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Monjardn-Armenta, SA; Pacheco-Angulo, CE; Plata-Rocha, W; Corrales-Barraza, G (2017). Deforestation and its causal factors in Sinaloa, Mexico. MADERA Y BOSQUES, 23(1), 7-22.

Broomandi, P; Dabir, B; Bonakdarpour, B; Rashidi, Y (2017). Identification of the sources of dust storms in the City of Ahvaz by HYSPLIT. POLLUTION, 3(2), 341-348.

Rijal, S; Wang, G; Woodford, PB; Howard, HR; Schoof, J; Oyana, TJ; Park, LO; Li, R (2017). Comparison of military and nonmilitary land condition using an image derived soil erosion cover factor. JOURNAL OF SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION, 72(5), 425-437.


Ahamed, A; Bolten, JD (2017). A MODIS-based automated flood monitoring system for southeast asia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 61, 104-117.

Kadlec, J; Ames, DP (2017). Using crowdsourced and weather station data to fill cloud gaps in MODIS snow cover datasets. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 95, 258-270.

Pumo, D; Lo Conti, F; Viola, F; Noto, LV (2017). An automatic tool for reconstructing monthly time-series of hydro-climatic variables at ungauged basins. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, 95, 381-400.

Son, NT; Chen, CF; Chen, CR; Sobue, S; Chiang, SH; Maung, TH; Chang, LY (2017). Delineating and predicting changes in rice cropping systems using multi-temporal MODIS data in Myanmar. JOURNAL OF SPATIAL SCIENCE, 62(2), 235-259.

Chen, ZY; Pan, JY; Jiang, YW; Lin, H (2017). Far-reaching transport of Pearl River plume water by upwelling jet in the northeastern South China Sea. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 173, 60-69.

Park, J; Baik, J; Choi, M (2017). Satellite-based crop coefficient and evapotranspiration using surface soil moisture and vegetation indices in Northeast Asia. CATENA, 156, 305-314.

Haverkamp, PJ; Shekeine, J; de Jong, R; Schaepman, M; Turnbull, LA; Baxter, R; Hansen, D; Bunbury, N; Fleischer-Dogley, F; Schaepman-Strub, G (2017). Giant tortoise habitats under increasing drought conditions on Aldabra Atoll-Ecological indicators to monitor rainfall anomalies and related vegetation activity. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 80, 354-362.

Shea, YL; Wielicki, BA; Sun-Mack, S; Minnis, P (2017). Quantifying the Dependence of Satellite Cloud Retrievals on Instrument Uncertainty. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 30(17), 6959-6976.

Gumbricht, T; Roman-Cuesta, RM; Verchot, L; Herold, M; Wittmann, F; Householder, E; Herold, N; Murdiyarso, D (2017). An expert system model for mapping tropical wetlands and peatlands reveals South America as the largest contributor. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(9), 3581-3599.

Sever, L; Alpert, P; Lyapustin, A; Wang, YJ; Chudnovsky, A (2017). An example of aerosol pattern variability over bright surface using high resolution MODIS MAIAC: The eastern and western areas of the Dead Sea and environs. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 165, 359-369.

Gui, K; Che, HZ; Chen, QL; Zeng, ZL; Zheng, Y; Long, QC; Sun, TZ; Liu, XY; Wang, YQ; Liao, TT; Yu, J; Wang, H; Zhang, XY (2017). Water vapor variation and the effect of aerosols in China. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 165, 322-335.

Briceno-Zuluaga, F; Castagna, A; Rutllant, JA; Flores-Aqueveque, V; Caquineau, S; Sifeddine, A; Velazco, F; Gutierrez, D; Cardich, J (2017). Paracas dust storms: Sources, trajectories and associated meteorological conditions. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 165, 99-110.

Adnan, M; Nabi, G; Poomee, MS; Ashraf, A (2017). Snowmelt runoff prediction under changing climate in the Himalayan cryosphere: A case of Gilgit River Basin. GEOSCIENCE FRONTIERS, 8(5), 941-949.

Hereher, ME (2017). Effects of land use/cover change on regional land surface temperatures: severe warming from drying Toshka lakes, the Western Desert of Egypt. NATURAL HAZARDS, 88(3), 1789-1803.

Barbosa, JM; Asner, GP (2017). Effects of long-term rainfall decline on the structure and functioning of Hawaiian forests. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(9), 94002.

Eisavi, V; Homayouni, S; Rezaei-Chiyaneh, E (2017). Apple orchard phenology response to desiccation and temperature changes in Urmia Lake region. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 14(9), 1865-1878.

Lee, D; An, YR; Park, KJ; Kim, HW; Lee, D; Joo, HT; Oh, YG; Kim, SM; Kang, CK; Lee, SH (2017). Spatial distribution of common Minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) as an indication of a biological hotspot in the East Sea. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 143, 91-99.

Siachalou, S; Mallinis, G; Tsakiri-Strati, M (2017). Analysis of Time-Series Spectral Index Data to Enhance Crop Identification Over a Mediterranean Rural Landscape. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 14(9), 1508-1512.

Kim, S; Balakrishnan, K; Liu, Y; Johnson, F; Sharma, A (2017). Spatial Disaggregation of Coarse Soil Moisture Data by Using High-Resolution Remotely Sensed Vegetation Products. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 14(9), 1604-1608.

Kotarba, AZ (2017). Inconsistency of surface-based (SYNOP) and satellite-based (MODIS) cloud amount estimations due to the interpretation of cloud detection results. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(11), 4092-4104.

Shi, HY; Xiao, ZQ; Liang, SL; Ma, H (2017). A Method for Consistent Estimation of Multiple Land Surface Parameters From MODIS Top-of-Atmosphere Time Series Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(9), 5158-5173.

Lee, S; Meister, G (2017). MODIS Aqua Optical Throughput Degradation Impact on Relative Spectral Response and Calibration of Ocean Color Products. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(9), 5214-5219.

Kim, K; Wang, MC; Ranjitkar, S; Liu, SH; Xu, JC; Zomer, RJ (2017). Using leaf area index (LAI) to assess vegetation response to drought in Yunnan province of China. JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 14(9), 1863-1872.

Joo, H; Son, S; Park, JW; Kang, JJ; Jeong, JY; Kwon, JI; Kang, CK; Lee, SH (2017). Small phytoplankton contribution to the total primary production in the highly productive Ulleung Basin in the East/Japan Sea. DEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 143, 54-61.

Zhang, YG; Xu, JZ; Shi, JS; Xie, CH; Ge, XL; Wang, JF; Kang, SC; Zhang, Q (2017). Light absorption by water-soluble organic carbon in atmospheric fine particles in the central Tibetan Plateau. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 24(26), 21386-21397.

Gondocs, J; Breuer, H; Pongracz, R; Bartholy, J (2017). Urban heat island mesoscale modelling study for the Budapest agglomeration area using the WRF model. URBAN CLIMATE, 21, 66-86.

Zhao, GS; Shi, PL (2017). Sources of uncertainty in exploring rangeland phenology: A case study in an alpine meadow on the central Tibetan Plateau. JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 14(9), 1827-1838.

Zhang, SH; Ye, ZX; Chen, YN; Xu, YF (2017). Vegetation responses to an ecological water conveyance project in the lower reaches of the Heihe River basin. ECOHYDROLOGY, 10(6), UNSP e1866.

Arslan, AN; Tanis, CM; Metsamaki, S; Aurela, M; Bottcher, K; Linkosalmi, M; Peltoniemi, M (2017). Automated Webcam Monitoring of Fractional Snow Cover in Northern Boreal Conditions. GEOSCIENCES, 7(3), UNSP 55.

Licciardi, GA; Sellitto, P; Piscini, A; Chanussot, J (2017). Nonlinear Spectral Unmixing for the Characterisation of Volcanic Surface Deposit and Airborne Plumes from Remote Sensing Imagery. GEOSCIENCES, 7(3), UNSP 46.

Yang, HB; Vina, A; Tang, Y; Zhang, JD; Wang, F; Zhao, ZQ; Liu, JG (2017). Range-wide evaluation of wildlife habitat change: A demonstration using Giant Pandas. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 213, 203-209.

Jarchow, CJ; Nagler, PL; Glenn, EP; Ramirez-Hernandez, J; Rodriguez-Burgueno, JE (2017). Evapotranspiration by remote sensing: An analysis of the Colorado River Delta before and after the Minute 319 pulse flow to Mexico. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 106, 725-732.

Liu, R; Wen, J; Wang, X; Wang, ZL (2017). Validation of evapotranspiration and its long-term trends in the Yellow River source region. JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE, 8(3), 495-509.

Javadnia, E; Abkar, AA; Schubert, P (2017). A MODIS-based modeling scheme for the estimation of downward surface shortwave radiation under cloud-free conditions. ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES, 10(17), 392.

Shen, H; Leblanc, M; Frappart, F; Seoane, L; O'Grady, D; Olioso, A; Tweed, S (2017). A Comparative Study of GRACE with Continental Evapotranspiration Estimates in Australian Semi-Arid and Arid Basins: Sensitivity to Climate Variability and Extremes. WATER, 9(9), 614.

Guermazi, H; Sellitto, P; Serbaji, MM; Legras, B; Rekhiss, F (2017). Assessment of the Combined Sensitivity of Nadir TIR Satellite Observations to Volcanic SO2 and Sulphate Aerosols after a Moderate Stratospheric Eruption. GEOSCIENCES, 7(3), UNSP 84.

Lara, C; Saldias, GS; Westberry, TK; Behrenfeld, MJ; Broitman, BR (2017). First assessment of MODIS satellite ocean color products (OC3 and nFLH) in the Inner Sea of Chiloe, northern Patagonia. LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH, 45(4), 822-827.

Hassan-Esfahani, L; Ebtehaj, AM; Torres-Rua, A; Mckee, M (2017). Spatial Scale Gap Filling Using an Unmanned Aerial System: A Statistical Downscaling Method for Applications in Precision Agriculture. SENSORS, 17(9), 2106.

Wang, C; Li, J; Liu, QH; Zhong, B; Wu, SL; Xia, CF (2017). Analysis of Differences in Phenology Extracted from the Enhanced Vegetation Index and the Leaf Area Index. SENSORS, 17(9), 1982.

Chen, BQ; Xiao, XM; Li, XP; Pan, LH; Doughty, R; Ma, J; Dong, JW; Qin, YW; Zhao, B; Wu, ZX; Sun, R; Lan, GY; Xie, GS; Clinton, N; Giri, C (2017). A mangrove forest map of China in 2015: Analysis of time series Landsat 7/8 and Sentinel-1A imagery in Google Earth Engine cloud computing platform. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 131, 104-120.

de Moura, YM; Galvao, LS; Hilker, T; Wu, J; Saleska, S; do Amaral, CH; Nelson, BW; Lopes, AP; Wiedeman, KK; Prohaska, N; de Oliveira, RC; Machado, CB; Aragao, LEOC (2017). Spectral analysis of amazon canopy phenology during the dry season using a tower hyperspectral camera and modis observations. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 131, 52-64.

Schmitter, P; Steinrucken, J; Romer, C; Ballvora, A; Leon, J; Rascher, U; Plumer, L (2017). Unsupervised domain adaptation for early detection of drought stress in hyperspectral images. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 131, 65-76.

Tsalyuk, M; Kelly, M; Getz, WM (2017). Improving the prediction of African savanna vegetation variables using time series of MODIS products. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 131, 77-91.

Shen, XY; Anagnostou, EN (2017). A framework to improve hyper-resolution hydrological simulation in snow-affected regions. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 552, 1-12.

Zhang, GX; Su, XL; Singh, VP; Ayantobo, OO (2017). Modeling NDVI Using Joint Entropy Method Considering Hydro-Meteorological Driving Factors in the Middle Reaches of Hei River Basin. ENTROPY, 19(9), 502.

Leng, P; Li, ZL; Duan, SB; Gao, MF; Huo, HY (2017). A practical approach for deriving all-weather soil moisture content using combined satellite and meteorological data. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 131, 40-51.

Wang, K; Sun, XJ; Zhou, YB; Zhang, CL (2017). Validation of MODIS-Aqua Aerosol Products C051 and C006 over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region. ATMOSPHERE, 8(9), 172.

Zhou, W; Peng, B; Shi, JC; Wang, TX; Dhital, YP; Yao, RZ; Yu, YC; Lei, ZT; Zhao, R (2017). Estimating High Resolution Daily Air Temperature Based on Remote Sensing Products and Climate Reanalysis Datasets over Glacierized Basins: A Case Study in the Langtang Valley, Nepal. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 959.

de la Fuente, A; Meruane, C (2017). Spectral model for long-term computation of thermodynamics and potential evaporation in shallow wetlands. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 53(9), 7696-7715.

Schneibel, A; Frantz, D; Roder, A; Stellmes, M; Fischer, K; Hill, J (2017). Using Annual Landsat Time Series for the Detection of Dry Forest Degradation Processes in South-Central Angola. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 905.

Zhang, XY; Hu, HB (2017). Improving Satellite-Driven PM2.5 Models with VIIRS Nighttime Light Data in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 908.

Gonzalez, L; Briottet, X (2017). North Africa and Saudi Arabia Day/Night Sandstorm Survey (NASCube). REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 896.

Jin, QJ; Wei, JF; Yang, ZL; Lin, PR (2017). Irrigation-Induced Environmental Changes around the Aral Sea: An Integrated View from Multiple Satellite Observations. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 900.

Kim, Y; Park, NW; Lee, KD (2017). Self-Learning Based Land-Cover Classification Using Sequential Class Patterns from Past Land-Cover Maps. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 921.

Li, J; Roy, DP (2017). A Global Analysis of Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B and Landsat-8 Data Revisit Intervals and Implications for Terrestrial Monitoring. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 902.

Gholamnia, M; Alavipanah, SK; Boloorani, AD; Hamzeh, S; Kiavarz, M (2017). Diurnal Air Temperature Modeling Based on the Land Surface Temperature. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 915.

Sharma, RC; Hara, K; Tateishi, R (2017). High-Resolution Vegetation Mapping in Japan by Combining Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 Based Multi-Temporal Datasets through Machine Learning and Cross-Validation Approach. LAND, 6(3), 50.

Byer, S; Jin, YF (2017). Detecting Drought-Induced Tree Mortality in Sierra Nevada Forests with Time Series of Satellite Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 929.

Ding, C; Liu, XN; Huang, F (2017). Temporal Interpolation of Satellite-Derived Leaf Area Index Time Series by Introducing Spatial-Temporal Constraints for Heterogeneous Grasslands. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 968.

Duan, YJ; Barros, AP (2017). Understanding How Low-Level Clouds and Fog Modify the Diurnal Cycle of Orographic Precipitation Using In Situ and Satellite Observations. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 920.

Eswar, R; Sekhar, M; Bhattacharya, BK; Bandyopadhyay, S (2017). Spatial Disaggregation of Latent Heat Flux Using Contextual Models over India. REMOTE SENSING, 9(9), 949.

Hill, EM; House, T; Dhingra, MS; Kalpravidh, W; Morzaria, S; Osmani, MG; Yamage, M; Xiao, XM; Gilbert, M; Tildesley, MJ (2017). Modelling H5N1 in Bangladesh across spatial scales: Model complexity and zoonotic transmission risk. EPIDEMICS, 20, 37-55.

Burns, JM; Subrahmanyam, B; Murty, VSN (2017). On the dynamics of the Sri Lanka Dome in the Bay of Bengal. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(9), 7737-7750.

Millones, M; Rogan, J; Turner, BL; Parmentier, B; Harris, RC; Griffith, DA (2017). Fire Data as Proxy for Anthropogenic Landscape Change in the Yucatan. LAND, 6(3), 61.

Zhang, HY; Jin, MLS; Leach, M (2017). A Study of the Oklahoma City Urban Heat Island Effect Using a WRF/Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model, a Joint Urban 2003 Field Campaign, and MODIS Satellite Observations. CLIMATE, 5(3), 72.

Swain, S; Abeysundara, S; Hayhoe, K; Stoner, AMK (2017). Future changes in summer MODIS-based enhanced vegetation index for the South-Central United States. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, 41, 64-73.

Yu, B; Chen, F; Shirazi, Z (2017). Impact of biomass fires on tropospheric nitrogen dioxide in South and Southeast Asia for the years from 2005 to 2014. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 86, 92-101.

Wang, QM; Zhang, YH; Onojeghuo, AO; Zhu, XL; Atkinson, PM (2017). Enhancing Spatio-Temporal Fusion of MODIS and Landsat Data by Incorporating 250 m MODIS Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(9), 4116-4123.

Nihashi, S; Ohshima, KI; Tamura, T (2017). Sea-Ice Production in Antarctic Coastal Polynyas Estimated From AMSR2 Data and Its Validation Using AMSR-E and SSM/I-SSMIS Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(9), 3912-3922.

Merrikhpour, MH; Rahimzadegan, M (2017). An Introduction to an Algorithm for Extracting Precipitable Water Vapor Over Land From AMSR2 Images. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(9), 3975-3984.

Ha, NTT; Thao, NTP; Koike, K; Nhuan, MT (2017). Selecting the Best Band Ratio to Estimate Chlorophyll-a Concentration in a Tropical Freshwater Lake Using Sentinel 2A Images from a Case Study of Lake Ba Be (Northern Vietnam). ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION, 6(9), 290.

Santi, E; Paloscia, S; Pampaloni, P; Pettinato, S; Nomaki, T; Seki, M; Sekiya, K; Maeda, T (2017). Vegetation Water Content Retrieval by Means of Multifrequency Microwave Acquisitions From AMSR2. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(9), 3861-3873.

Bao, MY; Cao, F; Chang, YH; Zhang, YL; Gao, YQ; Liu, XY; Zhang, YY; Zhang, WQ; Tang, TR; Xu, ZF; Liu, SD; Lee, XH; Li, J; Zhang, G (2017). Characteristics and origins of air pollutants and carbonaceous aerosols during wintertime haze episodes at a rural site in the Yangtze River Delta, China. ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH, 8(5), 900-911.

Gusso, A; Ducati, JR; Bortolotto, VC (2017). Analysis of soybean cropland expansion in the southern Brazilian Amazon and its relation to economic drivers. ACTA AMAZONICA, 47(4), 281-292.

Root-Bernstein, M; Svenning, JC (2017). Restoring connectivity between fragmented woodlands in Chile with a reintroduced mobile link species. PERSPECTIVES IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 15(4), 292-299.

Wang, YF; Zhang, JQ; Tong, SQ; Guo, EL (2017). Monitoring the trends of aeolian desertified lands based on time-series remote sensing data in the Horqin Sandy Land, China. CATENA, 157, 286-298.

Hubert, P; Herbin, H; Visez, N; Pujol, O; Petitprez, D (2017). New approach for the determination of aerosol refractive indices - Part II: Experimental set-up and application to amorphous silica particles. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 200, 320-327.

Lin, ZH; Qi, JG (2017). Hydro-dam - A nature-based solution or an ecological problem: The fate of the Tonle Sap Lake. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 158, 24-32.

Wai, KM; Ng, EYY; Wong, CMS; Tan, TYZ; Lin, TH; Lien, WH; Tanner, PA; Wang, CSH; Lau, KKL; He, NMH; Kim, J (2017). Aerosol pollution and its potential impacts on outdoor human thermal sensation: East Asian perspectives. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 158, 753-758.

Hentze, K; Thonfeld, F; Menz, G (2017). Beyond trend analysis: How a modified breakpoint analysis enhances knowledge of agricultural production after Zimbabwe's fast track land reform. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 62, 78-87.

Ji, L; Brown, JF (2017). Effect of NOAA satellite orbital drift on AVHRR-derived phenological metrics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 62, 215-223.

Lark, TJ; Mueller, RM; Johnson, DM; Gibbs, HK (2017). Measuring land-use and land-cover change using the US department of agriculture's cropland data layer: Cautions and recommendations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 62, 224-235.

Fiorillo, E; Maselli, F; Tarchiani, V; Vignaroli, P (2017). Analysis of land degradation processes on a tiger bush plateau in South West Niger using MODIS and LANDSAT TM/ETM plus data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 62, 56-68.

Liu, JP; Zhang, WC; Liu, T (2017). Monitoring recent changes in snow cover in Central Asia using improved MODIS snow-cover products. JOURNAL OF ARID LAND, 9(5), 763-777.

Al-Hamdan, MZ; Oduor, P; Flores, AI; Kotikot, SM; Mugo, R; Ababu, J; Farah, H (2017). Evaluating land cover changes in Eastern and Southern Africa from 2000 to 2010 using validated Landsat and MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 62, 8-26.

Biederman, JA; Scott, RL; Bell, TW; Bowling, DR; Dore, S; Garatuza-Payan, J; Kolb, TE; Krishnan, P; Krofcheck, DJ; Litvak, ME; Maurer, GE; Meyers, TP; Oechel, WC; Papuga, SA; Ponce-Campos, GE; Rodriguez, JC; Smith, WK; Vargas, R; Watts, CJ; Yepez, EA; Goulden, ML (2017). CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration across dryland ecosystems of southwestern North America. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(10), 4204-4221.

Meng, CL (2017). Quantifying the impacts of snow on surface energy balance through assimilating snow cover fraction and snow depth. METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, 129(5), 529-538.

ul-Haq, Z; Tariq, S; Ali, M (2017). Spatiotemporal patterns of correlation between atmospheric nitrogen dioxide and aerosols over South Asia. METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, 129(5), 507-527.

Hatami Bahmanbeiglou, K; Movahedi, S (2017). Identifying sky conditions in Iran from MODIS Terra and Aqua cloud products. CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, 27(5), 800-809.

Jiang, CY; Ryu, Y; Fang, HL; Myneni, R; Claverie, M; Zhu, ZC (2017). Inconsistencies of interannual variability and trends in long-term satellite leaf area index products. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(10), 4133-4146.

Kerandi, NM; Laux, P; Arnault, J; Kunstmann, H (2017). Performance of the WRF model to simulate the seasonal and interannual variability of hydrometeorological variables in East Africa: a case study for the Tana River basin in Kenya. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 130(2-Jan), 401-418.

Ren, Y; Zhang, F; Kung, HT; Johnson, VC; Wang, J; Zhang, Y; Yu, HY; Yushanjiang, A (2017). Using the vegetation-solar radiation (VSr) model to estimate the short-term gross primary production (GPP) of vegetation in Jinghe county, XinJiang, China. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 107, 208-215.

Miettinen, J; Shi, CH; Liew, SC (2017). Fire Distribution in Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo in 2015 with Special Emphasis on Peatland Fires. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 60(4), 747-757.

Cuchiara, GC; Rappengluck, B; Rubio, MA; Lissi, E; Gramsch, E; Garreaud, RD (2017). Modeling study of biomass burning plumes and their impact on urban air quality; a case study of Santiago de Chile. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 166, 79-91.

Fick, SE; Hijmans, RJ (2017). WorldClim 2: new 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(12), 4302-4315.

Xu, H; Guo, JP; Wang, Y; Zhao, CF; Zhang, ZB; Min, M; Miao, YC; Liu, H; He, J; Zhou, SW; Zhai, PM (2017). Warming effect of dust aerosols modulated by overlapping clouds below. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 166, 393-402.

Xiao, Q; Tao, JP; Xiao, Y; Qian, F (2017). Monitoring vegetation cover in Chongqing between 2001 and 2010 using remote sensing data. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(10), 493.

Huang, YY; Dong, XQ; Xi, BK; Dolinar, EK; Stanfield, RE; Qiu, SY (2017). Quantifying the Uncertainties of Reanalyzed Arctic Cloud and Radiation Properties Using Satellite Surface Observations. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 30(19), 8007-8029.

Ayanlade, A (2017). Variations in urban surface temperature: an assessment of land use change impacts over Lagos metropolis. WEATHER, 72(10), 315-319.

Wu, SF; Zhao, TC; Gao, Y; Cheng, X (2017). Design and implementation of a Cube satellite mission for Antarctic glacier and sea ice observation. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 139, 313-320.

Ma, P; Dai, XY; Guo, ZY; Wei, C; Ma, WC (2017). Detection of thermal pollution from power plants on China's eastern coast using remote sensing data. STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT, 31(8), 1957-1975.

Li, WJ; Baret, F; Weiss, M; Buis, S; Lacaze, R; Demarez, V; Dejoux, JF; Battude, M; Camacho, F (2017). Combining hectometric and decametric satellite observations to provide near real time decametric FAPAR product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 200, 250-262.

Gao, L; Zhan, WF; Huang, F; Zhu, XL; Zhou, J; Quan, JL; Du, PJ; Li, MC (2017). Disaggregation of remotely sensed land surface temperature: A simple yet flexible index (SIFI) to assess method performances. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 200, 206-219.

Al Shehhi, MR; Gherboudj, I; Ghedira, H (2017). In situ spectral response of the Arabian Gulf and Sea of Oman coastal waters to bio-optical properties. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY, 175, 235-243.

Yu, LX; Liu, TX; Bu, K; Yang, JC; Zhang, SW (2017). Monitoring Forest Disturbance in Lesser Khingan Mountains Using MODIS and Landsat TM Time Series from 2000 to 2011. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 45(5), 837-845.

Zhang, YH; Cao, T; Kan, X; Wang, JG; Tian, W (2017). Spatial and Temporal Variation Analysis of Snow Cover Using MODIS over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau during 2003-2014. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 45(5), 887-897.

Zhu, WB; Jia, SF; Lv, AF (2017). A time domain solution of the Modified Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index (MTVDI) for continuous soil moisture monitoring. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 200, 1-17.

