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MODIS Meetings - January 2010 Atmosphere Session Presentations

Below are the presentations that were given at the January 2010 MODIS Science Team Meeting. Simply click on the link to begin the download.
Day 1 Presentations - January 26, 2010
Version 6 Dark Target MODIS Aerosol (MOD04)
Powerpoint (8.3 MB) | PDF (1.2 MB)
R. Levy
Collection 6 Updates to the MODIS Cloud Mask (MOD35)
Powerpoint (2.5 MB) | PDF (2.7 MB)
R. Frey
MODIS Algorithm Adjustments for Collect 6: Cloud Top Properties
Powerpoint (2.7 MB) | PDF (452 KB)
P. Menzel
MOD06 Cloud Optical/Microphysical Product – C6 Plans and schedule
Powerpoint (12.5 MB) | PDF (2.3 MB)
S. Platnick
Summary of Modifications for C6 Ice Cloud Models
Powerpoint (3.3 MB) | PDF (316 KB)
B. Baum
Upgrades to the MODIS near-IR Water Vapor Algorithm and Cirrus Reflectance Algorithm For Collection 6
Powerpoint (5 MB) | PDF (932 KB)
B. Gao
MOD07 atmospheric profile algorithm updates for Collection 6
Powerpoint (1.1 MB) | PDF (168 KB)
E. Borbas
Orbit Characteristics and View Angle Effects on the Global Cloud Field
Powerpoint (10.9 MB) | PDF (1.7 MB)
B. Maddux
The MODIS Collection 5 dark-target aerosol products: Level 3 Aggregation
Powerpoint (1.7 MB) | PDF (460 KB)
R. Levy
Impact of Day Definition on Daily Correlative Studies
Powerpoint (4.6 MB) | PDF (2.6 MB)
G. Leptoukh
Level 3 Gridding Experience from the PATMOS-x Project
Powerpoint (3.9 MB) | PDF (832 KB)
A. Heidinger
MODATML2 in support of future infrastructure for custom aggregations
Powerpoint (2.8 MB) | PDF (956 KB)
P. Hubanks
Facilitating the use of MODIS data by modelers: A MODIS simulator and matching dataset for the evaluation of clouds in climate models
PDF (956 KB)
R. Pincus
Day 2 Presentations - January 27, 2010
Evaluating ice formation processes in tropical anvils using CRM-based simulations of MODIS & POLDER radiance and polarization measurements
Powerpoint (14.9 MB) | PDF (1.8 MB)
A. Fridland
Errors in Retrieved Optical Depths and Droplet Radii for Marine Stratocumulus
PDF (668 KB)
J. Coakely
Smoke over clouds: Response of marine stratocumulus to African savannah burning
Powerpoint (528 KB) | PDF (548 KB)
E. Wilcox
Results from the MODIS aerosol product: Overview and recent criticisms
Powerpoint (4.6 MB) | PDF (896 KB)
L. Remer
Using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Data to Evaluate Combined Active (lidar)/Passive (MODIS) Retrievals of Aerosol Extinction Profiles
Powerpoint (4.5 MB) | PDF (1.6 MB)
R. Ferrare
Powerpoint (1.9 MB) | PDF (2.1 MB)
C. Hsu
NPP VIIRS Atmosphere Data Products Validation Plan
Powerpoint (960 KB) | PDF (2.3 MB)
D. Starr

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