
Lampkin, DJ; Wade, U (2013). Evaluation of a novel inversion model for surface melt magnitude over the Greenland ice sheet during the 2002 ablation season. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 34(19), 6931-6946.

This work evaluates the performance of an empirical inversion model for surface liquid water fraction (LWF) or melt magnitude, using data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Estimates of melt magnitude were evaluated through quantitative comparison to surface melt occurrence and duration derived from the cross-polarization gradient ratio (XPGR) and diurnal amplitude variation (DAV) passive microwave melt indices over the 2002 melt season. Longer melt durations derived from XPGR tend to correspond to higher LWF amounts at lower elevations, where temperatures are warmer than at higher elevations. DAV indicates melt occurrence at higher elevations, with lower durations in melt corresponding to small amounts of LWF. The LWF inversion model demonstrates that it is sensitive to both high melt duration events within the ablation zone, yet capable of capturing greater spatial variability in melt conditions broadly over the entire sheet.