Chin, TM; Vazquez-Cuervo, J; Armstrong, EM (2017). A multi-scale high-resolution analysis of global sea surface temperature. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 200, 154-169.

Bansal, S; Katyal, D; Garg, JK (2017). A novel strategy for wetland area extraction using multispectral MODIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 200, 183-205.

Choubin, B; Solaimani, K; Habibnejad Roshan, M; Malekian, A (2017). Watershed classification by remote sensing indices: A fuzzy c-means clustering approach. JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 14(10), 2053-2063.

Burman, PKD; Sarma, D; Williams, M; Karipot, A; Chakraborty, S (2017). Estimating gross primary productivity of a tropical forest ecosystem over north-east India using LAI and meteorological variables. JOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE, 126(7), 99.

Gong, WB; Fang, SH; Yang, G; Ge, MY (2017). Using a Hidden Markov Model for Improving the Spatial-Temporal Consistency of Time Series Land Cover Classification. ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION, 6(10), 292.

Mendez-Estrella, R; Romo-Leon, JR; Castellanos, AE (2017). Mapping Changes in Carbon Storage and Productivity Services Provided by Riparian Ecosystems of Semi-Arid Environments in Northwestern Mexico. ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION, 6(10), 298.

Peng, DL; Zhang, XY; Zhang, B; Liu, LY; Liu, XJ; Huete, AR; Huang, WJ; Wang, SY; Luo, SZ; Zhang, X; Zhang, HL (2017). Scaling effects on spring phenology detections from MODIS data at multiple spatial resolutions over the contiguous United States. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 132, 185-198.

Murfitt, J; Brown, LC (2017). Lake ice and temperature trends for Ontario and Manitoba: 2001 to 2014. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(21), 3596-3609.

Marj, AA; Mobasheri, MR; Matkan, AA (2017). Quantitative Assessment of Different Air Pollutants (QADAP) Using Daily MODIS Images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 11(4), 523-534.

Segura, S; Estelles, V; Utrillas, MP; Martinez-Lozano, JA (2017). Long term analysis of the columnar and surface aerosol relationship at an urban European coastal site. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 167, 309-322.

Kong, LB; Xin, JY; Liu, ZR; Zhang, KQ; Tang, GQ; Zhang, WY; Wang, YS (2017). The PM2.5 threshold for aerosol extinction in the Beijing megacity. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 167, 458-465.

Cuevas, E; Gomez-Pelaez, J; Rodriguez, S; Terradellas, E; Basart, S; Garcia, RD; Garcia, OE; Alonso-Perez, S (2017). The pulsating nature of large-scale Saharan dust transport as a result of interplays between mid-latitude Rossby waves and the North African Dipole Intensity. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 167, 586-602.

Boreddy, SKR; Mochizuki, T; Kawamura, K; Bikkina, S; Sarin, MM (2017). Homologous series of low molecular weight (C-1-C-10) monocarboxylic acids, benzoic acid and hydroxyacids in fine-mode (PM2.5) aerosols over the Bay of Bengal: Influence of heterogeneity in air masses and formation pathways. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 167, 170-180.

Zou, XC; Mottus, M (2017). Sensitivity of Common Vegetation Indices to the Canopy Structure of Field Crops. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 994.

Wang, J; Huang, B (2017). A Rigorously-Weighted Spatiotemporal Fusion Model with Uncertainty Analysis. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 990.

Zhang, M; Wang, LC; Gong, W; Ma, YY; Liu, BM (2017). Aerosol Optical Properties and Direct Radiative Effects over Central China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 997.

Chen, ZY; Chen, DL; Zhuang, Y; Cai, J; Zhao, N; He, B; Gao, BB; Xu, B (2017). Examining the Influence of Crop Residue Burning on Local PM2.5 Concentrations in Heilongjiang Province Using Ground Observation and Remote Sensing Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 971.

Liu, JF; Emery, WJ; Wu, XB; Li, M; Li, C; Zhang, L (2017). Computing Coastal Ocean Surface Currents from MODIS and VIIRS Satellite Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1083.

Miles, V; Esau, I (2017). Seasonal and Spatial Characteristics of Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) in Northern West Siberian Cities. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 989.

Olsoy, PJ; Mitchell, J; Glenn, NF; Flores, AN (2017). Assessing a Multi-Platform Data Fusion Technique in Capturing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Heterogeneous Dryland Ecosystems in Topographically Complex Terrain. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 981.

Pimentel, R; Herrero, J; Polo, MJ (2017). Quantifying Snow Cover Distribution in Semiarid Regions Combining Satellite and Terrestrial Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 995.

Rosas, J; Houborg, R; McCabe, MF (2017). Sensitivity of Landsat 8 Surface Temperature Estimates to Atmospheric Profile Data: A Study Using MODTRAN in Dryland Irrigated Systems. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 988.

Wang, GX; Jiang, LM; Wu, SL; Shi, JC; Hao, SR; Liu, XJ (2017). Fractional Snow Cover Mapping from FY-2 VISSR Imagery of China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 983.

Wang, H; Yang, LK; Deng, AJ; Du, WB; Liu, P; Sun, XB (2017). Remote Sensing of Aerosol Optical Depth Using an Airborne Polarimeter over North China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 979.

Sidhu, N; Pebesma, E; Wang, YC (2017). Usability Study to Assess the IGBP Land Cover Classification for Singapore. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1075.

Tang, ZG; Wang, XR; Wang, J; Wang, X; Li, HY; Jiang, ZL (2017). Spatiotemporal Variation of Snow Cover in Tianshan Mountains, Central Asia, Based on Cloud-Free MODIS Fractional Snow Cover Product, 2001-2015. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1045.

Bhatt, R; Doelling, DR; Scarino, B; Haney, C; Gopalan, A (2017). Development of Seasonal BRDF Models to Extend the Use of Deep Convective Clouds as Invariant Targets for Satellite SWIR-Band Calibration. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1061.

Browning, DM; Karl, JW; Morin, D; Richardson, AD; Tweedie, CE (2017). Phenocams Bridge the Gap between Field and Satellite Observations in an Arid Grassland Ecosystem. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1071.

Carswell, T; Costa, M; Young, E; Komick, N; Gower, J; Sweeting, R (2017). Evaluation of MODIS-Aqua Atmospheric Correction and Chlorophyll Products of Western North American Coastal Waters Based on 13 Years of Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1063.

Shokr, M; El-Tahan, M; Ibrahim, A; Steiner, A; Gad, N (2017). Long-Term, High-Resolution Survey of Atmospheric Aerosols over Egypt with NASA's MODIS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(10), 1027.

Belle, JH; Chang, HH; Wang, YJ; Hu, XF; Lyapustin, A; Liu, Y (2017). The Potential Impact of Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Parameters on Ground-Level PM2.5 Mass and Composition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 14(10), 1244.

Ghimire, BR; Nagai, M; Tripathi, NK; Witayangkurn, A; Mishara, B; Sasaki, N (2017). Mapping of Shorea robusta Forest Using Time Series MODIS Data. FORESTS, 8(10), 384.

Malone, SL (2017). Monitoring Changes in Water Use Efficiency to Understand Drought Induced Tree Mortality. FORESTS, 8(10), 365.

Soulard, CE; Walker, JJ; Griffith, GE (2017). Forest Harvest Patterns on Private Lands in the Cascade Mountains, Washington, USA. FORESTS, 8(10), 383.

Yang, J; Zhang, XC; Luo, ZH; Yu, XJ (2017). Nonlinear Variations of Net Primary Productivity and Its Relationship with Climate and Vegetation Phenology, China. FORESTS, 8(10), 361.

Wei, CC (2017). Predictions of Surface Solar Radiation on Tilted Solar Panels using Machine Learning Models: A Case Study of Tainan City, Taiwan. ENERGIES, 10(10), 1660.

Sun, X; Holmes, HA; Osibanjo, OO; Sun, Y; Ivey, CE (2017). Evaluation of Surface Fluxes in the WRF Model: Case Study for Farmland in Rolling Terrain. ATMOSPHERE, 8(10), 197.

Wu, T; Fan, M; Tao, JH; Su, L; Wang, P; Liu, D; Li, MY; Han, X; Chen, LF (2017). Aerosol Optical Properties over China from RAMS-CMAQ Model Compared with CALIOP Observations. ATMOSPHERE, 8(10), 201.

Halimi, M; Rezaei, M; Mohammadi, C; Farajzadeh, M (2017). Association between cloudiness and rainfall over Fars province in Iran. RUSSIAN METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY, 42(10), 671-676.

Pour, HK; Duguay, CR; Scott, KA; Kang, KK (2017). Improvement of Lake Ice Thickness Retrieval From MODIS Satellite Data Using a Thermodynamic Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(10), 5956-5965.

Cooley, SW; Christoffersen, P (2017). Observation Bias Correction Reveals More Rapidly Draining Lakes on the Greenland Ice Sheet. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-EARTH SURFACE, 122(10), 1867-1881.

Wang, XX; Jia, K; Liang, SL; Li, QZ; Wei, XQ; Yao, YJ; Zhang, XT; Tu, YX (2017). Estimating Fractional Vegetation Cover From Landsat-7 ETM+ Reflectance Data Based on a Coupled Radiative Transfer and Crop Growth Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(10), 5539-5546.

Tang, RL; Li, ZL (2017). An End-Member-Based Two-Source Approach for Estimating Land Surface Evapotranspiration From Remote Sensing Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(10), 5818-5832.

Merrikhpour, MH; Rahimzadegan, M (2017). Improving the Algorithm of Extracting Regional Total Precipitable Water Vapor Over Land From MODIS Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(10), 5889-5898.

Baldinelli, G; Bonafoni, S; Rotili, A (2017). Albedo Retrieval From Multispectral Landsat 8 Observation in Urban Environment: Algorithm Validation by in situ Measurements. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4504-4511.

Liu, ZH; Wu, PH; Duan, SB; Zhan, WF; Ma, XS; Wu, YL (2017). Spatiotemporal Reconstruction of Land Surface Temperature Derived From FengYun Geostationary Satellite Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4531-4543.

Liu, ZJ; Wu, CY; Wang, SS (2017). Predicting Forest Evapotranspiration by Coupling Carbon and Water Cycling Based on a Critical Stomatal Conductance Model. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4469-4477.

Imperatore, P; Azar, R; Calo, F; Stroppiana, D; Brivio, PA; Lanari, R; Pepe, A (2017). Effect of the Vegetation Fire on Backscattering: An Investigation Based on Sentinel-1 Observations. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4478-4492.

Zhang, ZY; Wong, MS (2017). A Simplified Method for Retrieving Aerosol Optical Thickness Using Visibility Data Between 1980 and 2014, A Case Study in China. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4409-4416.

Tao, M; Duan, HT; Cao, ZG; Loiselle, SA; Ma, RH (2017). A Hybrid EOF Algorithm to Improve MODIS Cyanobacteria Phycocyanin Data Quality in a Highly Turbid Lake: Bloom and Nonbloom Condition. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(10), 4430-4444.

Zhao, XD; Jing, WL; Zhang, PY (2017). Mapping Fine Spatial Resolution Precipitation from TRMM Precipitation Datasets Using an Ensemble Learning Method and MODIS Optical Products in China. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(10), 1912.

Chen, M; Rafique, R; Asrar, GR; Bond-Lamberty, B; Ciais, P; Zhao, F; Reyer, CPO; Ostberg, S; Chang, JF; Ito, A; Yang, J; Zeng, N; Kalnay, E; West, T; Leng, GY; Francois, L; Munhoven, G; Henrot, A; Tian, HQ; Pan, SF; Nishina, K; Viovy, N; Morfopoulos, C; Betts, R; Schaphoff, S; Steinkamp, J; Hickler, T (2017). Regional contribution to variability and trends of global gross primary productivity. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(10), 105005.

Rankine, C; Sanchez-Azofeifa, GA; Guzman, JA; Espirito-Santo, MM; Sharp, I (2017). Comparing MODIS and near-surface vegetation indexes for monitoring tropical dry forest phenology along a successional gradient using optical phenology towers. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(10), 105007.

Ahmed, MR; Rahaman, KR; Kok, A; Hassan, QK (2017). Remote Sensing-Based Quantification of the Impact of Flash Flooding on the Rice Production: A Case Study over Northeastern Bangladesh. SENSORS, 17(10), 2347.

Graw, V; Ghazaryan, G; Dall, K; Gomez, AD; Abdel-Hamid, A; Jordaan, A; Piroska, R; Post, J; Szarzynski, J; Walz, Y; Dubovyk, O (2017). Drought Dynamics and Vegetation Productivity in Different Land Management Systems of Eastern Cape, South Africa-A Remote Sensing Perspective. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(10), 1728.

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Wattelez, G; Dupouy, C; Lefevre, J; Ouillon, S; Fernandez, JM; Juillot, F (2017). Application of the Support Vector Regression Method for Turbidity Assessment with MODIS on a Shallow Coral Reef Lagoon (Voh-Kone-Pouembout, New Caledonia). WATER, 9(10), 737.

Chen, XL; Su, ZB; Ma, YM; Cleverly, J; Liddell, M (2017). An Accurate Estimate of Monthly Mean Land Surface Temperatures from MODIS Clear-Sky Retrievals. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 18(10), 2827-2847.

Jing, YY; Zhang, P; Chen, L; Xu, N (2017). Integrated Analysis of Dust Transport and Budget in a Severe Asian Dust Event. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 17(10), 2390-2400.

Kleynhans, W; Salmon, BP; Wessels, KJ (2017). A novel framework for parameter selection of the Autocorrelation Change detection method using 250m MODIS time-series data in the Gauteng province of South Africa. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOMATICS, 6(3), 407-415.

Pavlidou, E; Hecker, C; van der Werff, H; van der Meijde, M (2017). Study of Volcanic Activity at Different Time Scales Using Hypertemporal Land Surface Temperature Data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH, 122(10), 7613-7625.

Tourian, MJ; Elmi, O; Mohammadnejad, A; Sneeuw, N (2017). Estimating River Depth from SWOT-Type Observables Obtained by Satellite Altimetry and Imagery. WATER, 9(10), 753.

Yan, H; Wang, SQ; Yu, KL; Wang, B; Yu, Q; Bohrer, G; Billesbach, D; Bracho, R; Rahman, F; Shugart, HH (2017). A Novel Diffuse Fraction-Based Two-Leaf Light Use Efficiency Model: An Application Quantifying Photosynthetic Seasonality Across 20 AmeriFlux Flux Tower Sites. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 9(6), 2317-2332.

Fajji, NG; Palamuleni, LG; Mlambo, V (2017). Evaluating derived vegetation indices and cover fraction to estimate rangeland aboveground biomass in semi-arid environments. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOMATICS, 6(3), 333-348.

Mashaba, Z; Chirima, G; Botai, JO; Combrinck, L; Munghemezulu, C; Dube, E (2017). Forecasting winter wheat yields using MODIS NDVI data for the Central Free State region. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 113(12-Nov), 51-56.

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Cavazzani, S; Ortolani, S; Zitelli, V (2017). Satellite-based forecasts for seeing and photometric quality at the European Extremely Large Telescope site. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, 471(3), 2616-2625.

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He, YJ; Sun, ZA; Shi, GP; Liu, JM; Li, JD (2017). Modification of the SUNFLUX solar radiation scheme with a new aerosol parameterization and its validation using observation network data. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 34(11), 1301-1315.

Paltsyn, MY; Gibbs, JP; Iegorova, LV; Mountrakis, G (2017). Estimation and Prediction of Grassland Cover inWestern Mongolia Using MODIS-Derived Vegetation Indices. RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 70(6), 723-729.

McGwire, KC; Weltz, MA; Snyder, KA; Huntington, JL; Morton, CG; McEvoy, DJ (2017). Satellite Assessment of Early-Season Forecasts for Vegetation Conditions of Grazing Allotments in Nevada, United States. RANGELAND ECOLOGY & MANAGEMENT, 70(6), 730-739.

Wang, XM; Ma, WY; Hua, T; Li, DF (2017). Variation in vegetation greenness along China's land border. SCIENCE CHINA-EARTH SCIENCES, 60(11), 2025-2032.

Han, X; Zhang, MG; Skorokhod, A (2017). Assessment of the first indirect radiative effect of ammonium-sulfate-nitrate aerosols in East Asia. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 130(4-Mar), 817-830.

Sharma, D; Kulshrestha, U (2017). Dust storms and their influence on optical and chemical properties of aerosols along north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains. JOURNAL OF INDIAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION, 21(6), 526-534.


Kumar, M; Raju, MP; Singh, RS; Banerjee, T (2017). Impact of drought and normal monsoon scenarios on aerosol induced radiative forcing and atmospheric heating in Varanasi over middle Indo-Gangetic Plain. JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 113, 95-107.

Mishra, MK; Gupta, AK; Rajeev, K (2017). Spaceborne Observations of the Diurnal Variation of Shortwave Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect at Top of Atmosphere Over the Dust-Dominated Arabian Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(11), 6610-6616.

Rosenfeld, A; Dorman, M; Schwartz, J; Novack, V; Just, AC; Kloog, I (2017). Estimating daily minimum, maximum, and mean near surface air temperature using hybrid satellite models across Israel. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 159, 297-312.

Zhang, Y; Li, L; Wang, HB; Zhang, Y; Wang, NJ; Chen, JP (2017). Land surface phenology of Northeast China during 2000-2015: temporal changes and relationships with climate changes. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(11), 531.

Deb, D; Singh, JP; Deb, S; Datta, D; Ghosh, A; Chaurasia, RS (2017). An alternative approach for estimating above ground biomass using Resourcesat-2 satellite data and artificial neural network in Bundelkhand region of India. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(11), 576.

Liu, HY; Zhang, MY; Lin, ZS (2017). Relative importance of climate changes at different time scales on net primary productivity-a case study of the Karst area of northwest Guangxi, China. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(11), 539.

Veeck, G; Li, Z; Yu, FW; Emerson, C (2017). Contemporary changes to herding systems in China and effects on pasture quality: a case study in Gansu Province, 2000-2012. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(11), 575.

Fatima, H; George, JP; Rajagopal, EN; Basu, S (2017). Seasonal Verification of Dust Forecast over the Indian Region. PURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS, 174(11), 4225-4240.

Li, L; Fassnacht, FE; Storch, I; Burgi, M (2017). Land-use regime shift triggered the recent degradation of alpine pastures in Nyanpo Yutse of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 32(11), 2187-2203.

Yao, JL; Yang, L; Shu, YQ; Zeng, LL; Shi, R; Chen, J; Zu, TT; Chen, CQ (2017). Comparison of summer chlorophyll a concentration in the South China Sea and the Arabian Sea using remote sensing data. ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA, 36(11), 61-67.

Yang, RW; Wang, H; Hu, JM; Cao, J; Yang, Y (2017). An improved temperature vegetation dryness index (iTVDI) and its applicability to drought monitoring. JOURNAL OF MOUNTAIN SCIENCE, 14(11), 2284-2294.

Zhang, X; Ming, J; Li, ZQ; Wang, FT; Zhang, GS (2017). The online measured black carbon aerosol and source orientations in the Nam Co region, Tibet. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, 24(32), 25021-25033.

Kharuk, VI; Ponomarev, EI (2017). Spatiotemporal characteristics of wildfire frequency and relative area burned in larch-dominated forests of Central Siberia. RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 48(6), 507-512.

Mhawish, A; Banerjee, T; Broday, DM; Misra, A; Tripathi, SN (2017). Evaluation of MODIS Collection 6 aerosol retrieval algorithms over Indo-Gangetic Plain: Implications of aerosols types and mass loading. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 297-313.

Tote, C; Swinnen, E; Sterckx, S; Clarijs, D; Quang, C; Maes, R (2017). Evaluation of the SPOT/VEGETATION Collection 3 reprocessed dataset: Surface reflectances and NDVI. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 219-233.

Liu, Y; Wang, Z; Sun, Q; Erb, AM; Li, Z; Schaaf, CB; Zhang, X; Roman, MO; Scott, RL; Zhang, Q; Novick, KA; Bret-Harte, MS; Petroy, S; SanClements, M (2017). Evaluation of the VIIRS BRDF, Albedo and NBAR products suite and an assessment of continuity with the long term MODIS record. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 256-274.

Keck, T; Preusker, R; Fischer, J (2017). Retrieving snow and ice characteristics by remotely sensed emissivity using the multi-view brightness temperature within 8 mu m to 14 mu m. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 181-195.

Chen, SL; Hu, CM (2017). Estimating sea surface salinity in the northern Gulf of Mexico from satellite ocean color measurements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 115-132.

Zhang, L; Weng, QH; Shao, ZF (2017). An evaluation of monthly impervious surface dynamics by fusing Landsat and MODIS time series in the Pearl River Delta, China, from 2000 to 2015. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 99-114.

Qin, YW; Xiao, XM; Dong, JW; Zhou, YT; Wang, J; Doughty, RB; Chen, Y; Zou, ZH; Moore, B (2017). Annual dynamics of forest areas in South America during 2007-2010 at 50m spatial resolution. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 73-87.

O'Connell, JL; Mishra, DR; Cotten, DL; Wang, L; Alber, M (2017). The Tidal Marsh Inundation Index (TMII): An inundation filter to flag flooded pixels and improve MODIS tidal marsh vegetation time-series analysis. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 201, 34-46.

Bhattarai, N; Wagle, P; Gowda, PH; Kakani, VG (2017). Utility of remote sensing-based surface energy balance models to track water stress in rain-fed switchgrass under dry and wet conditions. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 133, 128-141.

Pok, S; Matsushita, B; Fukushima, T (2017). An easily implemented method to estimate impervious surface area on a large scale from MODIS time-series and improved DMSP-OLS nighttime light data. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 133, 104-115.

Qiu, BW; Chen, G; Tang, ZH; Lu, DF; Wang, ZZ; Chen, CC (2017). Assessing the Three-North Shelter Forest Program in China by a novel framework for characterizing vegetation changes. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 133, 75-88.

Wang, YL; Tang, YY; Li, LQ (2017). Spectral-spatial destriping of hyperspectral image via correntropy based sparse representation and unidirectional Huber-Markov random fields. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WAVELETS MULTIRESOLUTION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING, 15(6), 1750056.

Al Shehhi, MR; Gherboudj, I; Zhao, J; Ghedira, H (2017). Improved atmospheric correction and chlorophyll-a remote sensing models for turbid waters in a dusty environment. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 133, 46-60.

Chen, HD; Xiong, XX; Angal, A; Twedt, KA (2017). On-Orbit Characterization of the MODIS SDSM Screen for Solar Diffuser Degradation Estimation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(11), 6456-6467.

Zhao, W; Li, AN; Zhao, TJ (2017). Potential of Estimating Surface Soil Moisture With the Triangle-Based Empirical Relationship Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(11), 6494-6504.

Lin, ZY; Chen, F; Li, B; Yu, B; Shirazi, Z; Wu, QC; Wu, W (2017). FengYun-3C VIRR Active Fire Monitoring: Algorithm Description and Initial Assessment Using MODIS and Landsat Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(11), 6420-6430.

Kiapasha, K; Darvishsefat, AA; Julien, Y; Sobrino, JA; Zargham, N; Attarod, P; Schaepman, ME (2017). Trends in Phenological Parameters and Relationship Between Land Surface Phenology and Climate Data in the Hyrcanian Forests of Iran. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(11), 4961-4970.

Gao, CX; Qiu, S; Zhao, EY; Li, CR; Tang, LL; Ma, LL; Jiang, XG; Qian, YG; Zhao, YG; Wang, N; Ren, L (2017). Land Surface Temperature Retrieval From FY-3C/VIRR Data and Its Cross-Validation With Terra/MODIS. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(11), 4944-4953.

Rengarajan, R; Schott, JR (2017). Modeling and Simulation of Deciduous Forest Canopy and Its Anisotropic Reflectance Properties Using the Digital Image and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) Tool. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(11), 4805-4817.

Oliveira, JD; Feret, JB; Ponzoni, FJ; Nouvellon, Y; Gastellu-Etchegorry, JP; Campoe, OC; Stape, JL; Rodriguez, LCE; le Maire, G (2017). y Simulating the Canopy Reflectance of Different Eucalypt Genotypes With the DART 3-D Model. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(11), 4844-4852.

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Ramo, R; Chuvieco, E (2017). Developing a Random Forest Algorithm for MODIS Global Burned Area Classification. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1193.

Raoufi, R; Beighley, E (2017). Estimating Daily Global Evapotranspiration Using Penman-Monteith Equation and Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1138.

Pablos, M; Martinez-Fernandez, J; Sanchez, N; Gonzalez-Zamora, A (2017). Temporal and Spatial Comparison of Agricultural Drought Indices from Moderate Resolution Satellite Soil Moisture Data over Northwest Spain. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1168.

Pereira, AA; Pereira, JMC; Libonati, R; Oom, D; Setzer, AW; Morelli, F; Machado-Silva, F; de Carvalho, LMT (2017). Burned Area Mapping in the Brazilian Savanna Using a One-Class Support Vector Machine Trained by Active Fires. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1161.

Perez-Hoyos, A; Rembold, F; Kerdiles, H; Gallego, J (2017). Comparison of Global Land Cover Datasets for Cropland Monitoring. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1118.

Lu, M; Chen, B; Liao, XH; Yue, TX; Yue, HY; Ren, SM; Li, XW; Nie, Z; Xu, B (2017). Forest Types Classification Based on Multi-Source Data Fusion. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1153.

