Biswajeet, P, Hamid, A (2010). Forest Fire Detection and Monitoring using High Temporal MODIS and NOAA AVHRR Satellite Images in Peninsular Malaysia. DISASTER ADVANCES, 3(2), 18-23.
Forest fires cause significant economic damages and hazard to environment all over the world. Apart from preventive measures, early warning and fast extinction of fires are the only chance to avoid major casualties and damage to nature. This paper describes methodology based on remote sensing and GIS for provision of various early warning of forest fire (so called hot spots) danger conditions for regulatory authorities to take actions for mitigation. Hot spot locations were identified through an automated procedure from high temporal satellite images such as MODIS and NOAA AVHRR scenes. Combination of the Daily Hotspot Images coupled with various GIS layers was used to generate Active Forest Fire Map for the study area. Results from the model can support detection and monitoring for wild fires in the forest and enhance alert system function by simulating and visualizing forest fire and helps for contingency planning.