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MODIS Meetings - January 2010 MODIS Calibration Session Presentations

Below are the presentations that were given at the January 2010 MODIS Science Team Meeting. Simply click on the link to begin the download.
January 25, 2010
MODIS Instrument, Calibration & Performance
Powerpoint (20.5 MB) | PDF (7.6 MB)
J. Xiong &
MODIS Geolocation Status
Powerpoint (24.3 MB) | PDF (27 MB)
R. Wolfe
Cross Calibration of SeaWiFS and MODIS Using On-orbit Observations of the Moon
Powerpoint (744 KB) | PDF (472 KB)
G. Eplee
Modifications to MODIS Aqua ocean color bands calibration for 2010 OBPG reprocessing
Powerpoint (8.5 MB) | PDF (2.7 MB)
G. Meister
Powerpoint (3.3 MB) | PDF (1.6 MB)
E. Vermote
MODIS Validation Using Lake Tahoe Buoys
Powerpoint (1.7 MB) | PDF (736 KB)
S. Hook
MODIS B35 and B36 Radiometric Biases
Powerpoint (880 KB) | PDF (1.9 MB)
C. Moeller
Impact of Aqua MODIS VIS/NIR Misregistration on Cloud Properties (MYD06)
Powerpoint (1.3 MB) | PDF (368 KB)
S. Platnick

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