Liao, CH; Wang, JF; Pritchard, I; Liu, JG; Shang, JL (2017). A Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion Model for Generating NDVI Time Series in Heterogeneous Regions. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1125.

Kleynhans, T; Montanaro, M; Gerace, A; Kanan, C (2017). Predicting Top-of-Atmosphere Thermal Radiance Using MERRA-2 Atmospheric Data with Deep Learning. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1133.

Jia, K; Li, YW; Liang, SL; Wei, XQ; Yao, YJ (2017). Combining Estimation of Green Vegetation Fraction in an Arid Region from Landsat 7 ETM+ Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1121.

Javadnia, E; Abkar, AA; Schubert, P (2017). Estimation of High-Resolution Surface Shortwave Radiative Fluxes Using SARA AOD over the Southern Great Plains. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1146.

Gumma, MK; Mohammad, I; Nedumaran, S; Whitbread, A; Lagerkvist, CJ (2017). Urban Sprawl and Adverse Impacts on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Hyderabad, India. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1136.

Eweys, OA; Escorihuela, MJ; Villar, JM; Er-Raki, S; Amazirh, A; Olivera, L; Jarlan, L; Khabba, S; Merlin, O (2017). Disaggregation of SMOS Soil Moisture to 100 m Resolution Using MODIS Optical/Thermal and Sentinel-1 Radar Data: Evaluation over a Bare Soil Site in Morocco. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1155.

Fornacca, D; Ren, GP; Xiao, W (2017). Performance of Three MODIS Fire Products (MCD45A1, MCD64A1, MCD14ML), and ESA Fire_CCI in a Mountainous Area of Northwest Yunnan, China, Characterized by Frequent Small Fires. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1131.

Dwomoh, FK; Wimberly, MC (2017). Fire Regimes and Their Drivers in the Upper Guinean Region of West Africa. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1117.

Chen, SS; Hu, DY (2017). Parameterizing Anthropogenic Heat Flux with an Energy-Consumption Inventory and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1165.

Castro, SL; Emery, WJ; Wick, GA; Tandy, W (2017). Submesoscale Sea Surface Temperature Variability from UAV and Satellite Measurements. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1089.

Che, XH; Feng, M; Sexton, JO; Channan, S; Yang, YP; Sun, Q (2017). Assessment of MODIS BRDF/Albedo Model Parameters (MCD43A1 Collection 6) for Directional Reflectance Retrieval. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1123.

Basang, D; Barthel, K; Olseth, JA (2017). Satellite and Ground Observations of Snow Cover in Tibet during 2001-2015. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1201.

Bahir, M; Boulet, G; Olioso, A; Rivalland, V; Gallego-Elvira, B; Mira, M; Rodriguez, JC; Jarlan, L; Merlin, O (2017). Evaluation and Aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area. REMOTE SENSING, 9(11), 1178.

Wang, Q; Li, Q; Wang, ZT; Chen, H; Mao, HQ; Chen, CH (2017). A Quantitatively Operational Judging Method for the Process of Large Regional Heavy Haze Event Based on Satellite Remote Sensing and Numerical Simulations. ATMOSPHERE, 8(11), 222.

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Zhao, W; Li, AN; Jin, HA; Zhang, ZJ; Bian, JH; Yin, GF (2017). Performance Evaluation of the Triangle-Based Empirical Soil Moisture Relationship Models Based on Landsat-5 TM Data and In Situ Measurements. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(5), 2632-2645.

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He, XY; Xu, XJ (2017). Physically Based Model for Multispectral Image Simulation of Earth Observation Sensors. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(5), 1897-1908.

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Hao, YL; Cui, TW; Singh, VP; Zhang, J; Yu, RH; Zhang, ZL (2017). Validation of MODIS Sea Surface Temperature Product in the Coastal Waters of the Yellow Sea. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(5), 1667-1680.

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Zhu, J; Xia, XG; Wang, J; Che, HZ; Chen, HB; Zhang, JQ; Xu, XG; Levy, RC; Oo, M; Holz, R; Ayoub, M (2017). Evaluation of Aerosol Optical Depth and Aerosol Models from VIIRS Retrieval Algorithms over North China Plain. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 432.

Zhang, R; Zhou, Y; Luo, HX; Wang, FT; Wang, SX (2017). Estimation and Analysis of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Net Primary Productivity Integrating Efficiency Model with Process Model in Karst Area. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 477.

Wang, W; Mao, FY; Pan, ZX; Du, L; Gong, W (2017). Validation of VIIRS AOD through a Comparison with a Sun Photometer and MODIS AODs over Wuhan. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 403.

Yang, YZ; Cai, WH; Yang, J (2017). Evaluation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data to Estimate Near-Surface Air Temperature in Northeast China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 410.

Wang, LC; Zhu, HJ; Lin, AW; Zou, L; Qin, WM; Du, QY (2017). Evaluation of the Latest MODIS GPP Products across Multiple Biomes Using Global Eddy Covariance Flux Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 418.

Tu, LL; Qin, ZH; Yang, LC; Wang, F; Geng, J; Zhao, SH (2017). Identifying the Lambertian Property of Ground Surfaces in the Thermal Infrared Region via Field Experiments. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 481.

Schucknecht, A; Meroni, M; Kayitakire, F; Boureima, A (2017). Phenology-Based Biomass Estimation to Support Rangeland Management in Semi-Arid Environments. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 463.

Romano, F; Cimini, D; Nilo, ST; Di Paola, F; Ricciardelli, E; Ripepi, E; Viggiano, M (2017). The Role of Emissivity in the Detection of Arctic Night Clouds. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 406.

Rabatel, A; Sirguey, P; Drolon, V; Maisongrande, P; Arnaud, Y; Berthier, E; Davaze, L; Dedieu, JP; Dumont, M (2017). Annual and Seasonal Glacier-Wide Surface Mass Balance Quantified from Changes in Glacier Surface State: A Review on Existing Methods Using Optical Satellite Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 507.

Krehbiel, C; Zhang, XY; Henebry, GM (2017). Impacts of Thermal Time on Land Surface Phenology in Urban Areas. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 499.

Mao, FJ; Li, XJ; Du, HQ; Zhou, GM; Han, N; Xu, XJ; Liu, YL; Chen, L; Cui, L (2017). Comparison of Two Data Assimilation Methods for Improving MODIS LAI Time Series for Bamboo Forests. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 401.

Norman, SP; Hargrove, W; Christie, WM (2017). Spring and Autumn Phenological Variability across Environmental Gradients of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 407.

Noi, PT; Degener, J; Kappas, M (2017). Comparison of Multiple Linear Regression, Cubist Regression, and Random Forest Algorithms to Estimate Daily Air Surface Temperature from Dynamic Combinations of MODIS LST Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 398.

Karkauskaite, P; Tagesson, T; Fensholt, R (2017). Evaluation of the Plant Phenology Index (PPI), NDVI and EVI for Start-of-Season Trend Analysis of the Northern Hemisphere Boreal Zone. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 485.

Hansen, CH; Burian, SJ; Dennison, PE; Williams, GP (2017). Spatiotemporal Variability of Lake Water Quality in the Context of Remote Sensing Models. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 409.

Jiang, HT; Shen, HF; Li, HF; Lei, FN; Gan, WX; Zhang, LP (2017). Evaluation of Multiple Downscaled Microwave Soil Moisture Products over the Central Tibetan Plateau. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 402.

Gascoin, S; Gudmundsson, S; Adalgeirsdottir, G; Palsson, F; Schmidt, L; Berthier, E; Bjornsson, H (2017). Evaluation of MODIS Albedo Product over Ice Caps in Iceland and Impact of Volcanic Eruptions on Their Albedo. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 399.

Chen, W; Fan, AP; Yan, L (2017). Performance of MODIS C6 Aerosol Product during Frequent Haze-Fog Events: A Case Study of Beijing. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), UNSP 496.

Fernandez-Moran, R; Al-Yaari, A; Mialon, A; Mahmoodi, A; Al Bitar, A; De Lannoy, G; Rodriguez-Fernandez, N; Lopez-Baeza, E; Kerr, Y; Wigneron, JP (2017). SMOS-IC: An Alternative SMOS Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth Product. REMOTE SENSING, 9(5), 457.

Yang, Y; Wang, ZQ; Li, JL; Gang, CC; Zhang, YZ; Odeh, I; Qi, JG (2017). Assessing the spatiotemporal dynamic of global grassland carbon use efficiency in response to climate change from 2000 to 2013. ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 81, 22-31.

Zhao, B; Jiang, JH; Gu, Y; Diner, D; Worden, J; Liou, KN; Su, H; Xing, J; Garay, M; Huang, L (2017). Decadal-scale trends in regional aerosol particle properties and their linkage to emission changes. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(5), 54021.

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Lan, YB; Chen, SD; Fritz, BK (2017). Current status and future trends of precision agricultural aviation technologies. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 10(3), 1-17.

She, B; Huang, JF; Zhang, DY; Huang, LS (2017). Assessing and characterizing oilseed rape freezing injury based on MODIS and MERIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 10(3), 143-157.

Luo, RS; Hui, DF; Miao, N; Liang, C; Wells, N (2017). Global relationship of fire occurrence and fire intensity: A test of intermediate fire occurrence-intensity hypothesis. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(5), 1123-1136.

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Skokovic, D; Sobrino, JA; Jimenez-Munoz, JC (2017). Vicarious Calibration of the Landsat 7 Thermal Infrared Band and LST Algorithm Validation of the ETM plus Instrument Using Three Global Atmospheric Profiles. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1804-1811.

Fan, XW; Liu, YB (2017). A Generalized Model for Intersensor NDVI Calibration and Its Comparison With Regression Approaches. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1842-1852.

Wang, DD; Liang, SL; Zhou, Y; He, T; Yu, YY (2017). A New Method for Retrieving Daily Land Surface Albedo From VIIRS Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1765-1775.

Kandasamy, S; Verger, A; Baret, F (2017). Assessment of Three Methods for Near Real-Time Estimation of Leaf Area Index From AVHRR Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1489-1497.

Angal, A; Xiong, XX; Wu, AS (2017). Monitoring the On-Orbit Calibration of Terra MODIS Reflective Solar Bands Using Simultaneous Terra MISR Observations. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1648-1659.

Petrou, ZI; Tian, YL (2017). High-Resolution Sea Ice Motion Estimation With Optical Flow Using Satellite Spectroradiometer Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(3), 1339-1350.

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Seaman, CJ; Noh, YJ; Miller, SD; Heidinger, AK; Lindsey, DT (2017). Cloud-Base Height Estimation from VIIRS. Part I: Operational Algorithm Validation against CloudSat. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 34(3), 567-583.

Noh, YJ; Forsythe, JM; Miller, SD; Seaman, CJ; Li, Y; Heidinger, AK; Lindsey, DT; Rogers, MA; Partain, PT (2017). Cloud-Base Height Estimation from VIIRS. Part II: A Statistical Algorithm Based on A-Train Satellite Data. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 34(3), 585-598.

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Yang, YK; Xiao, PF; Feng, XZ; Li, HX (2017). Accuracy assessment of seven global land cover datasets over China. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 125, 156-173.

Zhang, Y; Hepner, GF (2017). Short-Term Phenological Predictions of Vegetation Abundance Using Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines in the Upper Colorado River Basin. EARTH INTERACTIONS, 21, 1-26.

Abrishamkar, M; Ahmadi, A (2017). Evapotranspiration Estimation Using Remote Sensing Technology Based on SEBAL Algorithm. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 41(1), 65-76.

Liu, CL; Sun, QW; Xing, QG; Liang, ZL; Deng, Y; Zhu, LX (2017). Spatio-temporal Variability in Sea Surface Temperatures for the Yellow Sea based on MODIS Dataset. OCEAN SCIENCE JOURNAL, 52(1), 1-10.

Liu, SH; Su, HB; Tian, J; Zhang, RH; Wang, WZ; Wu, YR (2017). Evaluating Four Remote Sensing Methods for Estimating Surface Air Temperature on a Regional Scale. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 56(3), 803-814.

Gemitzi, A; Ajami, H; Richnow, HH (2017). Developing empirical monthly groundwater recharge equations based on modeling and remote sensing data - Modeling future groundwater recharge to predict potential climate change impacts. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 546, 1-13.

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Mueller, KJ; Wu, DL; Horvath, A; Jovanovic, VM; Muller, JP; Di Girolamo, L; Garay, MJ; Diner, DJ; Moroney, CM; Wanzong, S (2017). Assessment of MISR Cloud Motion Vectors (CMVs) Relative to GOES and MODIS Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs). JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 56(3), 555-572.

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Kumar, A; Mishra, DR; Equeenuddin, SM; Cho, HJ; Rastogi, G (2017). Differential Impact of Anniversary-Severe Cyclones on the Water Quality of a Tropical Coastal Lagoon. ESTUARIES AND COASTS, 40(2), 317-342.

Hudson, AS; Talke, SA; Jay, DA (2017). Using Satellite Observations to Characterize the Response of Estuarine Turbidity Maxima to External Forcing. ESTUARIES AND COASTS, 40(2), 343-358.

Sun, L; Li, RB; Tian, XP; Wei, J (2017). Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Variation of Aerosols in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region with a 1 km AOD Product. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 17(3), 923-935.

Jose, S; Gharai, B; Rao, PVN (2017). Cross-Sectional View of Atmospheric Aerosols over an Urban Location in Central India. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 17(3), 761-775.

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Hu, DG; Shu, H; Hu, HD; Xu, JH (2017). Spatiotemporal regression Kriging to predict precipitation using time-series MODIS data. CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 20(1), 347-357.

Qi, JH; Niu, SW; Zhao, YF; Liang, M; Ma, LB; Ding, YX (2017). Responses of Vegetation Growth to Climatic Factors in Shule River Basin in Northwest China: A Panel Analysis. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(3), 368.

Yan, LB; He, RX; Kasanin-Grubin, M; Luo, GS; Peng, H; Qiu, JX (2017). The Dynamic Change of Vegetation Cover and Associated Driving Forces in Nanxiong Basin, China. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(3), 443.

Yu, K; Liu, SH; Zhao, YC (2017). A Study on Optimal Strategy in Relative Radiometric Calibration for Optical Sensors. SENSORS, 17(3), 490.

Miura, M; Obata, K; Taniguchi, K; Yoshioka, H (2017). Improved Accuracy of the Asymmetric Second-Order Vegetation Isoline Equation over the RED-NIR Reflectance Space. SENSORS, 17(3), 450.

Li, YP; Zhao, JJ; Guo, XY; Zhang, ZX; Tan, G; Yang, JH (2017). The Influence of Land Use on the Grassland Fire Occurrence in the Northeastern Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. SENSORS, 17(3), 437.

Liu, MF; Zhao, JJ; Guo, XY; Zhang, ZX; Tan, G; Yang, JH (2017). Study on Climate and Grassland Fire in HulunBuir, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. SENSORS, 17(3), 616.

Yang, AX; Zhong, B; Wu, SL; Liu, QH (2017). Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 in Multispectral Bands. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 232.

Xu, XM; Conrad, C; Doktor, D (2017). Optimising Phenological Metrics Extraction for Different Crop Types in Germany Using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS). REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 254.

Satge, F; Espinoza, R; Zola, RP; Roig, H; Timouk, F; Molina, J; Garnier, J; Calmant, S; Seyler, F; Bonnet, MP (2017). Role of Climate Variability and Human Activity on Poopo Lake Droughts between 1990 and 2015 Assessed Using Remote Sensing Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 218.

She, L; Mei, LL; Xue, Y; Che, YH; Guang, J (2017). SAHARA: A Simplified AtmospHeric Correction AlgoRithm for Chinese gAofen Data: 1. Aerosol Algorithm. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 253.

Wang, CL; Tang, BH; Wu, H; Tang, RL; Li, ZL (2017). Estimation of Downwelling Surface Longwave Radiation under Heavy Dust Aerosol Sky. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 207.

Liao, WL; Liu, XP; Wang, DG; Sheng, YL (2017). The Impact of Energy Consumption on the Surface Urban Heat Island in China's 32 Major Cities. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 250.

Ma, R; Zhang, L; Tian, XJ; Zhang, JC; Yuan, WP; Zheng, Y; Zhao, X; Kato, T (2017). Assimilation of Remotely-Sensed Leaf Area Index into a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Gross Primary Productivity Estimation. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 188.

Li, H; Chen, ZX; Liu, GH; Jiang, ZW; Huang, C (2017). Improving Winter Wheat Yield Estimation from the CERES-Wheat Model to Assimilate Leaf Area Index with Different Assimilation Methods and Spatio-Temporal Scales. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 190.

Li, XW; Wu, WJ; Xu, BQ; Yin, SY; Yang, RF; Cheng, S (2017). Reflectance-Elevation Relationships and Their Seasonal Patterns over Twelve Glaciers in Western China Based on Landsat 8 Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 187.

Lebourgeois, V; Dupuy, S; Vintrou, E; Ameline, M; Butler, S; Begue, A (2017). A Combined Random Forest and OBIA Classification Scheme for Mapping Smallholder Agriculture at Different Nomenclature Levels Using Multisource Data (Simulated Sentinel-2 Time Series, VHRS and DEM). REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 259.

Kraatz, S; Khanbilvardi, R; Romanov, P (2017). A Comparison of MODIS/VIIRS Cloud Masks over Ice-Bearing River: On Achieving Consistent Cloud Masking and Improved River Ice Mapping. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 229.

Karvonen, J; Shi, LJ; Cheng, B; Simila, M; Makynen, M; Vihma, T (2017). Bohai Sea Ice Parameter Estimation Based on Thermodynamic Ice Model and Earth Observation Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 234.

Knipper, K; Hogue, T; Scott, R; Franz, K (2017). Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semiarid Region. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 184.

He, ZH; Zeng, ZC; Lei, LP; Bie, N; Yang, SY (2017). A Data-Driven Assessment of Biosphere-Atmosphere Interaction Impact on Seasonal Cycle Patterns of XCO2 Using GOSAT and MODIS Observations. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), UNSP 251.

Franch, B; Vermote, EF; Roger, JC; Murphy, E; Becker-Reshef, I; Justice, C; Claverie, M; Nagol, J; Csiszar, I; Meyer, D; Baret, F; Masuoka, E; Wolfe, R; Devadiga, S (2017). A 30+Year AVHRR Land Surface Reflectance Climate Data Record and Its Application to Wheat Yield Monitoring. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 296.

Deng, YB; Zhang, YL; Li, DP; Shi, K; Zhang, YB (2017). Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Phytoplankton Primary Production in Lake Taihu Derived from MODIS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 195.

Al-Naimi, N; Raitsos, DE; Ben-Hamadou, R; Soliman, Y (2017). Evaluation of Satellite Retrievals of Chlorophyll-a in the Arabian Gulf. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 301.

Gilabert, MA; Sanchez-Ruiz, S; Moreno, A (2017). Annual Gross Primary Production from Vegetation Indices: A Theoretically Sound Approach. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 193.

Cai, YL; Chen, G; Wang, YL; Yang, L (2017). Impacts of Land Cover and Seasonal Variation on Maximum Air Temperature Estimation Using MODIS Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 233.

Chen, WJ; Shen, HF; Huang, CL; Li, X (2017). Improving Soil Moisture Estimation with a Dual Ensemble Kalman Smoother by Jointly Assimilating AMSR-E Brightness Temperature and MODIS LST. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 273.

Taghavi, F; Owlad, E; Ackerman, SA (2017). Enhancement and identification of dust events in the south-west region of Iran using satellite observations. JOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE, 126(2), UNSP 28.

Abdi, AM; Boke-Olen, N; Tenenbaum, DE; Tagesson, T; Cappelaere, B; Ardo, J (2017). Evaluating Water Controls on Vegetation Growth in the Semi-Arid Sahel Using Field and Earth Observation Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(3), 294.

Van Doninck, J; Tuomisto, H (2017). Influence of Compositing Criterion and Data Availability on Pixel-Based Landsat TM/ETM plus Image Compositing Over Amazonian Forests. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(3), 857-867.

Liu, L; Li, CF; Lei, YM; Yin, JY; Zhao, JJ (2017). Volcanic ash cloud detection from MODIS image based on CPIWS method. ACTA GEOPHYSICA, 65(1), 151-163.

Wei, J; Sun, L (2017). Comparison and Evaluation of Different MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Products Over the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region in China. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(3), 835-844.

Moller, M; Moller, R (2017). Modeling glacier-surface albedo across Svalbard for the 1979-2015 period: The HiRSvaC500-alpha data set. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 9(1), 404-422.

Yuan, H; Dai, YJ; Dickinson, RE; Pinty, B; Wei, SG; Zhang, SP; Wang, LL; Zhu, SG (2017). Reexamination and further development of two-stream canopy radiative transfer models for global land modeling. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 9(1), 113-129.

Wei, SG; Hengl, T; de Jesus, JM; Yuan, H; Dai, YJ (2017). Mapping the global depth to bedrock for land surface modeling. JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN MODELING EARTH SYSTEMS, 9(1), 65-88.

Brown, ME; McCarty, JL (2017). Is remote sensing useful for finding and monitoring urban farms?. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 80, 23-33.

Hassaballa, AA; Matori, AN; Al-Gaadi, KA; Tola, EH; Madugundu, R (2017). Sub-pixel analysis to enhance the accuracy of evapotranspiration determined using MODIS images. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 10(2), 103-113.

Qi, L; Lee, Z; Hu, CM; Wang, MH (2017). Requirement of minimal signal-to-noise ratios of ocean color sensors and uncertainties of ocean color products. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(3), 2595-2611.

Chen, X; Long, D; Hong, Y; Zeng, C; Yan, DH (2017). Improved modeling of snow and glacier melting by a progressive two-stage calibration strategy with GRACE and multisource data: How snow and glacier meltwater contributes to the runoff of the Upper Brahmaputra River basin?. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 53(3), 2431-2466.

Madzen, AA; Choy, LK (2017). Vegetation Phenology Response towards Rainfall Distribution using MODIS-Aqua Vegetation Satellite Index Data. SAINS MALAYSIANA, 46(3), 421-428.

Arai, K (2017). Prediction Method for Large Diatom Appearance with Meteorological Data and MODIS Derived Turbidity and Chlorophyll-A in Ariake Bay Area in Japan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 8(3), 39-44.

Tao, BY; Mao, ZH; Lei, H; Pan, DL; Bai, Y; Zhu, QK; Zhang, ZL (2017). A semianalytical MERIS green-red band algorithm for identifying phytoplankton bloom types in the East China Sea. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(3), 1772-1788.


Kayiranga, A; Ndayisaba, F; Nahayo, L; Karamage, F; Nsengiyumva, JB; Mupenzi, C; Nyesheja, EM (2017). Analysis of Climate and Topography Impacts on the Spatial Distribution of Vegetation in the Virunga Volcanoes Massif of East-Central Africa. GEOSCIENCES, 7(1), UNSP 17.

Hiyama, T; Kanamori, H; Kambatuku, JR; Kotani, A; Asai, K; Mizuochi, H; Fujioka, Y; Iijima, M (2017). Analysing the origin of rain- and subsurface water in seasonal wetlands of north-central Namibia. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(3), 34012.

Shuman, JK; Foster, AC; Shugart, HH; Hoffman-Hall, A; Krylov, A; Loboda, T; Ershov, D; Sochilova, E (2017). Fire disturbance and climate change: implications for Russian forests. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(3), 35003.

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Bowman, DMJS; Williamson, GJ; Abatzoglou, JT; Kolden, CA; Cochrane, MA; Smith, AMS (2017). Human exposure and sensitivity to globally extreme wildfire events. NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, 1(3), UNSP 0058.

Yang, XP (2017). Suspended sediment concentration mapping based on the MODIS satellite imagery in the East China inland, estuarine, and coastal waters (vol 35 , pg 39, 2017). CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY, 35(2), 466-467.

Hilker, T; Galvao, LS; Aragao, LEOC; de Moura, YM; do Amaral, CH; Lyapustin, AI; Wu, J; Albert, LP; Ferreira, MJ; Anderson, LO; dos Santos, VAHF; Prohaska, N; Tribuzy, E; Ceron, JVB; Saleska, SR; Wang, YJ; Goncalves, JFD; de Oliveira, RC; Rodrigues, JVFC; Garcia, MN (2017). Vegetation chlorophyll estimates in the Amazon from multi-angle MODIS observations and canopy reflectance model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 278-287.

Chatterjee, RS; Singh, N; Thapa, S; Sharma, D; Kumar, D (2017). Retrieval of land surface temperature (LST) from landsat TM6 and TIRS data by single channel radiative transfer algorithm using satellite and ground-based inputs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 264-277.

Song, WJ; Mu, XH; Ruan, GY; Gao, Z; Li, LY; Yan, GJ (2017). Estimating fractional vegetation cover and the vegetation index of bare soil and highly dense vegetation with a physically based method. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 168-176.

Van Doninck, J; Tuomisto, H (2017). Evaluation of directional normalization methods for Landsat TM/ETM plus over primary Amazonian lowland forests. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 249-263.

Sun, QS; Wang, ZS; Li, Z; Erb, A; Schaaf, CB (2017). Evaluation of the global MODIS 30 arc-second spatially and temporally complete snow-free land surface albedo and reflectance anisotropy dataset. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 36-49.

Navarro, G; Caballero, I; Silva, G; Parra, PC; Vazquez, A; Caldeira, R (2017). Evaluation of forest fire on Madeira Island using Sentinel-2A MSI imagery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 97-106.

Zhang, HX; Li, QZ; Liu, JG; Shang, JL; Du, X; Zhao, LC; Wang, N; Dong, TF (2017). Crop classification and acreage estimation in North Korea using phenology features. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 54(3), 381-406.

