
Karabashev, GS, Evdoshenko, MA, Sheberstov, SV (2010). On the consistency of the normalized radiances of the Caspian Sea from the ocean color scanners SeaWiFS and MODIS. OCEANOLOGY, 50(4), 459-468.

The consistency of the data of the ocean color scanners SeaWiFS and MODIS is examined using the example of the Caspian Sea as a water basin influenced by external sources of optically-significant admixtures. It was established that the discrepancies of the normalized radiances computed from the scanners' data depend on the sunlight's wavelength, grow when passing from the mid-sea to the coastal regions and vary in sign and magnitude within one and the same area under conditions favorable for passive remote sensing from space. Under any conditions, the minimal discrepancy occurs in the green-yellow range. The use of the radiances of this range to derive the oceanological characteristics secures the minimal errors when assessing the long period variability of the aquatic environment based on merging of the SeaWiFS and MODIS data.

