
Tucker, CJ, Pinzon, JE, Brown, ME, Slayback, DA, Pak, EW, Mahoney, R, Vermote, EF, El Saleous, N (2005). An extended AVHRR 8-km NDVI dataset compatible with MODIS and SPOT vegetation NDVI data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 26(20), 4485-4498.

Daily daytime Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) 4-km global area coverage data have been processed to produce a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) 8-km equal-area dataset from July 1981 through December 2004 for all continents except Antarctica. New features of this dataset include bimonthly composites, NCIAA-9 descending node data from August 1994 to January 1995, volcanic stratospheric aerosol correction for 19821984 and 1991-1993, NDVI normalization using empirical mode decomposition/ reconstruction to minimize varying solar zenith angle effects introduced by orbital drift, inclusion of data from NOAA-16 for 2000-2003 and NOAA-17 for 2003-2004, and a similar dynamic range with the MODIS NDVI. Two NDVI compositing intervals have been produced: a bimonthly global dataset and a 10-day Africa-only dataset. Post-processing review corrected the majority of dropped scan lines, navigation errors, data drop outs, edge-of-orbit composite discontinuities, and other artefacts in the composite NDVI data. All data are available from the University of Maryland Global Land Cover Facility (http://