Zhu, LK; Radeloff, VC; Ives, AR (2017). Improving the mapping of crop types in the Midwestern US by fusing Landsat and MODIS satellite data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 58, 1-11.

Ding, JC; Yang, P; Kattawar, GW; King, MD; Platnick, S; Meyer, KG (2017). Validation of quasi-invariant ice cloud radiative quantities with MODIS satellite-based cloud property retrievals. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 194, 47-57.

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Mu, QZ; Wu, AS; Xiong, XX; Doelling, DR; Angal, A; Chang, TJ; Bhatt, R (2017). Optimization of a Deep Convective Cloud Technique in Evaluating the Long-Term Radiometric Stability of MODIS Reflective Solar Bands. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 535.

Niu, B; He, YT; Zhang, XZ; Zong, N; Fu, G; Shi, PL; Zhang, YJ; Du, MY; Zhang, J (2017). Satellite-Based Inversion and Field Validation of Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Respiration in an Alpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 615.

Li, XK; Zhang, CR; Li, WD; Liu, K (2017). Evaluating the Use of DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Imagery in Predicting PM2.5 Concentrations in the Northeastern United States. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 620.

Madani, N; Kimball, JS; Jones, LA; Parazoo, NC; Guan, KY (2017). Global Analysis of Bioclimatic Controls on Ecosystem Productivity Using Satellite Observations of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 530.

Marchese, F; Sannazzaro, F; Falconieri, A; Filizzola, C; Pergola, N; Tramutoli, V (2017). An Enhanced Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting and Tracking Dust Outbreaks by Means of SEVIRI Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 537.

Kharbouche, S; Muller, JP; Gatebe, CK; Scanlon, T; Banks, AC (2017). Assessment of Satellite-Derived Surface Reflectances by NASA's CAR Airborne Radiometer over Railroad Valley Playa. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 562.

Hamunyela, E; Reiche, J; Verbesselt, J; Herold, M (2017). Using Space-Time Features to Improve Detection of Forest Disturbances from Landsat Time Series. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 515.

Huang, CC; Jiang, QL; Yao, L; Li, YM; Yang, H; Huang, T; Zhang, ML (2017). Spatiotemporal Variation in Particulate Organic Carbon Based on Long-Term MODIS Observations in Taihu Lake, China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 624.

Jain, M; Mondal, P; Galford, GL; Fiske, G; DeFries, RS (2017). An Automated Approach to Map Winter Cropped Area of Smallholder Farms across Large Scales Using MODIS Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 566.

Chen, Y; Huang, TZ; Zhao, XL; Deng, LJ; Huang, J (2017). Stripe Noise Removal of Remote Sensing Images by Total Variation Regularization and Group Sparsity Constraint. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 559.

Cheng, A; Chen, DM; Woodstock, K; Ogden, NH; Wu, XT; Wu, JH (2017). Analyzing the Potential Risk of Climate Change on Lyme Disease in Eastern Ontario, Canada Using Time Series Remotely Sensed Temperature Data and Tick Population Modelling. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 609.

Bhuyan, U; Zang, C; Vicente-Serrano, SM; Menzel, A (2017). Exploring Relationships among Tree-Ring Growth, Climate Variability, and Seasonal Leaf Activity on Varying Timescales and Spatial Resolutions. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 526.

Chance, EW; Cobourn, KM; Thomas, VA; Dawson, BC; Flores, AN (2017). Identifying Irrigated Areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evaluating Performance across Composting Algorithms, Spectral Indices, and Sensors. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 546.

Bellon, B; Begue, A; Lo Seen, D; de Almeida, CA; Simoes, M (2017). A Remote Sensing Approach for Regional-Scale Mapping of Agricultural Land-Use Systems Based on NDVI Time Series. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 600.

Beck, R; Xu, M; Zhan, SG; Liu, HX; Johansen, RA; Tong, S; Yang, B; Shu, S; Wu, QS; Wang, SJ; Berling, K; Murray, A; Emery, E; Reif, M; Harwood, J; Young, J; Martin, M; Stillings, G; Stumpf, R; Su, HB; Ye, ZX; Huang, Y (2017). Comparison of Satellite Reflectance Algorithms for Estimating Phycocyanin Values and Cyanobacterial Total Biovolume in a Temperate Reservoir Using Coincident Hyperspectral Aircraft Imagery and Dense Coincident Surface Observations. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 538.

Alemu, WG; Henebry, GM (2017). Comparing Passive Microwave with Visible-To-Near-Infrared Phenometrics in Croplands of Northern Eurasia. REMOTE SENSING, 9(6), 613.

Zang, ZL; Wang, WQ; Cheng, XH; Yang, B; Pan, XB; You, W (2017). Effects of Boundary Layer Height on the Model of Ground-Level PM2.5 Concentrations from AOD: Comparison of Stable and Convective Boundary Layer Heights from Different Methods. ATMOSPHERE, 8(6), 104.

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Ma, H; Liang, SL; Xiao, ZQ; Shi, HY (2017). Simultaneous inversion of multiple land surface parameters from MODIS optical-thermal observations. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 128, 240-254.

Olivera-Guerra, L; Mattar, C; Merlin, O; Duran-Alarcon, C; Santamaria-Artigas, A; Fuster, R (2017). An operational method for the disaggregation of land surface temperature to estimate actual evapotranspiration in the arid region of Chile. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 128, 170-181.

Wagle, P; Bhattarai, N; Gowda, PH; Kakani, VG (2017). Performance of five surface energy balance models for estimating daily evapotranspiration in high biomass sorghum. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 128, 192-203.

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Sun, WC; Zhang, X; Wang, N; Cen, Y (2017). Estimating Population Density Using DMSP-OLS Night-Time Imagery and Land Cover Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2674-2684.

Tang, BH; Zhan, C; Li, ZL; Wu, H; Tang, RL (2017). Estimation of Land Surface Temperature From MODIS Data for the Atmosphere With Air Temperature Inversion Profile. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2976-2983.

Peng, DL; Wu, CY; Li, CJ; Zhang, XY; Liu, ZJ; Ye, HC; Luo, SZ; Liu, XJ; Hug, Y; Fang, B (2017). Spring green-up phenology products derived from MODIS NDVI and EVI: Intercomparison, interpretation and validation using National Phenology Network and AmeriFlux observations. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 77, 323-336.

Li, YD; Li, CY; Li, XF (2017). Remote Sensing Studies of Suspended Sediment Concentration Variations in a Coastal Bay During the Passages of Atmospheric Cold Fronts. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2608-2622.

Ma, QM; Li, YJ; Liu, J; Chen, JM (2017). Long Temporal Analysis of 3-km MODIS Aerosol Product Over East China. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2478-2490.

Wang, LJ; Guo, N; Wang, XP; Wang, W (2017). Effects of Spatial Resolution for Evapotranspiration Estimation by Using the Triangular Method Over Heterogeneous Underling Surface. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2518-2527.

Pan, X; Liu, YB; Gan, GJ; Fan, XW; Yang, YB (2017). Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using a Nonparametric Approach Under All Sky: Accuracy Evaluation and Error Analysis. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2528-2539.

Yang, Y; Anderson, M; Gao, F; Hain, C; Kustas, W; Meyers, T; Crow, W; Finocchiaro, R; Otkin, J; Sun, L; Yang, Y (2017). Impact of Tile Drainage on Evapotranspiration in South Dakota, USA, Based on High Spatiotemporal Resolution Evapotranspiration Time Series From a Multisatellite Data Fusion System. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(6), 2550-2564.

Zhang, XY; Liu, LL; Yan, D (2017). Comparisons of global land surface seasonality and phenology derived from AVHRR, MODIS, and VIIRS data. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(6), 1506-1525.

Kern, A; Marjanovic, H; Dobor, L; Anic, M; Hlasny, T; Barcza, Z (2017). Identification of Years with Extreme Vegetation State in Central Europe Based on Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data. SEEFOR-SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN FORESTRY, 8(1), 1-20.

Pan, XJ; Wong, GTF; DeCarlo, TM; Tai, JH; Cohen, AL (2017). Validation of the remotely sensed nighttime sea surface temperature in the shallow waters at the Dongsha Atoll. TERRESTRIAL ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC SCIENCES, 28(3), 517-524.

Feng, L; Hu, CM (2017). Land adjacency effects on MODIS Aqua top-of-atmosphere radiance in the shortwave infrared: Statistical assessment and correction. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(6), 4802-4818.

Lee, KH (2017). d Effects of Aerosol Optical Properties on Upward Shortwave Flux in the Presence of Aerosol and Cloud layers. KOREAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 33(3), 301-311.

Moreno, A; Neumann, M; Hasenauer, H (2017). Forest structures across Europe. GEOSCIENCE DATA JOURNAL, 4(1), 17-28.

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Park, SH; Choo, GH; Lee, KT; Shin, HW; Kim, DC; Jeong, MJ (2017). Dust/smoke detection by multi-spectral satellite data over land of East Asia. KOREAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 33(3), 257-266.

Khoramian, A; Dariane, AB (2017). Developing a Cloud-Reduced MODIS Surface Reflectance Product for Snow Cover Mapping in Mountainous Regions. GEOSCIENCES, 7(2), UNSP 29.

Chen, BX; Zhang, XZ; Sun, YF; Wang, JS; He, YT (2017). Alpine grassland fPAR change over the Northern Tibetan Plateau from 2002 to 2011. ADVANCES IN CLIMATE CHANGE RESEARCH, 8(2), 108-116.

Ayala-Izurieta, JE; Marquez, CO; Garcia, VJ; Recalde-Moreno, CG; Rodriguez-Llerena, MV; Damian-Carrion, DA (2017). Land Cover Classification in an Ecuadorian Mountain Geosystem Using a Random Forest Classifier, Spectral Vegetation Indices, and Ancillary Geographic Data. GEOSCIENCES, 7(2), UNSP 34.

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Li, XC; Zhou, YY; Asrar, GR; Mao, JF; Li, XM; Li, WY (2017). Response of vegetation phenology to urbanization in the conterminous United States. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(7), 2818-2830.

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Vrieling, A; Skidmore, AK; Wang, TJ; Meroni, M; Ens, BJ; Oosterbeek, K; O'Connor, B; Darvishzadeh, R; Heurich, M; Shepherd, A; Paganini, M (2017). Spatially detailed retrievals of spring phenology from single-season high-resolution image time series. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 59, 19-30.

Franklin, M; Kalashnikova, OV; Garay, MJ (2017). Size-resolved particulate matter concentrations derived from 4.4 km-resolution size-fractionated Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) aerosol optical depth over Southern California. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 196, 312-323.

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Wang, C; Chen, J; Wu, J; Tang, YH; Shi, PJ; Black, TA; Zhu, K (2017). A snow-free vegetation index for improved monitoring of vegetation spring green-up date in deciduous ecosystems. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 196, 1-12.

Williamson, AG; Arnold, NS; Banwell, AF; Willis, IC (2017). A Fully Automated Supraglacial lake area and volume Tracking("FAST") algorithm: Development and application using MODIS imagery of West Greenland. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 196, 113-133.

Li, XD; Ling, F; Foody, GM; Ge, Y; Zhang, YH; Du, Y (2017). Generating a series of fine spatial and temporal resolution land cover maps by fusing coarse spatial resolution remotely sensed images and fine spatial resolution land cover maps. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 196, 293-311.

Hoyos, N; Correa-Metrio, A; Sisa, A; Ramos-Fabiel, MA; Espinosa, JM; Restrepo, JC; Escobar, J (2017). The environmental envelope of fires in the Colombian Caribbean. APPLIED GEOGRAPHY, 84, 42-54.

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Wang, DD; Liang, SL (2017). Estimating Top-of-Atmosphere Daily Reflected Shortwave Radiation Flux Over Land From MODIS Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(7), 4022-4031.

Wu, AS; Geng, X; Wald, A; Angal, A; Xiong, XX (2017). Assessment of Terra MODIS On-Orbit Polarization Sensitivity Using Pseudoinvariant Desert Sites. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(7), 4168-4176.

Huang, HB; Liu, CX; Wang, XY; Biging, GS; Chen, YL; Yang, J; Gong, P (2017). Mapping vegetation heights in China using slope correction ICESat data, SRTM, MODIS-derived and climate data. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 129, 189-199.

Delpeche-Ellmann, N; Mingelaite, T; Soomere, T (2017). Examining Lagrangian surface transport during a coastal upwelling in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 171, 21-30.

Demidov, AB; Kopelevich, OV; Mosharov, SA; Sheberstov, SV; Vazyulya, SV (2017). Modelling Kara Sea phytoplankton primary production: Development and skill assessment of regional algorithms. JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH, 125, 1-17.

Boulanger, Y; Taylor, AR; Price, DT; Cyr, D; McGarrigle, E; Rammer, W; Sainte-Marie, G; Beaudoin, A; Guindon, L; Mansuy, N (2017). Climate change impacts on forest landscapes along the Canadian southern boreal forest transition zone. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 32(7), 1415-1431.

Vu, VT (2017). Wavelength-Resolution SAR Incoherent Change Detection Based on Image Stack. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 14(7), 1012-1016.

Lee, YS; Liou, YA; Liu, JC; Chiang, CT; Yeh, KD (2017). Formation of Winter Supertyphoons Haiyan (2013) and Hagupit (2014) Through Interactions With Cold Fronts as Observed by Multifunctional Transport Satellite. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(7), 3800-3809.

Lee, MH; Lee, SB; Eo, YD; Kim, SW; Woo, JH; Han, SH (2017). A comparative study on generating simulated Landsat NDVI images using data fusion and regression method-the case of the Korean Peninsula. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(7), 333.

Wang, QM; Blackburn, GA; Onojeghuo, AO; Dash, J; Zhou, LQ; Zhang, YH; Atkinson, PM (2017). Fusion of Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2 MSI Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(7), 3885-3899.

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Baliarsingh, SK; Dwivedi, RM; Lotliker, AA; Sahu, KC; Kumar, TS; Shenoi, SSC (2017). An optical remote sensing approach for ecological monitoring of red and green Noctiluca scintillans. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(7), 330.

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Xia, G; Zhou, LM (2017). Detecting Wind Farm Impacts on Local Vegetation Growth in Texas and Illinois Using MODIS Vegetation Greenness Measurements. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 698.

Xu, Y; Lin, L; Meng, DY (2017). Learning-Based Sub-Pixel Change Detection Using Coarse Resolution Satellite Imagery. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 709.

Wang, SH; Zhang, LF; Huang, CP; Qiao, N (2017). An NDVI-Based Vegetation Phenology Is Improved to be More Consistent with Photosynthesis Dynamics through Applying a Light Use Efficiency Model over Boreal High-Latitude Forests. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 695.

Wang, TX; Shi, JC; Husi, L; Zhao, TJ; Ji, DB; Xiong, C; Gao, B (2017). Effect of Solar-Cloud-Satellite Geometry on Land Surface Shortwave Radiation Derived from Remotely Sensed Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 690.

Ren, J; Campbell, JB; Shao, Y (2017). Estimation of SOS and EOS for Midwestern US Corn and Soybean Crops. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 722.

Shan, TC; Wang, CL; Chen, F; Wu, QC; Li, B; Yu, B; Shirazi, ZS; Lin, ZY; Wu, W (2017). A Burned Area Mapping Algorithm for Chinese FengYun-3 MERSI Satellite Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 736.

Si, YD; Li, SS; Chen, LF; Shang, HZ; Wang, L; Letu, H (2017). Assessment and Improvement of MISR Angstrom Exponent and Single-Scattering Albedo Products Using AERONET Data in China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 693.

Lee, S; Kim, M; Choi, M; Go, S; Kim, J; Kim, JH; Lim, HK; Jeong, U; Goo, TY; Kuze, A; Shiomi, K; Tatsuya, Y (2017). Aerosol Property Retrieval Algorithm over Northeast Asia from TANSO-CAI Measurements Onboard GOSAT. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 687.

Liu, HZ; Li, QQ; Shi, TZ; Hu, SB; Wu, GF; Zhou, QM (2017). Application of Sentinel 2 MSI Images to Retrieve Suspended Particulate Matter Concentrations in Poyang Lake. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 761.

Jin, JX; Wang, Y; Zhang, Z; Magliulo, V; Jiang, H; Cheng, M (2017). Phenology Plays an Important Role in the Regulation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency in the Northern Hemisphere. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 664.

Khand, K; Numata, I; Kjaersgaard, J; Vourlitis, GL (2017). Dry Season Evapotranspiration Dynamics over Human-Impacted Landscapes in the Southern Amazon Using the Landsat-Based METRIC Model. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 706.

Chernetskiy, M; Gomez-Dans, J; Gobron, N; Morgan, O; Lewis, P; Truckenbrodt, S; Schmullius, C (2017). Estimation of FAPAR over Croplands Using MISR Data and the Earth Observation Land Data Assimilation System (EO-LDAS). REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 656.

Crosman, E; Vazquez-Cuervo, J; Chin, TM (2017). Evaluation of the Multi-Scale Ultra-High Resolution (MUR) Analysis of Lake Surface Temperature. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 723.

Huang, WJ; Li, J; Guo, QY; Mansaray, LR; Li, XX; Huang, JF (2017). A Satellite-Derived Climatological Analysis of Urban Heat Island over Shanghai during 2000-2013. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 641.

He, LJ; Wang, LC; Lin, AW; Zhang, M; Bilal, M; Tao, MH (2017). Aerosol Optical Properties and Associated Direct Radiative Forcing over the Yangtze River Basin during 2001-2015. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 746.

Bai, XJ; He, BB; Li, X; Zeng, JY; Wang, X; Wang, ZL; Zeng, YJ; Su, ZB (2017). First Assessment of Sentinel-1A Data for Surface Soil Moisture Estimations Using a Coupled Water Cloud Model and Advanced Integral Equation Model over the Tibetan Plateau. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 714.

Chang, S; Wu, BF; Yan, NN; Davdai, B; Nasanbat, E (2017). Suitability Assessment of Satellite-Derived Drought Indices for Mongolian Grassland. REMOTE SENSING, 9(7), 650.

Nurdin, S; Mustapha, MA; Lihan, T; Tangang, F (2017). Spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll-a concentration in Makassar Strait using Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis of satellite images. INDIAN JOURNAL OF GEO-MARINE SCIENCES, 46(7), 1381-1389.

Foster, CS; Crosman, ET; Horel, JD (2017). Simulations of a Cold-Air Pool in Utah's Salt Lake Valley: Sensitivity to Land Use and Snow Cover. BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY, 164(1), 63-87.

Ali, I; Cawkwell, F; Dwyer, E; Green, S (2017). Modeling Managed Grassland Biomass Estimation by Using Multitemporal Remote Sensing Data-A Machine Learning Approach. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(7), 3254-3264.

Marchese, F; Mazzeo, G; Filizzola, C; Coviello, I; Falconieri, A; Lacava, T; Paciello, R; Pergola, N; Tramutoli, V (2017). Issues and Possible Improvements in Winter Fires Detection by Satellite Radiances Analysis: Lesson Learned in Two Regions of Northern Italy. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(7), 3297-3313.

Foster, CS; Crosman, ET; Horel, JD (2017). Simulations of a Cold-Air Pool in Utah's Salt Lake Valley: Sensitivity to Land Use and Snow Cover. BOUNDARY-LAYER METEOROLOGY, 163(4), 63-87.

Schnitt, S; Orlandi, E; Mech, M; Ehrlich, A; Crewell, S (2017). Characterization of Water Vapor and Clouds During the Next-Generation Aircraft Remote Sensing for Validation (NARVAL) South Studies. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(7), 3114-3124.

Xue, Y; Forman, BA (2017). Atmospheric and Forest Decoupling of Passive Microwave Brightness Temperature Observations Over Snow-Covered Terrain in North America. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(7), 3172-3189.

Kwak, YJ (2017). Nationwide Flood Monitoring for Disaster Risk Reduction Using Multiple Satellite Data. ISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION, 6(7), 203.

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Song, HH; Wang, GJ; Cao, AJ; Liu, QS; Huang, B (2017). Improving the Spatial Resolution of FY-3 Microwave Radiation Imager via Fusion With FY-3/MERSI. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(7), 3055-3063.

Lu, M; Wu, WB; You, LZ; Chen, D; Zhang, L; Yang, P; Tang, HJ (2017). A Synergy Cropland of China by Fusing Multiple Existing Maps and Statistics. SENSORS, 17(7), 1613.

Wei, XQ; Gu, XF; Meng, QY; Yu, T; Zhou, X; Wei, Z; Jia, K; Wang, CM (2017). Leaf Area Index Estimation Using Chinese GF-1 Wide Field View Data in an Agriculture Region. SENSORS, 17(7), 1593.

Seo, JY; Lee, SI (2017). Total Discharge Estimation in the Korean Peninsula Using Multi-Satellite Products. WATER, 9(7), 532.

Jarihani, B; Sidle, RC; Bartley, R; Roth, CH; Wilkinson, SN (2017). Characterisation of Hydrological Response to Rainfall at Multi Spatio-Temporal Scales in Savannas of Semi-Arid Australia. WATER, 9(7), 540.

Dong, SW; Li, H; Sun, DF (2017). Fractal Feature Analysis and Information Extraction of Woodlands Based on MODIS NDVI Time Series. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(7), 1215.

Pinker, RT; Bentamy, A; Zhang, BL; Chen, W; Ma, YT (2017). The net energy budget at the ocean-atmosphere interface of the "Cold Tongue" region. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(7), 5502-5521.

Alvim, DS; Pendharkar, J; Capistrano, VB; Frassoni, A; Enore, DP; Neto, OLD; Gutierrez, ER; Choudhury, AD; Kubota, PY; da Silva, J; Correa, SM; Nobre, P; Figueroa, SN (2017). Aerosol distribution over Brazil with ECHAM-HAM and CAM5-MAM3 simulations and its comparison with ground-based and satellite data. ATMOSPHERIC POLLUTION RESEARCH, 8(4), 718-728.

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Song, LL; Zhuang, QL; Yin, YH; Zhu, XD; Wu, SH (2017). Spatio-temporal dynamics of evapotranspiration on the Tibetan Plateau from 2000 to 2010. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(1), 14011.

Astafurov, VG; Skorokhodov, AV (2017). Identification of Atmospheric Gravity Waves in Clouds over a Water Surface from MODIS Imagery. ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC OPTICS, 30(1), 44-49.

Shi, H; Li, LH; Eamus, D; Huete, A; Cleverly, J; Tian, X; Yu, Q; Wang, SQ; Montagnani, L; Magliulo, V; Rotenberg, E; Pavelka, M; Carrara, A (2017). Assessing the ability of MODIS EVI to estimate terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production of multiple land cover types. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS, 72, 153-164.

Yu, B; Chen, F; Li, B; Wang, L; Wu, MQ (2017). Fire Risk Prediction Using Remote Sensed Products: A Case of Cambodia. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 83(1), 19-25.

Williams, MD; Hawley, CMS; Madden, M; Shepherd, JM (2017). Mapping the Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Irrigation in the Coastal Plain of Georgia, USA. PHOTOGRAMMETRIC ENGINEERING AND REMOTE SENSING, 83(1), 57-67.

Pahlevan, N; Sarkar, S; Devadiga, S; Wolfe, RE; Roman, M; Vermote, E; Lin, GQ; Xiong, XX (2017). Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING MAGAZINE, 55(1), 183-196.

Kalinin, NA; Shikhov, AN; Bykov, AV (2017). Forecasting Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Urals Using the WRF Model and Re mote Sensing Data. RUSSIAN METEOROLOGY AND HYDROLOGY, 42(1), 9-18.

Cremades, PG; Fernandez, RP; Allende, DG; Mulena, GC; Puliafito, SE (2017). High resolution satellite derived erodibility factors for WRF/Chem windblown dust simulations in Argentina. ATMOSFERA, 30(1), 11-25.

Xing, Q; Wu, BF; Yan, NN; Yu, MZ; Zhu, WW (2017). Evaluating the Relationship between Field Aerodynamic Roughness and the MODIS BRDF, NDVI, and Wind Speed over Grassland. ATMOSPHERE, 8(1), 16.

Zhou, GH; Zhang, Y; Ma, ZQ; Xu, WJ; Zhang, K; Liu, JH; Tan, YM (2017). A Geostatistics-Based Method to Determine the Pixel Distance in a Structure Function Model for Aerosol Optical Depth Inversion. ATMOSPHERE, 8(1), 6.

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Einzmann, K; Immitzer, M; Bock, S; Bauer, O; Schmitt, A; Atzberger, C (2017). Windthrow Detection in European Forests with Very High-Resolution Optical Data. FORESTS, 8(1), 21.

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Pei, TT; Wu, XC; Li, XY; Zhang, Y; Shi, FZ; Ma, YJ; Wang, P; Zhang, CC (2017). Seasonal divergence in the sensitivity of evapotranspiration to climate and vegetation growth in the Yellow River Basin, China. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(1), 103-118.

Qiu, ZF; Xiao, C; Perrie, W; Sun, DY; Wang, SQ; Shen, H; Yang, DZ; He, YJ (2017). Using Landsat 8 data to estimate suspended particulate matter in the Yellow River estuary. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 122(1), 276-290.

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Esiukova, EE; Chubarenko, IP; Stont, ZI (2017). Upwelling or Differential Cooling? Analysis of Satellite SST Images of the Southeastern Baltic Sea. WATER RESOURCES, 44(1), 69-77.

