
Sun, Deyong; Hu, Chuanmin; Qiu, Zhongfeng; Wang, Shengqiang (2015). Reconstruction of hyperspectral reflectance for optically complex turbid inland lakes: test of a new scheme and implications for inversion algorithms. OPTICS EXPRESS, 23(11).

A new scheme has been proposed by Lee et al. (2014) to reconstruct hyperspectral (400 - 700 nm, 5 nm resolution) remote sensing reflectance (R-rs(lambda), sr(-1)) of representative global waters using measurements at 15 spectral bands. This study tested its applicability to optically complex turbid inland waters in China, where R-rs(lambda) are typically much higher than those used in Lee et al. (2014). Strong interdependence of R-rs(lambda) between neighboring bands (<= 10 nm interval) was confirmed, with Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) mostly above 0.98. The scheme of Lee et al. (2014) for R-rs(lambda) re-construction with its original global parameterization worked well with this data set, while new parameterization showed improvement in reducing uncertainties in the reconstructed R-rs(lambda). Mean absolute error (MAE(Rrs)(lambda(i))) in the reconstructed R-rs(lambda) was mostly < 0.0002 sr(-1) between 400 and 700nm, and mean relative error (MRERrs(lambda(i))) was < 1% when the comparison was made between reconstructed and measured R-rs(lambda) spectra. When R-rs(lambda) at the MODIS bands were used to reconstruct the hyperspectral R-rs(lambda), MAE(Rrs)(lambda(i)) was < 0.001 sr(-1) and MRERrs(lambda(i)) was < 3%. When R-rs(lambda) at the MERIS bands were used, MAE(Rrs)(lambda(i)) in the reconstructed hyperspectral R-rs(lambda) was < 0.0004 sr(-1) and MRERrs(lambda(i)) was < 1%. These results have significant implications for inversion algorithms to retrieve concentrations of phytoplankton pigments (e.g., chlorophyll-a or Chla, and phycocyanin or PC) and total suspended materials (TSM) as well as absorption coefficient of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), as some of the algorithms were developed from in situ R-rs(lambda) data using spectral bands that may not exist on satellite sensors. (C)2015 Optical Society of America

