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MODIS Meetings - January 2010 Land Breakout Session Presentations

Below are the presentations that were given at the January 2010 MODIS Science Team Meeting. Simply click on the link to begin the download.
Day 1 Presentations - January 26, 2010
Recent Developments in the MODIS Albedo, Nadir BRDF-Adjusted Reflectance (NBAR)and Reflectance Anisotropy Products (MCD43)
Powerpoint (5.4 MB) | PDF (1.5 MB)
C. Schaaf
Land Surface Radiation Budgets from Model Simulations and Remote Sensing
Powerpoint (8.5 MB) | PDF (1.7 MB)
S. Liang
The ESA GlobAlbedo Project
Powerpoint (5.8 MB) | PDF (3.2 MB)
J. Muller
Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction for MODIS: Algorithm MAIAC
Powerpoint (6.5 MB) | PDF (6 MB)
A. Lyapustin
Global Fire Emissions and Fire Effects on Biophysical Properties and the Associated Radiative Forcing
Powerpoint (7.7 MB) | PDF (1.7 MB)
Y. Jin
Annual Maps of Tropical Evergreen Forests -- using MODIS images
Powerpoint (12.6 MB) | PDF (1 MB)
X. Xiao
GO model inversion for mapping canopy height, cover, and aboveground woody biomass using NASA EOS Multiangle Imaging
Powerpoint (65.6 MB) | PDF (5.3 MB)
M. Chopping
Amazon Forests Did Not Green-Up During 2005 Drought
Powerpoint (66.5 MB) | PDF (1.3 MB)
R. Myneni
Amazon Forests During 2005 Drought: MODIS Collection 5 Confirms Green-up Fact
PDF (2.5 MB)
K. Didan
Day 2 Presentations - January 27, 2010
Land Data Processing and Collection 6
Powerpoint (472 KB) | PDF (284 KB)
S. Devadiga
An LST algorithm for Land Rapid Response
Powerpoint (5.25 MB) | PDF (762 KB)
J. Schmaltz
Land Processes DAAC Update
Powerpoint (2.5 MB) | / PDF (1 MB)
D. Meyer
Powerpoint (3.3 MB) | PDF (1.1 MB)
R. Duerr
Vegetation Continuous Fields and the new Land Water Mask
Powerpoint (6.3 MB) | PDF (3.3 MB)
M. Carroll
MODIS Active Fire Validation
Powerpoint (7.9 MB) | PDF (1.3 MB)
W. Schroeder
MODIS Global Burned Area Validation and Product Status
Powerpoint (18.3 MB) | PDF (3.7 MB)
L. Boschetti
Validation of the V5 MODIS Land-Surface Temperature Product Worldwide
Powerpoint (820 KB) | PDF (2.2 MB)
Z. Wan
LST Validation and Analysis
Powerpoint (6.7 MB) | PDF (1.3 MB)
S. Hook
Analyzing Measurement Difference Between Satellite and Ground Data for Land Surface Temperature Validation
Powerpoint (5.4 MB) | PDF (2.3 MB)
B. Yu
CEOS WGCV Land Product Validation Sub-Group
Powerpoint (2 MB) | PDF (804 KB)
J. Nightingale
VIIRS-Land Validation Overview
Powerpoint (13.3 MB) | PDF (4 MB)
M. Roman

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