
Coll, C; Valor, E; Galve, JM; Mira, M; Bisquert, M; Garcia-Santos, V; Caselles, E; Caselles, V (2012). Long-term accuracy assessment of land surface temperatures derived from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 116, 211-225.

The accuracy of land surface temperatures (LSTs) derived from the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) was assessed in a test site in Valencia, Spain from 2002 to 2008. AATSR LSTs were directly compared with concurrent ground measurements over homogeneous, full-vegetated rice fields in the conventional temperature-based (T-based) method. We also applied the new radiance-based (R-based) method over bare soil and water surfaces, where ground LST measurements were not available. In the R-based method, ground LSTs are simulated from AATSR brightness temperatures in the 11 mu m band and radiative transfer simulations using surface emissivity data and atmospheric water vapor and temperature profiles. The accuracy of the R-based ground LSTs depends on how well the profiles used in simulations represent the actual atmosphere at the time of AATSR observations. This can be checked with the difference delta(T(11)-T(12)) between the actual AATSR and the profile-based simulated difference in the 11 and 12 mu m brightness temperatures (T(11) and T(12), respectively). We found that for -0.6 K