Demidov, AB; Sheberstov, SV; Gagarin, VI; Khlebopashev, PV (2017). Seasonal Variation of the Satellite-Derived Phytoplankton Primary Production in the Kara Sea. OCEANOLOGY, 57(1), 91-104.

Aguiar, DA; Mello, MP; Nogueira, SF; Goncalves, FG; Adami, M; Rudorff, BFT (2017). MODIS Time Series to Detect Anthropogenic Interventions and Degradation Processes in Tropical Pasture. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 73.

Ban, HY; Kim, KS; Park, NW; Lee, BW (2017). Using MODIS Data to Predict Regional Corn Yields. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 16.

Che, XH; Yang, YP; Feng, M; Xiao, T; Huang, SL; Xiang, Y; Chen, ZG (2017). Mapping Extent Dynamics of Small Lakes Using Downscaling MODIS Surface Reflectance. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), UNSP 82.

de Sousa, CHR; Hilker, T; Waring, R; de Moura, YM; Lyapustin, A (2017). Progress in Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity over the Amazon Basin. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 48.

Dietz, AJ; Klein, I; Gessner, U; Frey, CM; Kuenzer, C; Dech, S (2017). Detection of Water Bodies from AVHRR DataA TIMELINE Thematic Processor. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 57.

Fava, F; Colombo, R (2017). Remote Sensing-Based Assessment of the 2005-2011 Bamboo Reproductive Event in the Arakan Mountain Range and Its Relation with Wildfires. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 85.

Frey, CM; Kuenzer, C; Dech, S (2017). Assessment of Mono- and Split-Window Approaches for Time Series Processing of LST from AVHRRA TIMELINE Round Robin. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 72.

Gervais, N; Buyantuev, A; Gao, F (2017). Modeling the Effects of the Urban Built-Up Environment on Plant Phenology Using Fused Satellite Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 99.

Gignac, C; Bernier, M; Chokmani, K; Poulin, J (2017). IceMap250Automatic 250 m Sea Ice Extent Mapping Using MODIS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 70.

Li, JC; Fan, WJ; Liu, Y; Zhu, GL; Peng, JJ; Xu, XR (2017). Estimating Savanna Clumping Index Using Hemispherical Photographs Integrated with High Resolution Remote Sensing Images. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 52.

Liu, X; Liu, HY; Qiu, S; Wu, XC; Tian, YH; Hao, Q (2017). An Improved Estimation of Regional Fractional Woody/Herbaceous Cover Using Combined Satellite Data and High-Quality Training Samples. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 32.

Liu, ZH; Wimberly, MC; Dwomoh, FK (2017). Vegetation Dynamics in the Upper Guinean Forest Region of West Africa from 2001 to 2015. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 5.

Luo, ZH; Yu, SX (2017). Spatiotemporal Variability of Land Surface Phenology in China from 2001-2014. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 65.

Mahoney, C; Hopkinson, C; Kljun, N; van Gorsel, E (2017). Estimating Canopy Gap Fraction Using ICESat GLAS within Australian Forest Ecosystems. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 59.

Militino, AF; Ugarte, MD; Perez-Goya, U (2017). Stochastic Spatio-Temporal Models for Analysing NDVI Distribution of GIMMS NDVI3g Images. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 76.

Nogueira, JMP; Ruffault, J; Chuvieco, E; Mouillot, F (2017). Can We Go Beyond Burned Area in the Assessment of Global Remote Sensing Products with Fire Patch Metrics?. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 7.

Novoa, S; Doxaran, D; Ody, A; Vanhellemont, Q; Lafon, V; Lubac, B; Gernez, P (2017). Atmospheric Corrections and Multi-Conditional Algorithm for Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing of Suspended Particulate Matter in Low-to-High Turbidity Levels Coastal Waters. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 61.

Numata, I; Khand, K; Kjaersgaard, J; Cochrane, MA; Silva, SS (2017). Evaluation of Landsat-Based METRIC Modeling to Provide High-Spatial Resolution Evapotranspiration Estimates for Amazonian Forests. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 46.

Ouyang, ZT; Shao, CL; Chu, HS; Becker, R; Bridgeman, T; Stepien, CA; John, R; Chen, JQ (2017). The Effect of Algal Blooms on Carbon Emissions in Western Lake Erie: An Integration of Remote Sensing and Eddy Covariance Measurements. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 44.

Peng, S; Wen, JG; Xiao, Q; You, DQ; Dou, BC; Liu, Q; Tang, Y (2017). Multi-Staged NDVI Dependent Snow-Free Land-Surface Shortwave Albedo Narrowband-to-Broadband (NTB) Coefficients and Their Sensitivity Analysis. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 93.

Plank, S; Fuchs, EM; Frey, C (2017). A Fully Automatic Instantaneous Fire Hotspot Detection Processor Based on AVHRR ImageryA TIMELINE Thematic Processor. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 30.

Sismanidis, P; Keramitsoglou, I; Bechtel, B; Kiranoudis, CT (2017). Improving the Downscaling of Diurnal Land Surface Temperatures Using the Annual Cycle Parameters as Disaggregation Kernels. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 23.

Sun, K; Chen, XL; Zhu, ZM; Zhang, TH (2017). High Resolution Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Using Gaofen-1 WFV Camera Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 89.

Ulsig, L; Nichol, CJ; Huemmrich, KF; Landis, DR; Middleton, EM; Lyapustin, AI; Mammarella, I; Levula, J; Porcar-Castell, A (2017). Detecting Inter-Annual Variations in the Phenology of Evergreen Conifers Using Long-Term MODIS Vegetation Index Time Series. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 49.

Wei, JB; Wang, LZ; Liu, P; Song, WJ (2017). Spatiotemporal Fusion of Remote Sensing Images with Structural Sparsity and Semi-Coupled Dictionary Learning. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 21.

Yao, R; Wang, L; Huang, X; Guo, X; Niu, Z; Liu, H (2017). Investigation of Urbanization Effects on Land Surface Phenology in Northeast China during 2001-2015. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 66.

Yu, MZ; Wu, BF; Yan, NN; Xing, Q; Zhu, WW (2017). A Method for Estimating the Aerodynamic Roughness Length with NDVI and BRDF Signatures Using Multi-Temporal Proba-V Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 6.

Zhu, WB; Lv, AF; Jia, SF; Yan, JB (2017). A New Contextual Parameterization of Evaporative Fraction to Reduce the Reliance of the T-s - VI Triangle Method on the Dry Edge. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 26.

Zou, B; Chen, JW; Zhai, L; Fang, X; Zheng, Z (2017). Satellite Based Mapping of Ground PM2.5 Concentration Using Generalized Additive Modeling. REMOTE SENSING, 9(1), 1.

Yu, Z; Wang, JX; Liu, SR; Rentch, JS; Sun, PS; Lu, CQ (2017). Global gross primary productivity and water use efficiency changes under drought stress. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 12(1), 14016.

Zhou, H; Aizen, E; Aizen, V (2017). Seasonal snow cover regime and historical change in Central Asia from 1986 to 2008. GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE, 148, 192-216.

Chang, YP; Ding, YJ; Zhao, QD; Zhang, SQ (2017). Remote estimation of terrestrial evapotranspiration by Landsat 5 TM and the SEBAL model in cold and high-altitude regions: a case study of the upper reach of the Shule River Basin, China. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(3), 514-524.

Sun, ZY; Wang, XF; Yamamoto, H; Zhang, JQ; Tani, H; Zhong, GS; Yin, S (2017). Extraction of rice-planting area and identification of chilling damage by remote sensing technology: a case study of the emerging rice production region in high latitude. PADDY AND WATER ENVIRONMENT, 15(1), 181-191.

Wang, Y; Zhao, CF (2017). Can MODIS cloud fraction fully represent the diurnal and seasonal variations at DOE ARM SGP and Manus sites?. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(1), 329-343.

Singh, R; Singh, C; Ojha, SP; Kumar, AS; Kumar, ASK (2017). Development of an improved aerosol product over the Indian subcontinent: Blending model, satellite, and ground-based estimates. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(1), 367-390.

Xu, JH; Zhang, FF; Shu, H; Zhong, KW (2017). Improvement of the Snow Depth in the Common Land Model by Coupling a Two-Dimensional Deterministic Ensemble Model with a Variational Hybrid Snow Cover Fraction Data Assimilation Scheme and a New Observation Operator. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 18(1), 119-138.

Bowman, AL; Franz, KJ; Hogue, TS (2017). Case Studies of a MODIS-Based Potential Evapotranspiration Input to the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 18(1), 151-158.

Xu, YM; Smith, SE; Grunwald, S; Abd-Elrahman, A; Wani, SP (2017). Incorporation of satellite remote sensing pan-sharpened imagery into digital soil prediction and mapping models to characterize soil property variability in small agricultural fields. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 123, 1-19.

Qiu, BW; Luo, YH; Tang, ZH; Chen, CC; Lu, DF; Huang, HY; Chen, YZ; Chen, N; Xu, WM (2017). Winter wheat mapping combining variations before and after estimated heading dates. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 123, 35-46.

Song, KS; Ma, JH; Wen, ZD; Fang, C; Shang, YX; Zhao, Y; Wang, M; Du, J (2017). Remote estimation of K-d (PAR) using MODIS and Landsat imagery for turbid inland waters in Northeast China. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 123, 159-172.

Paloscia, S; Pettinato, S; Santi, E; Valt, M (2017). COSMO-SkyMed Image Investigation of Snow Features in Alpine Environment. SENSORS, 17(1), 84.

Singha, M; Wu, BF; Zhang, M (2017). Object-Based Paddy Rice Mapping Using HJ-1A/B Data and Temporal Features Extracted from Time Series MODIS NDVI Data. SENSORS, 17(1), 10.

Wang, TT; Xiao, ZQ; Liu, ZG (2017). Performance Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Leaf Area Index Retrieval from Time-Series MODIS Reflectance Data. SENSORS, 17(1), 81.

Wu, BF; Liu, SF; Zhu, WW; Yan, NN; Xing, Q; Tan, S (2017). An Improved Approach for Estimating Daily Net Radiation over the Heihe River Basin. SENSORS, 17(1), 86.

Yang, AX; Zhong, B; Wu, SL; Liu, QH (2017). Evaluation on Radiometric Capability of Chinese Optical Satellite Sensors. SENSORS, 17(1), 204.

Spiliotopoulos, M; Holden, NM; Loukas, A (2017). Mapping Evapotranspiration Coefficients in a Temperate Maritime Climate Using the METRIC Model and Landsat TM. Water, 9(1), 23.

Provencal, S; Buchard, V; da Silva, AM; Leduc, R; Barrette, N; Elhacham, E; Wang, SH (2017). Evaluation of PM2.5 Surface Concentrations Simulated by Version 1 of NASA's MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis over Israel and Taiwan. AEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, 17(1), 253-261.

Mozaffari, A; Scott, KA; Azad, NL; Chenouri, S (2017). A hierarchical selective ensemble randomized neural network hybridized with heuristic feature selection for estimation of sea-ice thickness. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, 46(1), 16-33.

Kollanus, V; Prank, M; Gens, A; Soares, J; Vira, J; Kukkonen, J; Sofiev, M; Salonen, RO; Lanki, T (2017). Mortality due to Vegetation Fire-Originated PM2.5 Exposure in Europe-Assessment for the Years 2005 and 2008. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES, 125(1), 30-37.

Kwon, Y; Baker, BW (2017). Area-based fuzzy membership forest cover comparison between MODIS NPP and Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) across eastern US forest. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT, 189(1), 19.

Jiang, CL; Zhang, SQ; Zhang, C; Li, HP; Ding, XH (2017). Modeling and Predicting of MODIS Leaf Area Index Time Series Based on a Hybrid. SARIMA and BP Neural Network Method. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 37(1), 189-193.

Li, FW; Cao, RX; Zhao, Y; Mu, DJ; Fu, CF; Ping, F (2017). Remote sensing Penman-Monteith model to estimate catchment evapotranspiration considering the vegetation diversity. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 127(2-Jan), 111-121.

Jin, D; Oreopoulos, L; Lee, D (2017). Regime-based evaluation of cloudiness in CMIP5 models. CLIMATE DYNAMICS, 48(2-Jan), 89-112.

Nepal, S; Chen, J; Penton, DJ; Neumann, LE; Zheng, H; Wahid, S (2017). Spatial GR4J conceptualization of the Tamor glaciated alpine catchment in Eastern Nepal: evaluation of GR4JSG against streamflow and MODIS snow extent. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(1), 51-68.

Ahn, KH; Merwade, V (2017). The effect of land cover change on duration and severity of high and low flows. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(1), 133-149.

Liu, XR; Shen, YJ; Li, HJ; Guo, Y; Pei, HW; Dong, W (2017). Estimation of land surface evapotranspiration over complex terrain based on multi-spectral remote sensing data. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(2), 446-461.

Huang, W; Meng, LK; Zhang, DY; Zhang, W (2017). In-Memory Parallel Processing of Massive Remotely Sensed Data Using an Apache Spark on Hadoop YARN Model. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(1), 3-19.

Tian, JY; Wang, L; Li, XJ; Shi, C; Gong, HL (2017). Differentiating Tree and Shrub LAI in a Mixed Forest With ICESat/GLAS Spaceborne LiDAR. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(1), 87-94.

Tan, MH (2017). An Intensity Gradient/Vegetation Fractional Coverage Approach to Mapping Urban Areas From DMSP/OLS Nighttime Light Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(1), 95-103.

Hang, RL; Liu, QS; Song, HH; Sun, YB; Zhu, FP; Pei, HC (2017). Graph Regularized Nonlinear Ridge Regression for Remote Sensing Data Analysis. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(1), 277-285.

Wang, QM; Shi, WZ; Atkinson, PM; Wei, Q (2017). Approximate Area-to-Point Regression Kriging for Fast Hyperspectral Image Sharpening. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(1), 286-295.

Pahlevan, N; Sarkar, S; Devadiga, S; Wolfe, RE; Roman, M; Vermote, E; Lin, GQ; Xiong, XX (2017). Impact of Spatial Sampling on Continuity of MODIS-VIIRS Land Surface Reflectance Products: A Simulation Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 183-196.

Gao, L; Zhan, WF; Huang, F; Quan, JL; Lu, XM; Wang, F; Ju, WM; Zhou, J (2017). Localization or Globalization? Determination of the Optimal Regression Window for Disaggregation of Land Surface Temperature. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 477-490.

Platnick, S; Meyer, KG; King, MD; Wind, G; Amarasinghe, N; Marchant, B; Arnold, GT; Zhang, ZB; Hubanks, PA; Holz, RE; Yang, P; Ridgway, WL; Riedi, J (2017). The MODIS Cloud Optical and Microphysical Products: Collection 6 Updates and Examples From Terra and Aqua. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 502-525.

Islam, T; Hulley, GC; Malakar, NK; Radocinski, RG; Guillevic, PC; Hook, SJ (2017). A Physics-Based Algorithm for the Simultaneous Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity From VIIRS Thermal Infrared Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 563-576.

Zhang, YH; Atkinson, PM; Li, XD; Ling, F; Wang, QM; Du, Y (2017). Learning-Based Spatial-Temporal Superresolution Mapping of Forest Cover With MODIS Images. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(1), 600-614.

Kloog, I; Nordio, F; Lepeule, J; Padoan, A; Lee, M; Auffray, A; Schwartz, J (2017). Modelling spatio-temporally resolved air temperature across the complex geo-climate area of France using satellite-derived land surface temperature data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(1), 296-304.

Srivastava, R (2017). Trends in aerosol optical properties over South Asia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(1), 371-380.

Zhou, YB; Sun, XJ; Zhang, RW; Zhang, CL; Li, HR; Zhou, JH; Li, SH (2017). Influences of cloud heterogeneity on cirrus optical properties retrieved from the visible and near-infrared channels of MODIS/SEVIRI for flat and optically thick cirrus clouds. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 187, 232-246.

Yin, S; Wang, XF; Xiao, Y; Tani, H; Zhong, GS; Sun, ZY (2017). Study on spatial distribution of crop residue burning and PM2.5 change in China. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 220, 204-221.

Aura, CM; Musa, S; Osore, MK; Kimani, E; Alati, VM; Wambiji, N; Maina, GW; Charo-Karisa, H (2017). Quantification of climate change implications for water-based management: A case study of oyster suitability sites occurrence model along the Kenya coast. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 165, 27-35.

Bhardwaj, A; Singh, S; Sam, L; Bhardwaj, A; Martin-Torres, FJ; Singh, A; Kumar, R (2017). MODIS-based estimates of strong snow surface temperature anomaly related to high altitude earthquakes of 2015. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 188, 1-8.

Gao, F; Anderson, MC; Zhang, XY; Yang, ZW; Alfieri, JG; Kustas, WP; Mueller, R; Johnson, DM; Prueger, JH (2017). Toward mapping crop progress at field scales through fusion of Landsat and MODIS imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 188, 9-25.

Baker, EH; Painter, TH; Schneider, D; Meddens, AJH; Hicke, JA; Molotch, NP (2017). Quantifying insect-related forest mortality with the remote sensing of snow. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 188, 26-36.

Wang, X; Guo, Z; Huang, YP; Fan, HJ; Li, WB (2017). A cloud detection scheme for the Chinese Carbon Dioxide Observation Satellite (TANSAT). ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 34(1), 16-25.

Cusack, L; Larkin, A; Carozza, S; Hystad, P (2017). Associations between residential greenness and birth outcomes across Texas. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, 152, 88-95.

Loboda, TV; Chen, D (2017). Spatial distribution of young forests and carbon fluxes within recent disturbances in Russia. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 23(1), 138-153.

Roy, DP; Kumar, SS (2017). Multi-year MODIS active fire type classification over the Brazilian Tropical Moist Forest Biome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 10(1), 54-84.

Chen, YC; Chiu, HW; Su, YF; Wu, YC; Cheng, KS (2017). Does urbanization increase diurnal land surface temperature variation? Evidence and implications. LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING, 157, 247-258.

Chan, KL; Chan, KL (2017). Aerosol optical depths and their contributing sources in Taiwan. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 148, 364-375.

Yang, XP; Sokoletsky, L; Wei, XD; Shen, F (2017). Suspended sediment concentration mapping based on the MODIS satellite imagery in the East China inland, estuarine, and coastal waters. CHINESE JOURNAL OF OCEANOLOGY AND LIMNOLOGY, 35(1), 39-60.

Schulz, C; Koch, R; Cierjacks, A; Kleinschmit, B (2017). Land change and loss of landscape diversity at the Caatinga phytogeographical domain - Analysis of pattern-process relationships with MODIS land cover products (2001-2012). JOURNAL OF ARID ENVIRONMENTS, 136, 54-74.

Huang, N; Wang, L; Guo, YQ; Niu, Z (2017). Upscaling plot-scale soil respiration in winter wheat and summer maize rotation croplands in Julu County, North China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 54, 169-178.

Baumann, M; Ozdogan, M; Richardson, AD; Radeloff, VC (2017). Phenology from Landsat when data is scarce: Using MODIS and Dynamic Time-Warping to combine multi-year Landsat imagery to derive annual phenology curves. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 54, 72-83.

Quan, XW; He, BB; Yebra, M; Yin, CM; Liao, ZM; Zhang, XT; Li, X (2017). A radiative transfer model-based method for the estimation of grassland aboveground biomass. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATION AND GEOINFORMATION, 54, 159-168.

Gong, ZN; Zhao, SY; Gu, JZ (2017). Correlation analysis between vegetation coverage and climate drought conditions in North China during 2001-2013. JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCES, 27(2), 143-160.

Borrelli, P; Panagos, P; Marker, M; Modugno, S; Schutt, B (2017). Assessment of the impacts of clear-cutting on soil loss by water erosion in Italian forests: First comprehensive monitoring and modelling approach. CATENA, 149, 770-781.

Rivaro, P; Ianni, C; Langone, L; Ori, C; Aulicino, G; Cotroneo, Y; Saggiomo, M; Mangoni, O (2017). Physical and biological forcing of mesoscale variability in the carbonate system of the Ross Sea (Antarctica) during summer 2014. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 166, 144-158.

Sansiviero, M; Maqueda, MAM; Fusco, G; Aulicino, G; Flocco, D; Budillon, G (2017). Modelling sea ice formation in the Terra Nova Bay polynya. JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS, 166, 4-25.

Wen, JG; Dou, BC; You, DQ; Tang, Y; Xiao, Q; Liu, Q; Qinhuo, L (2017). Forward a Small-Timescale BRDF/Albedo by Multisensor Combined BRDF Inversion Model. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(2), 683-697.

Shirazi, Z; Guo, HD; Chen, F; Yu, B; Li, B (2017). Assessing the impact of climatic parameters and their inter-annual seasonal variability on fire activity using time series satellite products in South China (2001-2014). NATURAL HAZARDS, 85(3), 1393-1416.

Wang, WC; Sheng, LF; Dong, X; Qu, WJ; Sun, JL; Jin, HC; Logan, T (2017). Dust aerosol impact on the retrieval of cloud top height from satellite observations of CALIPSO, CloudSat and MODIS. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 188, 132-141.

Yang, YK; Marshak, A; Han, M; Palm, SP; Harding, DJ (2017). Snow grain size retrieval over the polar ice sheets with the Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) observations. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 188, 159-164.

Mao, KBA; Chen, JM; Li, ZL; Ma, Y; Song, Y; Tan, XL; Yang, KX (2017). Global water vapor content decreases from 2003 to 2012: An analysis based on MODIS data. CHINESE GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE, 27(1), 1-7.

Carroll, ML; DiMiceli, CM; Townshend, JRG; Sohlberg, RA; Elders, AI; Devadiga, S; Sayer, AM; Levy, RC (2017). Development of an operational land water mask for MODIS Collection 6, and influence on downstream data products. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 10(2), 207-218.

Guo, JP; Xia, F; Zhang, Y; Liu, H; Li, J; Lou, MY; He, J; Yan, Y; Wang, F; Min, M; Zhai, PM (2017). Impact of diurnal variability and meteorological factors on the PM2.5 - AOD relationship: Implications for PM2.5 remote sensing. ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, 221, 94-104.

Mansuy, N; Pare, D; Thiffault, E; Bernier, PY; Cyr, G; Manka, F; Lafleur, B; Guindon, L (2017). Estimating the spatial distribution and locating hotspots of forest biomass from harvest residues and fire-damaged stands in Canada's managed forests. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, 97, 90-99.

Bali, K; Mishra, AK; Singh, S (2017). Impact of anomalous forest fire on aerosol radiative forcing and snow cover over Himalayan region. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 150, 264-275.

Ni, XY; Huang, H; Du, WP (2017). Relevance analysis and short-term prediction of PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing based on multi-source data. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 150, 146-161.

Bibi, S; Alam, K; Chishtie, F; Bibi, H (2017). Characterization of absorbing aerosol types using ground and satellites based observations over an urban environment. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 150, 126-135.

Liu, RG; Shang, R; Liu, Y; Lu, XL (2017). Global evaluation of gap-filling approaches for seasonal NDVI with considering vegetation growth trajectory, protection of key point, noise resistance and curve stability. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 189, 164-179.

Tang, WJ; Yang, K; Qin, J; Niu, XL; Lin, CG; Jing, XW (2017). A revisit to decadal change of aerosol optical depth and its impact on global radiation over China. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 150, 106-115.

Zhu, WB; Lu, AF; Jia, SF; Yan, JB; Mahmood, R (2017). Retrievals of all-weather daytime air temperature from MODIS products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 189, 152-163.

Tilstone, G; Mallor-Hoya, S; Gohin, F; Couto, AB; Sa, C; Goela, P; Cristina, S; Airs, R; Icely, J; Zuhlke, M; Groom, S (2017). Which ocean colour algorithm for MERIS in North West European waters?. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 189, 132-151.

Williamson, SN; Hik, DS; Gamon, JA; Jarosch, AH; Anslow, FS; Clarke, GKC; Rupp, TS (2017). Spring and summer monthly MODIS LST is inherently compared to air temperature in snow covered sub-Arctic mountains. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 189, 14-24.

Alaibakhsh, M; Emelyanova, I; Barron, O; Sims, N; Khiadani, M; Mohyeddin, A (2017). Delineation of riparian vegetation from Landsat multi-temporal imagery using PCA. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(4), 800-808.

Hereher, ME (2017). Effect of land use/cover change on land surface temperatures - The Nile Delta, Egypt. JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, 126, 75-83.

Garambois, PA; Calmant, S; Roux, H; Paris, A; Monnier, J; Finaud-Guyot, P; Montazem, AS; da Silva, JS (2017). Hydraulic visibility: Using satellite altimetry to parameterize a hydraulic model of an ungauged reach of a braided river. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(4), 756-767.

Zhang, XX; Hu, YH; Jia, GS; Hou, MT; Fan, YG; Sun, ZC; Zhu, YX (2017). Land surface temperature shaped by urban fractions in megacity region. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 127(4-Mar), 965-975.

Liu, HJ; Ning, DH; Kang, R; Jin, HN; Zhang, XL; Sheng, L (2017). A Study on Predicting Model of Organic Matter Contend Incorporating Soil Moisture Variation. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 37(2), 566-570.

Zhu, SY; Zhou, CX; Zhang, GX; Zhang, HL; Hua, JW (2017). Preliminary verification of instantaneous air temperature estimation for clear sky conditions based on SEBAL. METEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS, 129(1), 71-81.

Fitschen, JH; Ma, JW; Schuff, S (2017). Removal of curtaining effects by a variational model with directional forward differences. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING, 155, 24-32.

