September 9, 2020 - Dust over the Caspian Sea

Dust over the Caspian Sea

Plumes of dust blew westward across the Caspian Sea on September 7, 2020. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) acquired a true-color image of the sandy scene on that same day.

At least three tan plumes of dust blow across the blue waters, rising from the east and blowing to the west. Each plume appears to originate in sand-filled regions in Turkmenistan. The largest two begin well inland and expand as they cross the Caspian Sea. The smallest, in the far north, appears to rise from a sandy area closer to the coast. Turkmenistan is home to large sand seas, deserts, and smaller patches of desert – all of which are rich sources for dust storms.

Image Facts
Satellite: Terra
Date Acquired: 9/7/2020
Resolutions: 1km (56.2 KB), 500m (175.3 KB), 250m (43.1 KB)
Bands Used: 1,4,3
Image Credit: MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC