dimming over the tropical urban region of Hyderabad, India: Effect of increased cloudiness and increased anthropogenic aerosols. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21208.
Zhang, YQ, Leuning, R, Hutley, LB, Beringer, J, McHugh, I, Walker, JP (2010). Using long-term water balances to parameterize surface conductances and calculate evaporation at 0.05 degrees spatial resolution. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 46, W05512.
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Ahmad, Z, Franz, BA, McClain, CR, Kwiatkowska, EJ, Werdell, J, Shettle, EP, Holben, BN (2010). New aerosol models for the retrieval of aerosol optical thickness and normalized water-leaving radiances from the SeaWiFS and MODIS sensors over coastal regions and open oceans. APPLIED OPTICS, 49(29), 5545-5560.
da Fonseca, EL; Caresani, JRF; Varella, AC (2010). Multitemporal spectral characterization of cool season cereals in satellite images with moderate spatial resolution. CIENCIA RURAL, 40(10), 2053-2059.
Schroeder, W, Csiszar, I, Giglio, L, Schmidt, CC (2010). "On the use of fire radiative power, area, and temperature estimates to characterize biomass burning via moderate to coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data in the Brazilian Amazon". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21121.
Marey, HS, Gille, JC, El-Askary, HM, Shalaby, EA, El-Raey, ME (2010). "Study of the formation of the ""black cloud"" and its dynamics over Cairo, Egypt, using MODIS and MISR sensors". JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21206.
Schroeder, W; Csiszar, I; Giglio, L; Schmidt, CC (2010). On the use of fire radiative power, area, and temperature estimates to characterize biomass burning via moderate to coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data in the Brazilian Amazon. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21121.
Marey, HS; Gille, JC; El-Askary, HM; Shalaby, EA; El-Raey, ME (2010). Study of the formation of the "black cloud" and its dynamics over Cairo, Egypt, using MODIS and MISR sensors. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 115, D21206.
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Joiner, J, Vasilkov, AP, Bhartia, PK, Wind, G, Platnick, S, Menzel, WP (2010). Detection of multi-layer and vertically-extended clouds using A-train sensors. ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES, 3(1), 233-247.
Chen, B, Huang, J, Minnis, P, Hu, Y, Yi, Y, Liu, Z, Zhang, D, Wang, X (2010). Detection of dust aerosol by combining CALIPSO active lidar and passive IIR measurements. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 10(9), 4241-4251.
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Cao, X, Chen, J, Matsushita, B, Imura, H (2010). Developing a MODIS-based index to discriminate dead fuel from photosynthetic vegetation and soil background in the Asian steppe area. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(6), 1589-1604.
Liu, XF, Li, XH, Zeng, QH, Mao, JH, Chen, Q, Guan, CL (2010). Validating MODIS surface reflectance based on field spectral measurements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(6), 1645-1659.
Wang, DD, Liang, SL, Liu, RG, Zheng, T (2010). Estimation of daily-integrated PAR from sparse satellite observations: comparison of temporal scaling methods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(6), 1661-1677.
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Wang, TM, Kou, XJ, Xiong, YC, Mou, P, Wu, JG, Ge, JP (2010). Temporal and spatial patterns of NDVI and their relationship to precipitation in the Loess Plateau of China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(7), 1943-1958.
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Huang, CQ; Thomas, N; Goward, SN; Masek, JG; Zhu, ZL; Townshend, JRG; Vogelmann, JE (2010). Automated masking of cloud and cloud shadow for forest change analysis using Landsat images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(20), 5449-5464.
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