Dong, X; Tian, J; Zhang, RH; He, DX; Chen, QM (2017). Study on the Relationship between Soil Emissivity Spectra and Content of Soil Elements. SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS, 37(2), 557-565.

Kou, WL; Liang, CX; Wei, LL; Hernandez, AJ; Yang, XJ (2017). Phenology-Based Method for Mapping Tropical Evergreen Forests by Integrating of MODIS and Landsat Imagery. FORESTS, 8(2), 34.

Bajgain, R; Xiao, XM; Basara, J; Wagle, P; Zhou, YT; Zhang, Y; Mahan, H (2017). Assessing agricultural drought in summer over Oklahoma Mesonet sites using the water-related vegetation index from MODIS. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY, 61(2), 377-390.

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Kumar, A; Stupp, P; Dahal, S; Remillard, C; Bledsoe, R; Stone, A; Cameron, C; Rastogi, G; Samal, R; Mishra, DR (2017). A Multi-Sensor Approach for Assessing Mangrove Biophysical Characteristics in Coastal Odisha, India. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES INDIA SECTION A-PHYSICAL SCIENCES, 87(4), 679-700.

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Zhang, DY; Meng, LK; Qu, JJ; Zhang, W; Wang, LL (2017). Estimation of Surface Soil Moisture in Cornfields Using a Modified MODIS-Based Index and Considering Corn Growth Stages. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5618-5631.

Xiao, ZQ; Liang, SL; Tian, XD; Jia, K; Yao, YJ; Jiang, B (2017). Reconstruction of Long-Term Temporally Continuous NDVI and Surface Reflectance From AVHRR Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5551-5568.

Tao, Z; Wang, Y; Ma, S; Lv, TT; Zhou, X (2017). A Phytoplankton Class-Specific Marine Primary Productivity Model Using MODIS Data. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5519-5528.

Wirasatriya, A; Setiawan, RY; Subardjo, P (2017). The Effect of ENSO on the Variability of Chlorophyll-a and Sea Surface Temperature in the Maluku Sea. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5513-5518.

Rodrigues, T; Mishra, DR; Alcantara, E; Watanabe, F; Rotta, L; Imai, NN (2017). Retrieving Total Suspended Matter in Tropical Reservoirs Within a Cascade System With Widely Differing Optical Properties. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5495-5512.

Sun, H; Liu, WH; Wang, YM; Yuan, SY (2017). Evaluation of Typical Spectral Vegetation Indices for Drought Monitoring in Cropland of the North China Plain. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5404-5411.

Busetto, L; Casteleyn, S; Granell, C; Pepe, M; Barbieri, M; Campos-Taberner, M; Casa, R; Collivignarelli, F; Confalonieri, R; Crema, A; Garcia-Haro, FJ; Gatti, L; Gitas, IZ; Gonzalez-Perez, A; Grau-Muedra, G; Guarneri, T; Holecz, F; Katsantonis, D; Minakou, C; Miralles, I; Movedi, E; Nutini, F; Pagani, V; Palombo, A; Di Paola, F; Pascucci, S; Pignatti, S; Rampini, A; Ranghetti, L; Ricciardelli, E; Romano, F; Stavrakoudis, DG; Stroppiana, D; Viggiano, M; Boschetti, M (2017). Downstream Services for Rice Crop Monitoring in Europe: From Regional to Local Scale. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(12), 5423-5441.

Alraddawi, D; Keckhut, P; Sarkissian, A; Bock, O; Irbah, A; Bekki, S; Claud, C; Meftah, M (2017). Enhanced MODIS Atmospheric Total Water Vapour Content Trends in Response to Arctic Amplification. ATMOSPHERE, 8(12), 241.

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Fonseca, MG; Anderson, LO; Arai, E; Shimabukuro, YE; Xaud, HAM; Xaud, MR; Madani, N; Wagner, FH; Aragao, LEOC (2017). Climatic and anthropogenic drivers of northern Amazon fires during the 2015-2016 El Nino event. ECOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 27(8), 2514-2527.

Kiany, MSK; Masoodian, SA; Balling, RC; Svoma, BM (2017). Spatial and Temporal Variations of Snow Cover in the Karoon River Basin, Iran, 2003-2015. WATER, 9(12), 965.

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Huang, AP; Peng, WQ; Liu, XB; Du, YL; Zhang, SJ; Wang, SY; Du, F; Dong, F (2017). Characteristics and Factors Influencing the Hysteresis of Water Area-Stage Curves for Poyang Lake. WATER, 9(12), 938.

Liu, WB; Feddema, J; Hu, LQ; Zung, A; Brunsell, N (2017). Seasonal and Diurnal Characteristics of Land Surface Temperature and Major Explanatory Factors in Harris County, Texas. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(12), 2324.

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Aguilar-Maldonado, JA; Santamaria-del-Angel, E; Sebastia-Frasquet, MT (2017). Reflectances of SPOT multispectral images associated with the turbidity of the Upper Gulf of California. REVISTA DE TELEDETECCION(50), 1-16.

Mei, LL; Rozanov, V; Vountas, M; Burrows, JP; Levy, RC; Lotz, W (2017). Retrieval of aerosol optical properties using MERIS observations: Algorithm and some first results. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 125-140.

Mei, LL; Vountas, M; Gomez-Chova, L; Rozanov, V; Jager, M; Lotz, W; Burrows, JP; Hollmann, R (2017). A Cloud masking algorithm for the XBAER aerosol retrieval using MERIS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 141-160.

Zhang, HKK; Roy, DP (2017). Using the 500 m MODIS land cover product to derive a consistent continental scale 30 m Landsat land cover classification. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 15-34.

Li, JS; Hu, CM; Shen, Q; Barnes, BB; Murch, B; Feng, L; Zhang, MW; Zhang, B (2017). Recovering low quality MODIS-Terra data over highly turbid waters through noise reduction and regional vicarious calibration adjustment: A case study in Taihu Lake. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 72-84.

Bilal, M; Nichol, JE; Wang, LC (2017). New customized methods for improvement of the MODIS C6 Dark Target and Deep Blue merged aerosol product. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 115-124.

Sun, K; Chen, XL (2017). Spatio-temporal distribution of localized aerosol loading in China: A satellite view. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 163, 35-43.

Amani, M; Salehi, B; Mahdavi, S; Masjedi, A; Dehnavi, S (2017). Temperature-Vegetation-soil Moisture Dryness Index (TVMDI). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 197, 1-14.

Ma, WY; Wang, XM; Zhou, N; Jiao, LL (2017). Relative importance of climate factors and human activities in impacting vegetation dynamics during 2000-2015 in the Otindag Sandy Land, northern China. JOURNAL OF ARID LAND, 9(4), 558-567.

Fu, YF; Zhu, JC; Yang, YJ; Yuan, RM; Liu, GS; Xian, T; Liu, P (2017). Grid-cell aerosol direct shortwave radiative forcing calculated using the SBDART model with MODIS and AERONET observations: An application in winter and summer in eastern China. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 34(8), 952-964.

Zhang, J; Xin, JY; Zhang, WY; Wang, SG; Wang, LL; Xie, W; Xiao, GJ; Pan, HL; Kong, LB (2017). Validation of MODIS C6 AOD products retrieved by the Dark Target method in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, China. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 34(8), 993-1002.

Ma, YJ; Xin, JY; Ma, YN; Kong, LB; Zhang, KQ; Zhang, WY; Wang, YS; Wang, XQ; Zhu, YF (2017). Optical properties and source analysis of aerosols over a desert area in Dunhuang, Northwest china. ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 34(8), 1017-1026.

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Sun, L; Chen, ZX; Gao, F; Anderson, M; Song, LS; Wang, LM; Hu, B; Yang, Y (2017). Reconstructing daily clear-sky land surface temperature for cloudy regions from MODIS data. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES, 105, 10-20.

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Zhou, J; Zhang, XD; Zhan, WF; Gottsche, FM; Liu, SM; Olesen, FS; Hu, WX; Dai, FN (2017). A Thermal Sampling Depth Correction Method for Land Surface Temperature Estimation From Satellite Passive Microwave Observation Over Barren Land. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4743-4756.

Wang, Y; Yang, K; Pan, ZY; Qin, J; Chen, DL; Lin, CG; Chen, YY; Lazhu; Tang, WJ; Han, ML; Lu, N; Wu, H (2017). Evaluation of Precipitable Water Vapor from Four Satellite Products and Four Reanalysis Datasets against GPS Measurements on the Southern Tibetan Plateau. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 30(15), 5699-5713.

Liu, T; Tsuda, M; Iwami, Y (2017). A Study on Flood Forecasting in the Upper Indus Basin Considering Snow and Glacier Meltwater. JOURNAL OF DISASTER RESEARCH, 12(4), 793-805.

Chen, L; Alabbadi, B; Tan, CH; Wang, TS; Li, KC (2017). Predicting Sea Surface Salinity Using an Improved Genetic Algorithm Combining Operation Tree Method. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 45(4), 699-707.

Sun, GH; Hu, ZY; Sun, FL; Wang, JM; Xie, ZP; Lin, Y; Huang, FF (2017). An analysis on the influence of spatial scales on sensible heat fluxes in the north Tibetan Plateau based on Eddy covariance and large aperture scintillometer data. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 129(4-Mar), 965-976.

Lee, WL; Liou, KN; He, CL; Liang, HC; Wang, TC; Li, QB; Liu, ZX; Yue, Q (2017). Impact of absorbing aerosol deposition on snow albedo reduction over the southern Tibetan plateau based on satellite observations. THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, 129(4-Mar), 1373-1382.

Guo, YQ; Jia, XP; Paull, D (2017). Superpixel-Based Adaptive Kernel Selection for Angular Effect Normalization of Remote Sensing Images With Kernel Learning. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4262-4271.

Fukuhara, T; Kouyama, T; Kato, S; Nakamura, R; Takahashi, Y; Akiyama, H (2017). Detection of Small Wildfire by Thermal Infrared Camera With the Uncooled Microbolometer Array for 50-kg Class Satellite. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4314-4324.

Ma, H; Liu, Q; Liang, SL; Xiao, ZQ (2017). Simultaneous Estimation of Leaf Area Index, Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, and Surface Albedo From Multiple-Satellite Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4334-4354.

Cheng, Q; Liu, HQ; Shen, HF; Wu, PH; Zhang, LP (2017). A Spatial and Temporal Nonlocal Filter-Based Data Fusion Method. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4476-4488.

Yin, GF; Li, AN; Zhao, W; Jin, HA; Bian, JH; Wu, SBA (2017). Modeling Canopy Reflectance Over Sloping Terrain Based on Path Length Correction. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 55(8), 4597-4609.

Gurung, DR; Maharjan, SB; Shrestha, AB; Shrestha, MS; Bajracharya, SR; Murthy, MSR (2017). Climate and topographic controls on snow cover dynamics in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(10), 3873-3882.

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Metsaranta, JM; Shaw, CH; Kurz, WA; Boisvenue, C; Morken, S (2017). Uncertainty of inventory-based estimates of the carbon dynamics of Canada's managed forest (1990-2014). CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH, 47(8), 1082-1094.

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Bai, XJ; Wang, PX; Wang, HS; Xie, Y (2017). An Up-Scaled Vegetation Temperature Condition Index Retrieved From Landsat Data with Trend Surface Analysis. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(8), 3537-3546.

Song, XN; Wang, YW; Tang, BH; Leng, P; Chuan, S; Peng, J; Loew, A (2017). Estimation of Land Surface Temperature Using FengYun-2E (FY-2E) Data: A Case Study of the Source Area of the Yellow River. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(8), 3744-3751.

Zhang, CH; Qi, XK; Wang, KL; Zhang, MY; Yue, YM (2017). The application of geospatial techniques in monitoring karst vegetation recovery in southwest China: A review. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 41(4), 450-477.

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Bilal, M; Nichol, JE (2017). Evaluation of the NDVI-Based Pixel Selection Criteria of the MODIS C6 Dark Target and Deep Blue Combined Aerosol Product. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(8), 3448-3453.

Okeowo, MA; Lee, H; Hossain, F; Getirana, A (2017). Automated Generation of Lakes and Reservoirs Water Elevation Changes From Satellite Radar Altimetry. IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING, 10(8), 3465-3481.

Liu, ZJ; Wu, CY; Liu, YS; Wang, XY; Fang, B; Yuan, WP; Ge, QS (2017). Spring green-up date derived from GIMMS3g and SPOT-VGT NDVI of winter wheat cropland in the North China Plain. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 130, 81-91.

Baldwin, D; Tschudi, M; Pacifici, F; Liu, YH (2017). Validation of Suomi-NPP VIIRS sea ice concentration with very high-resolution satellite and airborne camera imagery. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 130, 122-138.

Wang, R; Chen, JM; Liu, ZL; Arain, A (2017). Evaluation of seasonal variations of remotely sensed leaf area index over five evergreen coniferous forests. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, 130, 187-201.

Li, XH; Fu, WX; Shen, HF; Huang, CL; Zhang, LP (2017). Monitoring snow cover variability (2000-2014) in the Hengduan Mountains based on cloud-removed MODIS products with an adaptive spatio-temporal weighted method. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, 551, 314-327.

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Min, M; Wu, CQ; Li, C; Liu, H; Xu, N; Wu, X; Chen, L; Wang, F; Sun, FL; Qin, DY; Wang, X; Li, B; Zheng, ZJ; Cao, GZ; Dong, LX (2017). Developing the Science Product Algorithm Testbed for Chinese Next-Generation Geostationary Meteorological Satellites: Fengyun-4 Series. JOURNAL OF METEOROLOGICAL RESEARCH, 31(4), 708-719.

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Yu, B; Shang, SH (2017). Multi-Year Mapping of Maize and Sunflower in Hetao Irrigation District of China with High Spatial and Temporal Resolution Vegetation Index Series. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 855.

Yang, YB; Cao, C; Pan, X; Li, XL; Zhu, X (2017). Downscaling Land Surface Temperature in an Arid Area by Using Multiple Remote Sensing Indices with Random Forest Regression. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 789.

Xie, Y; Zhang, WH; Qu, JJ (2017). Detection of Asian Dust Storm Using MODIS Measurements. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 869.

Wang, W; Mao, FY; Du, L; Pan, ZX; Gong, W; Fang, SH (2017). Deriving Hourly PM2.5 Concentrations from Himawari-8 AODs over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 858.

Winkler, K; Gessner, U; Hochschild, V (2017). Identifying Droughts Affecting Agriculture in Africa Based on Remote Sensing Time Series between 2000-2016: Rainfall Anomalies and Vegetation Condition in the Context of ENSO. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 831.

Tao, MH; Wang, ZF; Tao, JH; Chen, L; Wang, J; Hou, C; Wang, LC; Xu, XG; Zhu, H (2017). How Do Aerosol Properties Affect the Temporal Variation of MODIS AOD Bias in Eastern China?. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 800.

Tebbs, EJ; Rowland, CS; Smart, SM; Maskell, LC; Norton, LR (2017). Regional-Scale High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) from Field Survey and Landsat Data: A Case Study for the Country of Wales. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 801.

Wang, R; Wan, B; Guo, QH; Hu, MS; Zhou, SP (2017). Mapping Regional Urban Extent Using NPP-VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 862.

Pan, XD; Li, X; Cheng, GD; Chen, RS; Hsu, KL (2017). Impact Analysis of Climate Change on Snow over a Complex Mountainous Region Using Weather Research and Forecast Model (WRF) Simulation and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Data (MODIS)-Terra Fractional Snow Cover Products. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 774.

Misra, P; Fujikawa, A; Takeuchi, W (2017). Novel Decomposition Scheme for Characterizing Urban Air Quality with MODIS. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 812.

Li, XJ; Xin, XZ; Jiao, JJ; Peng, ZQ; Zhang, HL; Shao, SS; Liu, QH (2017). Estimating Subpixel Surface Heat Fluxes through Applying Temperature-Sharpening Methods to MODIS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 836.

Liu, YXY; Yang, YP; Jing, WL; Yao, L; Yue, XF; Zhao, XD (2017). A New Urban Index for Expressing Inner-City Patterns Based on MODIS LST and EVI Regulated DMSP/OLS NTL. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 777.

Li, WZ; El-Askary, H; ManiKandan, KP; Qurban, MA; Garay, MJ; Kalashnikova, OV (2017). Synergistic Use of Remote Sensing and Modeling to Assess an Anomalously High Chlorophyll-a Event during Summer 2015 in the South Central Red Sea. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 778.

Jung, C; Lee, Y; Cho, Y; Kim, S (2017). A Study of Spatial Soil Moisture Estimation Using a Multiple Linear Regression Model and MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data Corrected by Conditional Merging. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 870.

Khand, K; Taghvaeian, S; Hassan-Esfahani, L (2017). Mapping Annual Riparian Water Use Based on the Single-Satellite-Scene Approach. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 832.

Gao, BC; Li, RR (2017). Removal of Thin Cirrus Scattering Effects in Landsat 8 OLI Images Using the Cirrus Detecting Channel. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 834.

Huang, CC; Yao, L (2017). Semi-Analytical Retrieval of the Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient in Large and Shallow Lakes from GOCI, a High Temporal-Resolution Satellite. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 825.

Forkuor, G; Conrad, C; Thiel, M; Zoungrana, BJB; Tondoh, JE (2017). Multiscale Remote Sensing to Map the Spatial Distribution and Extent of Cropland in the Sudanian Savanna of West Africa. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 839.

Chen, YP; Sun, KM; Li, DR; Bai, T; Huang, CQ (2017). Radiometric Cross-Calibration of GF-4 PMS Sensor Based on Assimilation of Landsat-8 OLI Images. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 811.

Garcia-Carreras, L; Marsham, JH; Spracklen, DV (2017). Observations of Increased Cloud Cover over Irrigated Agriculture in an Arid Environment. JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY, 18(8), 2161-2172.

Bayas, JCL; See, L; Perger, C; Justice, C; Nakalembe, C; Dempewolf, J; Fritz, S (2017). Validation of Automatically Generated Global and Regional Cropland Data Sets: The Case of Tanzania. REMOTE SENSING, 9(8), 815.

Zhang, XP; Wang, DX; Hao, HK; Zhang, FF; Hu, YN (2017). Effects of Land Use/Cover Changes and Urban Forest Configuration on Urban Heat Islands in a Loess Hilly Region: Case Study Based on Yan'an City, China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, 14(8), 840.

Horvath, A; Hautecoeur, O; Borde, R; Deneke, H; Buehler, SA (2017). Evaluation of the EUMETSAT Global AVHRR Wind Product. JOURNAL OF APPLIED METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY, 56(8), 2353-2376.

Mao, KB; Shen, XY; Zuo, ZY; Ma, Y; Liu, G; Tang, HJ (2017). An Advanced Radiative Transfer and Neural Network Scheme and Evaluation for Estimating Water Vapor Content from MODIS Data. ATMOSPHERE, 8(8), 139.

Wang, QX; Sun, L; Wei, J; Yang, YK; Li, RB; Liu, QH; Chen, LF (2017). Validation and Accuracy Analysis of Global MODIS Aerosol Products over Land. ATMOSPHERE, 8(8), 155.

Saksa, P; Safeeq, M; Dymond, S (2017). Recent Patterns in Climate, Vegetation, and Forest Water Use in California Montane Watersheds. FORESTS, 8(8), 278.

Koo, MS; Baek, S; Seol, KH; Cho, K (2017). Advances in land modeling of KIAPS based on the Noah Land Surface Model. ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, 53(3), 361-373.

Ni, XL; Cao, CX; Zhou, YK; Ding, L; Choi, SH; Shi, YL; Park, T; Fu, X; Hu, H; Wang, XJ (2017). Estimation of Forest Biomass Patterns across Northeast China Based on Allometric Scale Relationship. FORESTS, 8(8), 288.

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Cooper, LA; Ballantyne, AP; Holden, ZA; Landguth, EL (2017). Disturbance impacts on land surface temperature and gross primary productivity in the western United States. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(4), 930-946.

Mushinski, RM; Boutton, TW; Scott, DA (2017). Decadal-scale changes in forest soil carbon and nitrogen storage are influenced by organic matter removal during timber harvest. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES, 122(4), 846-862.

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Guo, JT; Hu, YM; Xiong, ZP; Yan, XL; Li, CL; Bu, RC (2017). Variations in Growing-Season NDVI and Its Response to Permafrost Degradation in Northeast China. SUSTAINABILITY, 9(4), 551.

Wang, Y; Chen, LF; Li, SS; Wang, XH; Yu, C; Si, YD; Zhang, ZL (2017). Interference of Heavy Aerosol Loading on the VIIRS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Retrieval Algorithm. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 397.

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Tang, BJ; Wu, DH; Zhao, X; Zhou, T; Zhao, WQ; Wei, H (2017). The Observed Impacts of Wind Farms on Local Vegetation Growth in Northern China. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 332.

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Liu, KL; Wang, JD; Zeng, WS; Song, JL (2017). Comparison and Evaluation of Three Methods for Estimating Forest above Ground Biomass Using TM and GLAS Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 341.

Lu, LZ; Huang, YL; Di, LP; Hang, DW (2017). A New Spatial Attraction Model for Improving Subpixel Land Cover Classification. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 360.

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Martins, VS; Barbosa, CCF; de Carvalho, LAS; Jorge, DSF; Lobo, FD; Novo, EMLD (2017). Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Sentinel-2 MSI Images Applied to Amazon Floodplain Lakes. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 322.

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Jiang, M; Sun, WW; Yang, G; Zhang, DAF (2017). Modelling Seasonal GWR of Daily PM2.5 with Proper Auxiliary Variables for the Yangtze River Delta. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 346.

Guo, W; Lu, DS; Kuang, WH (2017). Improving Fractional Impervious Surface Mapping Performance through Combination of DMSP-OLS and MODIS NDVI Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 375.

Ban, HJ; Kwon, YJ; Shin, H; Ryu, HS; Hong, S (2017). Flood Monitoring Using Satellite-Based RGB Composite Imagery and Refractive Index Retrieval in Visible and Near-Infrared Bands. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 313.

Chen, C; Knyazikhin, Y; Park, T; Yan, K; Lyapustin, A; Wang, YJ; Yang, B; Myneni, RB (2017). Prototyping of LAI and FPAR Retrievals from MODIS Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) Data. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 370.

Alibakhshi, S; Groen, TA; Rautiainen, M; Naimi, B (2017). Remotely-Sensed Early Warning Signals of a Critical Transition in a Wetland Ecosystem. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 352.

Alemayehu, T; van Griensven, A; Senay, GB; Bauwens, W (2017). Evapotranspiration Mapping in a Heterogeneous Landscape Using Remote Sensing and Global Weather Datasets: Application to the Mara Basin, East Africa. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 390.

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Alavipanah, SK; Weng, QH; Gholamnia, M; Khandan, R (2017). An Analysis of the Discrepancies between MODIS and INSAT-3D LSTs in High Temperatures. REMOTE SENSING, 9(4), 347.

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Hengl, T; de Jesus, JM; Heuvelink, GBM; Gonzalez, MR; Kilibarda, M; Blagotic, A; Shangguan, W; Wright, MN; Geng, XY; Bauer-Marschallinger, B; Guevara, MA; Vargas, R; MacMillan, RA; Batjes, NH; Leenaars, JGB; Ribeiro, E; Wheeler, I; Mantel, S; Kempen, B (2017). SoilGrids250m: Global gridded soil information based on machine learning. PLOS ONE, 12(2), e0169748.

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Feng, L; Hu, CM; Barnes, BB; Mannino, A; Heidinger, AK; Strabala, K; Iraci, LT (2017). Cloud and Sun-glint statistics derived from GOES and MODIS observations over the Intra-Americas Sea for GEO-CAPE mission planning. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(3), 1725-1745.

Mccoy, DT; Bender, FAM; Mohrmann, JKC; Hartmann, DL; Wood, R; Grosvenor, DP (2017). The global aerosol-cloud first indirect effect estimated using MODIS, MERRA, and AeroCom. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(3), 1779-1796.

Ai, YF; Li, J; Shi, WJ; Schmit, TJ; Cao, CY; Li, WB (2017). Deep convective cloud characterizations from both broadband imager and hyperspectral infrared soundermeasurements. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(3), 1700-1712.

Li, TW; Shen, HF; Yuan, QQ; Zhang, XC; Zhang, LP (2017). Estimating Ground-Level PM2.5 by Fusing Satellite and Station Observations: A Geo-Intelligent Deep Learning Approach. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 44(23), 11985-11993.

Kim, HW; Yeom, JM; Shin, D; Choi, S; Han, KS; Roujean, JL (2017). An assessment of thin cloud detection by applying bidirectional reflectance distribution function model-based background surface reflectance using Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI): A case study for South Korea. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 8153-8172.

Richardson, M; McDuffie, J; Stephens, GL; Cronk, HQ; Taylor, TE (2017). The OCO-2 oxygen A-band response to liquid marine cloud properties from CALIPSO and MODIS. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 8255-8275.

Ross, A; Holz, RE; Ackerman, SA (2017). Correlations of oriented ice and precipitation in marine midlatitude low clouds using collocated CloudSat, CALIOP, and MODIS observations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 8056-8070.

Coddington, OM; Vukicevic, T; Schmidt, KS; Platnick, S (2017). Characterizing the information content of cloud thermodynamic phase retrievals from the notional PACE OCI shortwave reflectance measurements. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 8079-8100.

Chazette, P; Royer, P (2017). Springtime major pollution events by aerosol over Paris Area: From a case study to a multiannual analysis. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 8101-8119.

Su, WY; Loeb, NG; Liang, LS; Liu, NN; Liu, CT (2017). The El Nino-Southern Oscillation effect on tropical outgoing longwave radiation: A daytime versus nighttime perspective. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(15), 7820-7833.

Li, J; Li, XC; Carlson, BE; Kahn, RA; Lacis, AA; Dubovik, O; Nakajima, T (2017). Reducing multisensor monthly mean aerosol optical depth uncertainty: 2. Optimal locations for potential ground observation deployments. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 122(7), 3920-3928.

Wang, MQ; Hu, CM (2017). Predicting Sargassum blooms in the Caribbean Sea from MODIS observations. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 44(7), 3265-3273.

Adachi, M; Ito, A; Yonemura, S; Takeuchi, W (2017). Estimation of global soil respiration by accounting for land-use changes derived from remote sensing data. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 200, 97-104.

Donnelly, A; Yu, R; Caffarra, A; Hanes, J; Liang, L; Desai, AR; Liu, LL; Schwartz, MD (2017). Interspecific and interannual variation in the duration of spring phenophases in a northern mixed forest. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 243, 55-67.

Bassiouni, M; Scholl, MA; Torres-Sanchez, AJ; Murphy, SF (2017). A method for quantifying cloud immersion in a tropical mountain forest using time-lapse photography. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 243, 100-112.

Hwang, T; Gholizadeh, H; Sims, DA; Novick, KA; Brzostek, ER; Phillips, RP; Roman, DT; Robeson, SM; Rahman, AF (2017). Capturing species-level drought responses in a temperate deciduous forest using ratios of photochemical reflectance indices between sunlit and shaded canopies. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 350-359.

Mizuochi, H; Hiyama, T; Ohta, T; Fujioka, Y; Kambatuku, JR; Iijima, M; Nasahara, KN (2017). Development and evaluation of a lookup-table-based approach to data fusion for seasonal wetlands monitoring: An integrated use of AMSR series, MODIS, and Landsat. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 370-388.

Waigl, CF; Stuefer, M; Prakash, A; Ichoku, C (2017). Detecting high and low-intensity fires in Alaska using VIIRS I-band data: An improved operational approach for high latitudes. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 389-400.

Guan, KY; Wu, J; Kimball, JS; Anderson, MC; Frolking, S; Li, B; Hain, CR; Lobe, DB (2017). The shared and unique values of optical, fluorescence, thermal and microwave satellite data for estimating large-scale crop yields. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 333-349.

Zheng, JC; Geldsetzer, T; Yackel, J (2017). Snow thickness estimation on first-year sea ice using microwave and optical remote sensing with melt modelling. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 321-332.

Liu, LY; Liao, JS; Chen, XZ; Zhou, GY; Su, YX; Xiang, ZY; Wang, Z; Liu, XD; Li, YY; Wu, JP; Xiong, X; Shao, HY (2017). The Microwave Temperature Vegetation Drought Index (MTVDI) based on AMSR-E brightness temperatures for long-term drought assessment across China (2003-2010). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 302-320.

Yang, J; Pan, SF; Dangal, S; Zhang, BW; Wang, SY; Tian, HQ (2017). Continental-scale quantification of post-fire vegetation greenness recovery in temperate and boreal North America. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 277-290.

Kou, XK; Jiang, LM; Yan, S; Zhao, TJ; Lu, H; Cui, HZ (2017). Detection of land surface freeze-thaw status on the Tibetan Plateau using passive microwave and thermal infrared remote sensing data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 291-301.

Fan, YZ; Li, W; Gatebe, CK; Jamet, C; Zibordi, G; Schroeder, T; Stamnes, K (2017). Atmospheric correction over coastal waters using multilayer neural networks. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 218-240.

Butler, MJ; Sesnie, SE; Timmer, JM; Harris, G (2017). Integrating land surface phenology with cluster density and size improves spatially explicit models of animal density. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 51-62.

Shang, R; Liu, RG; Xu, MZ; Liu, Y; Zuo, L; Ge, QS (2017). The relationship between threshold-based and inflexion-based approaches for extraction of land surface phenology. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 167-170.

He, YQ; Lee, E; Warner, TA (2017). A time series of annual land use and land cover maps of China from 1982 to 2013 generated using AVHRR GIMMS NDVI3g data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 201-217.

Fanin, T; van der Werf, GR (2017). Precipitation-fire linkages in Indonesia (1997-2015). BIOGEOSCIENCES, 14(18), 3995-4008.

Thompson, JA; Paull, DJ (2017). Assessing spatial and temporal patterns in land surface phenology for the Australian Alps (2000-2014). REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 1-13.

Roy, DP; Li, J; Zhang, HKK; Yan, L; Huang, HY; Li, ZB (2017). Examination of Sentinel 2A multi-spectral instrument (MSI) reflectance anisotropy and the suitability of a general method to normalize MSI reflectance to nadir BRDF adjusted reflectance. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 199, 25-38.

Li, Y; Huang, CL; Hou, JL; Gu, J; Zhu, GF; Li, X (2017). Mapping daily evapotranspiration based on spatiotemporal fusion of ASTER and MODIS images over irrigated agricultural areas in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 244, 82-97.

Li, G; Zhang, FM; Jing, YS; Liu, YB; Sun, G (2017). Response of evapotranspiration to changes in land use and land cover and climate in China during 2001-2013. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 596, 256-265.

Qiu, BW; Lu, DF; Tang, ZH; Chen, CC; Zou, FL (2017). Automatic and adaptive paddy rice mapping using Landsat images: Case study in Songnen Plain in Northeast China. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 598, 581-592.

Xiao, ZQ; Liang, SL; Jiang, B (2017). Evaluation of four long time-series global leaf area index products. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 246, 218-230.

Xie, Y; Wang, PX; Bai, XJ; Khan, J; Zhang, SY; Li, L; Wang, L (2017). Assimilation of the leaf area index and vegetation temperature condition index for winter wheat yield estimation using Landsat imagery and the CERES-Wheat model. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 246, 194-206.

Zhou, YT; Xiao, XM; Zhang, GL; Wagle, P; Bajgain, R; Dong, JW; Jin, C; Basara, JB; Anderson, MC; Hain, C; Otkin, JA (2017). Quantifying agricultural drought in tallgrass prairie region in the US Southern Great Plains through analysis of a water-related vegetation index from MODIS images. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 246, 111-122.

Tian, X; Yan, M; van der Tol, C; Li, Z; Su, ZB; Chen, EX; Li, X; Li, LH; Wang, XF; Pan, XD; Gao, LS; Han, ZT (2017). Modeling forest above-ground biomass dynamics using multi-source data and incorporated models: A case study over the qilian mountains. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 246, 1-14.

Hu, GJ; Zhao, L; Wu, XD; Wu, TH; Li, R; Xie, CW; Xiao, Y; Pang, QQ; Liu, GY; Hao, JM; Shi, JZ; Qiao, YP (2017). A mathematical investigation of the air-ground temperature relationship in permafrost regions on the Tibetan Plateau. GEODERMA, 306, 244-251.

Dumitrescu, A; Gueymard, CA; Badescu, V (2017). Reconstruction of historical aerosol optical depth time series over Romania during summertime. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(13), 4720-4732.

Gui, K; Che, HZ; Chen, QL; Zeng, ZL; Liu, HZ; Wang, YQ; Zheng, Y; Sun, TZ; Liao, TT; Wang, H; Zhang, XY (2017). Evaluation of radiosonde, MODIS-NIR-Clear, and AERONET precipitable water vapor using IGS ground-based GPS measurements over China. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 197, 461-473.

Boiyo, R; Kumar, KR; Zhao, TL (2017). Statistical intercomparison and validation of multisensory aerosol optical depth retrievals over three AERONET sites in Kenya, East Africa. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 197, 277-288.

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Sreekanth, V; Mahesh, B; Niranjan, K (2017). Satellite remote sensing of fine particulate air pollutants over Indian mega cities. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 60(10), 2268-2276.

Bian, YX; Zhao, CS; Xu, WY; Ma, N; Tao, JC; Kuang, Y; Zhao, G; Liu, HJ (2017). Method to retrieve the nocturnal aerosol optical depth with a CCD laser aerosol detective system. OPTICS LETTERS, 42(22), 4607-4610.

Coppola, D; Laiolo, M; Franchi, A; Massimetti, F; Cigolini, C; Lara, LE (2017). Measuring effusion rates of obsidian lava flows by means of satellite thermal data. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 347, 82-90.

Collados-Lara, AJ; Pardo-Iguzquiza, E; Pulido-Velazquez, D (2017). Spatiotemporal estimation of snow depth using point data from snow stakes, digital terrain models, and satellite data. HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 31(10), 1966-1982.

Truong, TTA; Hardy, GES; Andrew, ME (2017). Contemporary Remotely Sensed Data Products Refine Invasive Plants Risk Mapping in Data Poor Regions. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE, 8, 770.

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Bellaoui, M; Hassini, A; Bouchouicha, K (2017). Pre-seismic anomalies in remotely sensed land surface temperature measurements: The case study of 2003 Boumerdes earthquake. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 59(10), 2645-2657.

Ortiz-Amezcua, P; Guerrero-Rascado, JL; Granados-Munoz, MJ; Benavent-Oltra, JA; Bockmann, C; Samaras, S; Stachlewska, IS; Janicka, L; Baars, H; Bohlmann, S; Alados-Arboledas, L (2017). Microphysical characterization of long-range transported biomass burning particles from North America at three EARLINET stations. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 17(9), 5931-5946.

Hasan, M; Benninger, L (2017). Resiliency of the western Chesapeake Bay to total suspended solid concentrations following storms and accounting for land-cover. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 191, 136-149.

Ding, C; Liu, XN; Huang, F; Li, Y; Zou, XY (2017). Onset of drying and dormancy in relation to water dynamics of semi-arid grasslands from MODIS NDWI. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 234, 22-30.

Tong, XY; Brandt, M; Hiernaux, P; Herrmann, SM; Tian, F; Prishchepov, AV; Fensholt, R (2017). Revisiting the coupling between NDVI trends and cropland changes in the Sahel drylands: A case study in western Niger. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 286-296.

Ji, DB; Shi, JC; Xiong, C; Wang, TX; Zhang, YH (2017). A total precipitable water retrieval method over land using the combination of passive microwave and optical remote sensing. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 313-327.

Hori, M; Sugiura, K; Kobayashi, K; Aoki, T; Tanikawa, T; Kuchiki, K; Niwano, M; Enomoto, H (2017). A 38-year (1978-2015) Northern Hemisphere daily snow cover extent product derived using consistent objective criteria from satellite-borne optical sensors. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 402-418.

Gerace, A; Montanaro, M (2017). Derivation and validation of the stray light correction algorithm for the thermal infrared sensor onboard Landsat 8. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 246-257.

Ho, JC; Stumpf, RP; Bridgeman, TB; Michalak, AM (2017). Using Landsat to extend the historical record of lacustrine phytoplankton blooms: A Lake Erie case study. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 273-285.

Kang, J; Jin, R; Li, X; Ma, CF; Qin, J; Zhang, Y (2017). High spatio-temporal resolution mapping of soil moisture by integrating wireless sensor network observations and MODIS apparent thermal inertia in the Babao River Basin, China. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 232-245.

Pan, YQ; Shen, F; Verhoef, W (2017). An improved spectral optimization algorithm for atmospheric correction over turbid coastal waters: A case study from the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary and the adjacent coast. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 197-214.

Zhang, YL; Song, CH; Band, LE; Sun, G; Li, JX (2017). Reanalysis of global terrestrial vegetation trends from MODIS products: Browning or greening?. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 145-155.

Zhu, LK; Radeloff, VC; Ives, AR (2017). Characterizing global patterns of frozen ground with and without snow cover using microwave and MODIS satellite data products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 168-178.

Leroux, L; Begue, A; Lo Seen, D; Jolivot, A; Kayitakire, F (2017). Driving forces of recent vegetation changes in the Sahel: Lessons learned from regional and local level analyses. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 38-54.

Choi, T; Qu, JJ (2017). On-orbit evaporative fraction estimations using a histogram-based triangle method from Terra MODIS. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING, 11, 16038.

Planque, C; Carrer, D; Roujean, JL (2017). Analysis of MODIS albedo changes over steady woody covers in France during the period of 2001-2013. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 191, 13-29.

Janatian, N; Sadeghi, M; Sanaeinejad, SH; Bakhshian, E; Farid, A; Hasheminia, SM; Ghazanfari, S (2017). A statistical framework for estimating air temperature using MODIS land surface temperature data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(3), 1181-1194.

Saavedra, FA; Kampf, SK; Fassnacht, SR; Sibold, JS (2017). A snow climatology of the Andes Mountains from MODIS snow cover data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(3), 1526-1539.

Elhag, M; Bahrawi, JA (2017). Soil salinity mapping and hydrological drought indices assessment in arid environments based on remote sensing techniques. GEOSCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTATION METHODS AND DATA SYSTEMS, 6(1), 149-158.

Curtis, A; Kyle, P (2017). Methods for mapping and monitoring global glaciovolcanism. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 333, 134-144.

Li, FQ; Jupp, DLB; Paget, M; Briggs, PR; Thankappan, M; Lewis, A; Held, A (2017). Improving BRDF normalisation for Landsat data using statistical relationships between MODIS BRDF shape and vegetation structure in the Australian continent. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 275-296.

Shi, SY; Cheng, TH; Gu, XF; Chen, H; Guo, H; Wang, Y; Bao, FW; Xu, BR; Wang, WN; Zuo, X; Meng, C; Zhang, XC (2017). Synergy of MODIS and AATSR for better retrieval of aerosol optical depth and land surface directional reflectance. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 130-141.

Hobi, ML; Dubinin, M; Graham, CH; Coops, NC; Clayton, MK; Pidgeon, AM; Radeloff, VC (2017). A comparison of Dynamic Habitat Indices derived from different MODIS products as predictors of avian species richness. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 142-152.

Yang, Z; Shao, Y; Li, K; Liu, QB; Liu, L; Brisco, B (2017). An improved scheme for rice phenology estimation based on time-series multispectral HJ-1A/B and polarimetric RADARSAT-2 data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 184-201.

Skakun, S; Franch, B; Vermote, E; Roger, JC; Becker-Reshef, I; Justice, C; Kussul, N (2017). Early season large-area winter crop mapping using MODIS NDVI data, growing degree days information and a Gaussian mixture model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 244-258.

Duan, SB; Li, ZL; Leng, P (2017). A framework for the retrieval of all-weather land surface temperature at a high spatial resolution from polar-orbiting thermal infrared and passive microwave data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 107-117.

Tarpanelli, A; Amarnath, G; Brocca, L; Massari, C; Moramarco, T (2017). Discharge estimation and forecasting by MODIS and altimetry data in Niger-Benue River. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 96-106.

King, L; Adusei, B; Stehman, SV; Potapov, PV; Song, XP; Krylov, A; Di Bella, C; Loveland, TR; Johnson, DM; Hansen, MC (2017). A multi-resolution approach to national-scale cultivated area estimation of soybean. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 13-29.

Jin, SM; Yang, LM; Zhu, Z; Homer, C (2017). A land cover change detection and classification protocol for updating Alaska NLCD 2001 to 2011. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 195, 44-55.

Escribano, J; Boucher, O; Chevallier, F; Huneeus, N (2017). Impact of the choice of the satellite aerosol optical depth product in a sub-regional dust emission inversion. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 17(11), 7111-7126.

Osadchiev, A; Korshenko, E (2017). Small river plumes off the northeastern coast of the Black Sea under average climatic and flooding discharge conditions. OCEAN SCIENCE, 13(3), 465-482.

Wu, MQ; Huang, WJ; Niu, Z; Wang, Y; Wang, CY; Li, W; Hao, PY; Yu, B (2017). Fine crop mapping by combining high spectral and high spatial resolution remote sensing data in complex heterogeneous areas. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 139, 1-9.

Stewart, SB; Nitschke, CR (2017). Improving temperature interpolation using MODIS LST and local topography: a comparison of methods in south east Australia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, 37(7), 3098-3110.

Laiolo, M; Coppola, D; Barahona, F; Benitez, JE; Cigolini, C; Escobar, D; Funes, R; Gutierrez, E; Henriquez, B; Hernandez, A; Montalvo, F; Olmos, R; Ripepe, M; Finizola, A (2017). Evidences of volcanic unrest on high-temperature fumaroles by satellite thermal monitoring: The case of Santa Ana volcano, El Salvador. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 340, 170-179.

Chen, DX; He, L; Liu, FF; Yin, KD (2017). Effects of typhoon events on chlorophyll and carbon fixation in different regions of the East China Sea. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 194, 229-239.

Li, X; Xia, X; Che, H; Yu, X; Liu, Y; Dubovik, O; Goloub, P; Holben, B; Estelles, V (2017). Contrast in column-integrated aerosol optical properties during heating and non-heating seasons at Urumqi - Its causes and implications. ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH, 191, 34-43.

Houspanossian, J; Gimenez, R; Jobbagy, E; Nosetto, M (2017). Surface albedo raise in the South American Chaco: Combined effects of deforestation and agricultural changes. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 232, 118-127.

Wagle, P; Xiao, XM; Gowda, P; Basara, J; Brunsell, N; Steiner, J; Anup, KC (2017). Analysis and estimation of tallgrass prairie evapotranspiration in the central United States. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 232, 35-47.

Alton, PB (2017). Retrieval of seasonal Rubisco-limited photosynthetic capacity at global FLUXNET sites from hyperspectral satellite remote sensing: Impact on carbon modelling. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 232, 74-88.

Cadol, D; Wine, ML (2017). Geomorphology as a first order control on the connectivity of riparian ecohydrology. GEOMORPHOLOGY, 277, 154-170.

Mao, Y; Wu, ZY; He, H; Lu, GH; Xu, HT; Lin, QX (2017). Spatio-temporal analysis of drought in a typical plain region based on the soil moisture anomaly percentage index. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 576, 752-765.

Mao, KB; Ma, Y; Tan, XL; Shen, XY; Liu, G; Li, ZL; Chen, JM; Xia, L (2017). Global surface temperature change analysis based on MODIS data in recent twelve years. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 59(2), 503-512.

Wang, SY; Zhang, B; Yang, QC; Chen, GS; Yang, BJ; Lu, LL; Shen, M; Peng, YY (2017). Responses of net primary productivity to phenological dynamics in the Tibetan Plateau, China. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 232, 235-246.

Barraza, V; Restrepo-Coupe, N; Huete, A; Grings, F; Beringer, J; Cleverly, J; Eamus, D (2017). Estimation of latent heat flux over savannah vegetation across the North Australian Tropical Transect from multiple sensors and global meteorological data. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 232, 689-703.

Liu, ZJ; Wu, CY; Peng, DL; Wang, SS; Gonsamo, A; Fang, B; Yuan, WP (2017). Improved modeling of gross primary production from a better representation of photosynthetic components in vegetation canopy. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 233, 222-234.

Yin, GF; Li, AN; Jin, HA; Zhao, W; Bian, JH; Qu, YH; Zeng, YL; Xu, BD (2017). Derivation of temporally continuous LAI reference maps through combining the LAINet observation system with CACAO. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 233, 209-221.

Antonucci, S; Rossi, S; Deslauriers, A; Morin, H; Lombardi, F; Marchetti, M; Tognetti, R (2017). Large-scale estimation of xylem phenology in black spruce through remote sensing. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 233, 92-100.

Wu, CY; Peng, DL; Soudani, K; Siebicke, L; Gough, CM; Arain, MA; Bohrer, G; Lafleur, PM; Peichl, M; Gonsamo, A; Xu, SG; Fang, B; Ge, QS (2017). Land surface phenology derived from normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) at global FLUXNET sites. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 233, 171-182.

Zhao, J; Temimi, M; Al Azhar, M; Ghedira, H (2017). Analysis of bloom conditions in fall 2013 in the Strait of Hormuz using satellite observations and model simulations. MARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN, 115(2-Jan), 315-323.

Seegers, BN; Teel, EN; Kudela, RM; Caron, DA; Jones, BH (2017). Glider and remote sensing observations of the upper ocean response to an extended shallow coastal diversion of wastewater effluent. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, 186, 198-208.

Lv, BL; Hu, YT; Chang, HH; Russell, AG; Cai, J; Xu, B; Bai, YQ (2017). Daily estimation of ground-level PM2.5 concentrations at 4 km resolution over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei by fusing MODIS AOD and ground observations. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 580, 235-244.

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Massey, R; Sankey, TT; Congalton, RG; Yadav, K; Thenkabail, PS; Ozdogan, M; Meador, AJS (2017). MODIS phenology-derived, multi-year distribution of conterminous US crop types. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 490-503.

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von Holdt, JR; Eckardt, FD; Wiggs, GFS (2017). Landsat identifies aeolian dust emission dynamics at the landform scale. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 229-243.

Jin, HX; Jonsson, AM; Bolmgren, K; Langvall, O; Eklundh, L (2017). Disentangling remotely-sensed plant phenology and snow seasonality at northern Europe using MODIS and the plant phenology index. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 203-212.

Guo, YX; Tang, QH; Gong, DY; Zhang, ZY (2017). Estimating ground-level PM2.5 concentrations in Beijing using a satellite-based geographically and temporally weighted regression model. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 140-149.

Yang, B; Knyazikhin, Y; Mottus, M; Rautiainen, M; Stenberg, P; Yan, L; Chen, C; Yan, K; Choi, S; Park, T; Myneni, RB (2017). Estimation of leaf area index and its sunlit portion from DSCOVR EPIC data: Theoretical basis. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 69-84.

Shang, SL; Lee, ZP; Lin, G; Hu, CM; Shi, LH; Zhang, YNA; Li, XD; Wu, JY; Yan, J (2017). Sensing an intense phytoplankton bloom in the western Taiwan Strait from radiometric measurements on a UAV. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 85-94.

Moustafa, SE; Rennermalm, AK; Roman, MO; Wang, ZS; Schaaf, CB; Smith, LC; Koenig, LS; Erb, A (2017). Evaluation of satellite remote sensing albedo retrievals over the ablation area of the southwestern Greenland ice sheet. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 198, 115-125.

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Zhou, YT; Xiao, XM; Wagle, P; Bajgain, R; Mahan, H; Basara, JB; Dong, JW; Qin, YW; Zhang, GL; Luo, YQ; Gowda, PH; Neel, JPS; Starks, PJ; Steiner, JL (2017). Examining the short-term impacts of diverse management practices on plant phenology and carbon fluxes of Old World bluestems pasture. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 237, 60-70.

Werner, C; Kern, C; Coppola, D; Lyons, JJ; Kelly, PJ; Wallace, KL; Schneider, DJ; Wessels, RL (2017). Magmatic degassing, lava dome extrusion, and explosions from Mount Cleveland volcano, Alaska, 2011-2015: Insight into the continuous nature of volcanic activity over multi-year timescales. JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH, 337, 98-110.

Song, XP; Potapov, PV; Krylov, A; King, L; Di Bella, CM; Hudson, A; Khan, A; Adusei, B; Stehman, SV; Hansen, MC (2017). National-scale soybean mapping and area estimation in the United States using medium resolution satellite imagery and field survey. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 383-395.

Levin, N; Zhang, QL (2017). A global analysis of factors controlling VIIRS nighttime light levels from densely populated areas. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 366-382.

Zhang, XY; Wang, JM; Gao, F; Liu, Y; Schaaf, C; Friedl, M; Yu, YY; Jayavelu, S; Gray, J; Liu, LL; Yan, D; Henebry, GM (2017). Exploration of scaling effects on coarse resolution land surface phenology. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 318-330.

Frantz, D; Roder, A; Stellmes, M; Hill, J (2017). Phenology-adaptive pixel-based compositing using optical earth observation imagery. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 331-347.

Sa, ACL; Benali, A; Fernandes, PM; Pinto, RMS; Trigo, RM; Salis, M; Russo, A; Jerez, S; Soares, PMM; Schroeder, W; Pereira, JMC (2017). Evaluating fire growth simulations using satellite active fire data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 302-317.

Pahlevan, N; Schott, JR; Franz, BA; Zibordi, G; Markham, B; Bailey, S; Schaaf, CB; Ondrusek, M; Greb, S; Strait, CM (2017). Landsat 8 remote sensing reflectance (R-rs) products: Evaluations, intercomparisons, and enhancements. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 289-301.

Wang, JE; Xiao, XM; Qin, YW; Dong, JW; Geissler, G; Zhang, GL; Cejda, N; Alikhani, B; Doughty, RB (2017). Mapping the dynamics of eastern redcedar encroachment into grasslands during 1984-2010 through PALSAR and time series Landsat images. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 233-246.

Huang, XD; Deng, J; Wang, W; Feng, QS; Liang, TG (2017). Impact of climate and elevation on snow cover using integrated remote sensing snow products in Tibetan Plateau. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 274-288.

Hou, XJ; Feng, L; Duan, HT; Chen, XL; Sun, DY; Shi, K (2017). Fifteen-year monitoring of the turbidity dynamics in large lakes and reservoirs in the middle and lower basin of the Yangtze River, China. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 107-121.

Zibordi, G; Melin, F (2017). An evaluation of marine regions relevant for ocean color system vicarious calibration. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 122-136.

Zhang, LF; Jiao, WZ; Zhang, HM; Huang, CP; Tong, QX (2017). Studying drought phenomena in the Continental United States in 2011 and 2012 using various drought indices. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 96-106.

Mohammadi, A; Costelloe, JF; Ryu, D (2017). Application of time series of remotely sensed normalized difference water, vegetation and moisture indices in characterizing flood dynamics of large-scale arid zone floodplains. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 70-82.

Xin, FF; Xiao, XM; Zhao, B; Miyata, A; Baldocchi, D; Knox, S; Kang, M; Shim, KM; Min, S; Chen, BQ; Li, XP; Wang, J; Dong, JW; Biradar, C (2017). Modeling gross primary production of paddy rice cropland through analyses of data from CO2 eddy flux tower sites and MODIS images. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 42-55.

Ermida, SL; DaCamara, CC; Trigo, IF; Pires, AC; Ghent, D; Remedios, J (2017). Modelling directional effects on remotely sensed land surface temperature. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 190, 56-69.

Guo, K; Zou, T; Jiang, DJ; Tang, C; Zhang, H (2017). Variability of Yellow River turbid plume detected with satellite remote sensing during water-sediment regulation. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, 135, 74-85.

Mendes, R; Saldias, GS; deCastro, M; Gomez-Gesteira, M; Vaz, N; Dias, JM (2017). Seasonal and interannual variability of the Douro turbid river plume, northwestern Iberian Peninsula. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 401-411.

Liu, HL; Tang, SH; Hu, JY; Zhang, SL; Deng, XB (2017). An improved physical split-window algorithm for precipitable water vapor retrieval exploiting the water vapor channel observations. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 366-378.

Boschetti, M; Busetto, L; Manfron, G; Laborte, A; Asilo, S; Pazhanivelan, S; Nelson, A (2017). PhenoRice: A method for automatic extraction of spatio-temporal information on rice crops using satellite data time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 347-365.

Senf, C; Pflugmacher, D; Heurich, M; Krueger, T (2017). A Bayesian hierarchical model for estimating spatial and temporal variation in vegetation phenology from Landsat time series. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 155-160.

Bouali, M; Sato, OT; Polito, PS (2017). Temporal trends in sea surface temperature gradients in the South Atlantic Ocean. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 100-114.

Tang, WJ; Qin, J; Yang, K; Niu, XL; Min, M; Liang, SL (2017). An efficient algorithm for calculating photosynthetically active radiation with MODIS products. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 146-154.

Liu, LL; Zhang, XY; Yu, YY; Guo, W (2017). Real-time and short-term predictions of spring phenology in North America from VIIRS data. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 194, 89-99.

Liaqat, MU; Cheema, MJM; Huang, WJ; Mahmood, T; Zaman, M; Khan, MM (2017). Evaluation of MODIS and Landsat multiband vegetation indices used for wheat yield estimation in irrigated Indus Basin. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 138, 39-47.

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Chen, XY; Bai, Y; He, XQ; Lu, SL; Yu, SJ (2017). Unusual phytoplankton blooms in the southwestern Bay of Bengal: a comparative study. REMOTE SENSING OF THE OCEAN, SEA ICE, COASTAL WATERS, AND LARGE WATER REGIONS 2017, 10422, UNSP 1042214.

Cui, QY; Wang, DF; Gong, F; Pan, DL; Hao, ZZ; Wang, TY; Zhu, QK (2017). Inter-satellite comparisons and evaluations of three ocean color products along the Zhejiang coast, eastern China. REMOTE SENSING OF THE OCEAN, SEA ICE, COASTAL WATERS, AND LARGE WATER REGIONS 2017, 10422, UNSP 104221K.

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Huang, SJ; Tsai, YC; Ho, CR; Lo, YT; Kuo, NJ (2017). The influence of tide on sea surface temperature in the marginal sea of northwest Pacific Ocean. REMOTE SENSING OF THE OCEAN, SEA ICE, COASTAL WATERS, AND LARGE WATER REGIONS 2017, 10422, UNSP 104221E.

Lu, HY; Bai, Y; Chen, XY; Gong, F; Zhu, QK; Wang, DF (2017). Satellite remote sensing of the aquatic pCO(2) in the basin of the South China Sea. REMOTE SENSING OF THE OCEAN, SEA ICE, COASTAL WATERS, AND LARGE WATER REGIONS 2017, 10422, UNSP 1042218.

Yu, SJ; Chen, XY; Bai, Y; Li, T; Wang, TY; Gong, F; Zhu, QK (2017). Satellite observation of the recent changes of chlorophyll in the South China Sea and Bay of Bengal. REMOTE SENSING OF THE OCEAN, SEA ICE, COASTAL WATERS, AND LARGE WATER REGIONS 2017, 10422, UNSP 104221G.

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Ronquim, CC; Cordeiro, GPL; de Amorim, M; Teixeiraa, AHD; Leivas, JF; Galdino, S (2017). Competition between agricultural, urban and sand-mining areas at the Paraiba do Sul basin in southeastern Brazil. REMOTE SENSING FOR AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS, AND HYDROLOGY XIX, 10421, UNSP 104211X.

Teixeira, AHD; Leivas, JF; Ronquim, CC; Garcon, EAM; Bayma-Silva, G (2017). Water and vegetation indices by using MODIS products for eucalyptus, pasture and natural ecosystems in the eastern Sao Paulo state, Southeast Brazil. REMOTE SENSING FOR AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS, AND HYDROLOGY XIX, 10421, UNSP 1042112.

Wang, YY (2017). A new comprehensive index for drought monitoring with TM data. REMOTE SENSING FOR AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS, AND HYDROLOGY XIX, 10421, UNSP 104210N.

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Zoran, MA; Savastru, RS; Savastru, DM; Tautan, MN; Baschir, LV; Dida, AI (2017). Carpathian mountain forest vegetation and its responses to climate stressors. REMOTE SENSING FOR AGRICULTURE, ECOSYSTEMS, AND HYDROLOGY XIX, 10421, UNSP 104211S.

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Brovkina, O; Cienciala, E; Zemek, F; Lukes, P; Fabianek, T; Russ, R (2017). Composite indicator for monitoring of Norway spruce stand decline. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 50(1), 550-563.

Wang, XD; Wu, ZK; Wang, C; Li, XW; Li, XG; Qiu, YB (2017). Reducing the Impact of Thin Clouds on Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Concentration From FengYun-3 MERSI Data Single Cavity. IEEE ACCESS, 5, 16341-16348.

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Johnston, JM; Wooster, MJ; Paugam, R; Wang, XL; Lynham, TJ; Johnston, LM (2017). Direct estimation of Byram's fire intensity from infrared remote sensing imagery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(8), 668-684.

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Qiu, BW; Zhang, K; Tang, ZH; Chen, CC; Wang, ZZ (2017). Developing soil indices based on brightness, darkness, and greenness to improve land surface mapping accuracy. GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 54(5), 759-777.

Teluguntla, P; Thenkabail, PS; Xiong, J; Gumma, MK; Congalton, RG; Oliphant, A; Poehnelt, J; Yadav, K; Rao, M; Massey, R (2017). Spectral matching techniques (SMTs) and automated cropland classification algorithms (ACCAs) for mapping croplands of Australia using MODIS 250-m time-series (2000-2015) data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 10(9), 944-977.

Hu, SS; Ma, S; Yan, W; Jiang, J; Huang, YX (2017). A new multichannel threshold algorithm based on radiative transfer characteristics for detecting fog/low stratus using night-time NPP/VIIRS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(21), 5919-5933.

Li, XC; Zhou, YY (2017). Urban mapping using DMSP/OLS stable night-time light: a review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(21), 6030-6046.

Zhang, Q; Wang, P; Chen, H; Huang, QL; Jiang, HB; Zhang, ZJ; Zhang, YM; Luo, X; Sun, SJ (2017). A novel method for urban area extraction from VIIRS DNB and MODIS NDVI data: a case study of Chinese cities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(21), 6094-6109.

Kang, YF; Pan, L; Sun, MW; Liu, XY; Chen, Q (2017). Destriping high-resolution satellite imagery by improved moment matching. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(22), 6346-6365.

Xu, G; Zhong, X (2017). Real-time wildfire detection and tracking in Australia using geostationary satellite: Himawari-8. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(11), 1052-1061.

Alexander, PJ; O'Dwyer, B; Mills, G; Brennan, M; Lynch, P (2017). Land surface temperature climatology over urban surfaces: A blended approach. 2017 JOINT URBAN REMOTE SENSING EVENT (JURSE).

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Sun, PJ; Zhang, JS; Zhu, XF; Pan, YZ; Liu, HL (2017). A highly efficient temporal-spatial probability synthesized model from multi-temporal remote sensing for paddy rice identification. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 50(1), 98-110.

Chen, L; Zhang, P; Lv, JY; Xu, N; Hu, XQ (2017). Radiometric calibration evaluation for RSBs of Suomi-NPP/VIIRS and Aqua/MODIS based on the 2015 Dunhuang Chinese Radiometric Calibration Site in situ measurements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(20), 5640-5656.

Sellitto, P; Seze, G; Legras, B (2017). Secondary sulphate aerosols and cirrus clouds detection with SEVIRI during Nabro volcano eruption. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(20), 5657-5672.

Yang, XQ; Yong, B; Ren, LL; Zhang, YQ; Long, D (2017). Multi-scale validation of GLEAM evapotranspiration products over China via ChinaFLUX ET measurements. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(20), 5688-5709.

Jolly, WM; Freeborn, PH (2017). Towards improving wildland firefighter situational awareness through daily fire behaviour risk assessments in the US Northern Rockies and Northern Great Basin. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(7), 574-586.

Koushali, HP; Mastuori, R; Hosseinipour, EZ (2017). Analysis of the Applicable Algorithm for Estimating Rrunoff from Snowmelt Using Hydrological Models (SRM) and Techniques of Remote Sensing. WORLD ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES CONGRESS 2017: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES, HISTORY AND HERITAGE, EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, AND STUDENT PAPERS, 151-160.

Davies, R; Loveridge, J; Rampal, N (2017). Observed Cloud Morphology and Inferred Microphysics Over the South Pacific from MISR and MODIS Measurements of Shortwave Reflectivity. RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN, 1810, UNSP 130001.

Fauchez, T; Platnick, S; Sourdeval, O; Meyer, K; Cornet, C; Zhang, Z; Szczap, F (2017). Cirrus Heterogeneity Effects on Cloud Optical Properties Retrieved with an Optimal Estimation Method from MODIS VIS to TIR Channels.. RADIATION PROCESSES IN THE ATMOSPHERE AND OCEAN, 1810, UNSP 040002.

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Bounoua, L; Zhang, P; Nigro, J; Lachir, A; Thome, K (2017). Regional Impacts of Urbanization in the United States. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 43(3), 256-268.

Moukomla, S; Blanken, PD (2017). Estimating the Great Lakes net radiation using satellite remote sensing and MERRA reanalysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 10(8), 764-784.

Ardiansyah, M; Boer, R; Situmorang, AP (2017). Typology of land and forest fire in South Sumatra, Indonesia Based on Assessment of MODIS Data. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012058.

Ardianto, R; Setiawan, A; Hidayat, JJ; Zaky, AR (2017). Development of an automated processing system for potential fishing zone forecast. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012081.

Fatoni, MA; Nugroho, KD; Fatikhunnada, A; Liyantono; Setiawan, Y (2017). Spatial change analysis of paddy cropping pattern using MODIS time series imagery in Central Java. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012012.

Ma'rufah, U; Hidayat, R; Prasasti, I (2017). Analysis of relationship between meteorological and agricultural drought using standardized precipitation index and vegetation health index. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012008.

Nugroho, KD; Pebrianto, S; Fatoni, MA; Fatikhunnada, A; Liyantono; Setiawan, Y (2017). Comparison between wavelet transform and moving average as filter method of MODIS imagery to recognize paddy cropping pattern in West Java. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012011.

Pribadi, A; Kurata, G (2017). Greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions from land and forest fire in Indonesia during 2015 based on satellite data. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012060.

Setiawan, Y; Pawitan, H; Prasetyo, LB; Permatasari, PA (2017). Monitoring tropical peatland ecosystem in regional scale using multi-temporal MODIS data: Present possibilities and future challenges. 3RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LAPAN-IPB SATELLITE FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 2016, 54, UNSP 012052.

Skakun, S; Vermote, E; Roger, JC; Franch, B (2017). Combined Use of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Images for Winter Crop Mapping and Winter Wheat Yield Assessment at Regional Scale. AIMS GEOSCIENCES, 3(2), 163-186.




Fan, XW; Liu, YB (2017). A comparison of NDVI intercalibration methods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(19), 5273-5290.

de Oliveira, G; Brunsell, NA; Moraes, EC; Shimabukuro, YE; Bertani, G; dos Santos, TV; Aragao, LEOC (2017). Evaluation of MODIS-based estimates of water-use efficiency in Amazonia. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(19), 5291-5309.

Fu, G; Wu, JS (2017). Validation of MODIS collection 6 FPAR/LAI in the alpine grassland of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(9), 831-838.

Canizares, M; Moreno, A; Sanchez-Ruiz, S; Gilabert, MA (2017). Carbon use efficiency variability from MODIS data. REVISTA DE TELEDETECCION(48), 1-12.

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Yasunari, TJ; Niwano, M; Fujiyoshi, Y; Shimizu, A; Hayasaki, M; Aoki, T; da Silva, AM; Holben, BN; Matoba, S; Murao, N; Yamagata, S; Kim, KM (2017). An Unreported Asian Dust (Kosa) Event in Hokkaido, Japan: A Case Study of 7 March 2016. SOLA, 13, 96-101.

Miranda, RD; Galvincio, JD; de Moura, MSB; Jones, CA; Srinivasan, R (2017). Reliability of MODIS Evapotranspiration Products for Heterogeneous Dry Forest: A Study Case of Caatinga (vol 2017, pg 1, 2017). ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY, 6482613.

Mukherjee, S; Joshi, PK; Garg, RD (2017). Analysis of urban built-up areas and surface urban heat island using downscaled MODIS derived land surface temperature data. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, 32(8), 900-918.

Watham, T; Patel, NR; Kushwaha, SPS; Dadhwal, VK; Kumar, AS (2017). Evaluation of remote-sensing-based models of gross primary productivity over Indian sal forest using flux tower and MODIS satellite data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(18), 5069-5090.

Srivastava, A; Saran, S (2017). Comprehensive study on AOD trends over the Indian subcontinent: a statistical approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(18), 5127-5149.

Gao, SG; Zhu, ZL; Weng, HT; Zhang, JS (2017). Upscaling of sparse in situ soil moisture observations by integrating auxiliary information from remote sensing. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(17), 4782-4803.

Saeed, U; Dempewolf, J; Becker-Reshef, I; Khan, A; Ahmad, A; Wajid, SA (2017). Forecasting wheat yield from weather data and MODIS NDVI using Random Forests for Punjab province, Pakistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(17), 4831-4854.

Fu, G; Zhang, J; Shen, ZX; Shi, PL; He, YT; Zhang, XZ (2017). Validation of collection of 6 MODIS/Terra and MODIS/Aqua gross primary production in an alpine meadow of the Northern Tibetan Plateau. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4517-4534.

Chen, J; Zhou, J; Wang, WJ; Cheng, C; Liu, ZB (2017). Satellite observations of the aerosol direct radiative effect during a pollution episode in Nanjing, China, using high-resolution HJ-1 CCD imagery. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4535-4552.

Cherubini, F; Vezhapparambu, S; Bogren, W; Astrup, R; Stromman, AH (2017). Spatial, seasonal, and topographical patterns of surface albedo in Norwegian forests and cropland. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4565-4586.

Fernandes, JL; Ebecken, NFF; Esquerdo, JCD (2017). Sugarcane yield prediction in Brazil using NDVI time series and neural networks ensemble. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4631-4644.

Perez-Diaz, CL; Lakhankar, T; Romanov, P; Munoz, J; Khanbilvardi, R; Yu, YY (2017). Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature with in-situ snow surface temperature from CREST-SAFE. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4722-4740.

Asari, N; Suratman, MN; Jaafar, J (2017). Modelling and mapping of above ground biomass (AGB) of oil palm plantations in Malaysia using remotely-sensed data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(16), 4741-4764.

Michaelides, S; Paronis, D; Retalis, A; Tymvios, F (2017). Monitoring and Forecasting Air Pollution Levels by Exploiting Satellite, Ground-Based, and Synoptic Data, Elaborated with Regression Models. ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY, 2954010.

Khare, S; Ghosh, SK; Latifi, H; Vijay, S; Dahms, T (2017). Seasonal-based analysis of vegetation response to environmental variables in the mountainous forests of Western Himalaya using Landsat 8 data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(15), 4418-4442.

Liu, XX; Yu, L; Wang, HS; Zhong, LH; Lu, H; Yu, CQ; Gong, P (2017). Exploring the correlations between ten monthly climatic variables and the vegetation index of four different crop types at the global scale. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(8), 752-760.

Zhuge, X; Zou, X; Wang, Y (2017). A comparison between three surface type data sets adopted by the community radiative transfer model. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(8), 801-810.

Richardson, HJ; Hill, DJ; Denesiuk, DR; Fraser, LH (2017). A comparison of geographic datasets and field measurements to model soil carbon using random forests and stepwise regressions (British Columbia, Canada). GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 54(4), 573-591.

Wallace, CSA; Thenkabail, P; Rodriguez, JR; Brown, MK (2017). Fallow-land Algorithm Based on Neighborhood and Temporal Anomalies (FANTA) to Map Planted Versus Fallowed Croplands Using MODIS Data to Assist in Drought Studies Leading to Water and Food Security Assessments (vol 54, pg 258, 2012). GISCIENCE & REMOTE SENSING, 54(4), 614-615.

Yagci, AL; Santanello, JA; Jones, JW; Barr, J (2017). Estimating evaporative fraction from readily obtainable variables in mangrove forests of the Everglades, USA. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(14), 3981-4007.

Lyu, H; Wang, YN; Jin, Q; Li, XJ; Cao, K; Wang, QA; Li, YM (2017). A practical approach to retrieving the finer areas of algal bloom in inland lakes from coarse spatial resolution satellite data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(14), 4069-4085.

Ding, YL; Zhang, HY; Zhao, K; Zheng, XM (2017). Investigating the accuracy of vegetation index-based models for estimating the fractional vegetation cover and the effects of varying soil backgrounds using in situ measurements and the PROSAIL model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(14), 4206-4223.

Ellsworth, LM; Dale, AP; Litton, CM; Miura, T (2017). Improved fuel moisture prediction in non-native tropical Megathyrsus maximus grasslands using Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived vegetation indices. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(5), 384-392.

Tito, CK; Susilo, E (2017). The Correlation of Upwelling Phenomena and Ocean Sunfish Occurrences in Nusa Penida, Bali. 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TROPICAL AND COASTAL REGION ECO DEVELOPMENT 2016, 55, UNSP 012031.

Sutherland, G; Chasmer, LE; Kljun, N; Devito, KJ; Petrone, RM (2017). Using High Resolution LiDAR Data and a Flux Footprint Parameterization to Scale Evapotranspiration Estimates to Lower Pixel Resolutions. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 43(2), 215-229.

Liu, JP; Zhang, WC (2017). Long term spatio-temporal analyses of snow cover in Central Asia using ERA-Interim and MODIS products. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012033.

Lv, TT; Tao, Z; Zhou, XA; Sun, XY; Yang, AA; Yang, BH (2017). A phenology-based classification for crop in Great Mekong Subregion based on MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012003.

Sun, H; Su, Z; Lv, J; Li, L; Wang, Y (2017). Dynamic drought risk assessment using crop model and remote sensing techniques. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012012.

Yin, S; Li, X; Wu, W (2017). Comparative analysis of NPP changes in global tropical forests from 2001 to 2013. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012009.

Yu, XQ; Qin, YB; Guo, HD; Chen, LJ (2017). Cloud removing method for daily snow mapping over Central Asia and Xinjiang, China. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012048.

Zheng, CL; Jia, L; Hu, GC; Menenti, M; Lu, J; Zhou, J; Wang, K; Li, ZS (2017). Assessment of Water Use in Pan-Eurasian and African Continents by ETMonitor with Multi-Source Satellite Data. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012050.

Zhou, SL; Zhang, WC (2017). Flood monitoring and damage assessment in Thailand using multi-temporal HJ-1A/1B and MODIS images. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EARTH OBSERVATION FOR ONE BELT AND ONE ROAD (EOBAR), 57, UNSP 012016.

Adnan, M; Nabi, G; Kang, SC; Zhang, GS; Adnan, RM; Anjum, MN; Iqbal, M; Ali, AF (2017). Snowmelt Runoff Modelling under Projected Climate Change Patterns in the Gilgit River Basin of Northern Pakistan. POLISH JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, 26(2), 525-542.

Zhang, BL; Guan, CZ; Zhao, JL; Li, JN (2017). Variations in dust contributions to air quality impairment in a temperate grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENERGY ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (EEEP2016), 52, UNSP 012049.

Jena, B (2017). The effect of phytoplankton pigment composition and packaging on the retrieval of chlorophyll-a concentration from satellite observations in the Southern Ocean. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(13), 3763-3784.

Cao, ZS; Cheng, T; Ma, X; Tian, YC; Zhu, Y; Yao, X; Chen, Q; Liu, SY; Guo, ZY; Zhen, QM; Li, X (2017). A new three-band spectral index for mitigating the saturation in the estimation of leaf area index in wheat. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(13), 3865-3885.

Matin, MA; Chitale, VS; Murthy, MSR; Uddin, K; Bajracharya, B; Pradhan, S (2017). Understanding forest fire patterns and risk in Nepal using remote sensing, geographic information system and historical fire data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(4), 276-286.

Watt, MS; Heaphy, M; Dunningham, A; Rolando, C (2017). Use of remotely sensed data to characterize weed competition in forest plantations. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(10-Aug), 2448-2463.

Huh, Y; Lee, J (2017). Enhanced contextual forest fire detection with prediction interval analysis of surface temperature using vegetation amount. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(11), 3375-3393.

Bognar, P; Kern, A; Pasztor, S; Lichtenberger, J; Koronczay, D; Ferencz, C (2017). Yield estimation and forecasting for winter wheat in Hungary using time series of MODIS data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(11), 3394-3414.

Wu, HP; Jefferson, TA; Peng, CW; Liao, YY; Huang, H; Lin, ML; Cheng, ZL; Liu, MM; Zhang, JX; Li, SH; Wang, D; Xu, YH; Huang, SL (2017). Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of the Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the Northern Beibu Gulf, China. AQUATIC MAMMALS, 43(2), 219-228.

Zeng, ZY; Tang, GQ; Hong, Y; Zeng, C; Yang, Y (2017). Development of an NRCS curve number global dataset using the latest geospatial remote sensing data for worldwide hydrologic applications. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(6), 528-536.

Zhang, ZX; Feng, ZQ; Zhang, HY; Zhao, JJ; Yu, S; Du, W (2017). Spatial distribution of grassland fires at the regional scale based on the MODIS active fire products. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(3), 209-218.

Peon, J; Fernandez, S; Recondo, C; Calleja, JF (2017). Evaluation of the spectral characteristics of five hyperspectral and multispectral sensors for soil organic carbon estimation in burned areas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE, 26(3), 230-239.

Gibson, GR; Taylor, NL; Lamo, NC; Lackey, JK (2017). Effects of Recent Instability on Cultivated Area Along the Euphrates River in Iraq. PROFESSIONAL GEOGRAPHER, 69(2), 163-176.




Mohamed, AA; Odindi, J; Mutanga, O (2017). Land surface temperature and emissivity estimation for Urban Heat Island assessment using medium- and low-resolution space-borne sensors: A review. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, 32(4), 455-470.

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Hereher, ME (2017). Retrieving spatial variations of land surface temperatures from satellite data - Cairo region, Egypt. GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, 32(5), 556-568.

Hu, DY; Cao, SS; Chen, SS; Deng, L; Feng, N (2017). Monitoring spatial patterns and changes of surface net radiation in urban and suburban areas using satellite remote-sensing data. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(4), 1043-1061.

Sheng, YL; Liu, XP; Yang, XC; Xin, QC; Deng, CB; Li, X (2017). Quantifying the spatial and temporal relationship between air and land surface temperatures of different land-cover types in Southeastern China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(4), 1114-1136.

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Chudnovsky, AA; Koutrakis, P; Kostinski, A; Proctor, SP; Garshick, E (2017). Spatial and temporal variability in desert dust and anthropogenic pollution in Iraq, 1997-2010. JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, 67(1), 17-26.

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Wang, YQ; Liu, DY; Tang, DL (2017). Application of a generalized additive model (GAM) for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration from MODIS data in the Bohai and Yellow Seas, China. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 639-661.

Wu, B; Huang, B; Cao, K; Zhuo, GH (2017). Improving spatiotemporal reflectance fusion using image inpainting and steering kernel regression techniques. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 706-727.

Uyeda, KA; Stow, DA; Roberts, DA; Riggan, PJ (2017). Combining ground-based measurements and MODIS-based spectral vegetation indices to track biomass accumulation in post-fire chaparral. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 728-741.

Zhang, GQ; Li, JL; Zheng, GX (2017). Lake-area mapping in the Tibetan Plateau: an evaluation of data and methods. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 38(3), 742-772.

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Kim, D; Cho, J; Hong, S; Lee, H; Won, M; Byun, S; Park, K; Lee, YW (2017). First retrieval of fire radiative power from COMS data using the mid-infrared radiance method. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(2), 116-125.

Toyos, G; Mingari, L; Pujol, G; Villarosa, G (2017). Investigating the nature of an ash cloud event in Southern Chile using remote sensing: volcanic eruption or resuspension?. REMOTE SENSING LETTERS, 8(2), 146-155.

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