November 2019 MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting - Atmosphere Breakout Presentations
Atmosphere Breakout Presentations
Update of Decadal Survey ACCP Study Plan Activities
PPT (22.2 MB) | PDF (10.7 MB)

Hal Maring

Overview of the FIREX-AQ Field Campaign
PPT (30.3 MB) | PDF (7.6 MB)

Barry Lefer

Overview on GEO aerosol MEaSUREs Project
PPT (130.3 MB) | PDF (3.2 MB)

Rob Levy

Ice Nucleation from Anthropogenic Aerosol
PPT (8.4 MB) | PDF (7 MB)

Yu Gu

Volcanic Plume Tracking in the IR
PPT (7.7 MB) | PDF (3.3 MB)

Vince Realmuto

Cloud Impact on LTUS
PPT (13.8 MB) | PDF (2.2 MB)

Qiang Fu

Cloud-aerosol Observations
PPT (22.8 MB) | PDF (2.4 MB)

Tamas Varnai

Sc/Cu Transition and Cloud Feedbacks
PDF (20 MB)

Ivy Tan

Ice Particle Models and Radiative Transfer Calculations
PPT (11.8 MB) | PDF (2.5 MB)

Tong Ren

Improved Tropical Convective Cloud Characterization by Combining MODIS and CloudSat Radar and CALIPSO Lidar Measurements
PPT (3.8 MB) | PDF (3.4 MB)

Zhien Wang