October 24, 2008 - Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island

Fall colors are just starting to show in this image of Maine and Eastern Canada. Hints of brown are visible amongst the green vegetation. The MODIS on the Terra satellite captured this image on September 25, 2008. The region of Canada shown here is what is known as the Maritimes - this includes consists of the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.

Nova Scotia is the long peninsula central to the image. The capital of Nova Scotia, Halifax, is located on the eastern coast of the peninsula. It is a small white-gray area on the satellite image. The Bay of Fundy is on the western side of the island. The reddish coloration in the Bay is due to sediment in the water caused by the tides. The Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world with water that can rise and fall as much as 50 feet each day! During each tidal cycle, huge quantities of fine sediments are brought in to flood the coastal area. Much of the sediment remains in the sheltered areas along the coast, forming the famous red mudflats of the upper Bay.

Just north of Nova Scotia is the small U-shaped Prince Edward Island.

Image Facts
Satellite: Terra
Date Acquired: 09/25/2008
Resolutions: 1km ( B), 500m ( B), 250m ( B)
Bands Used: 1,4,3
Image Credit: Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC