Garcia-Soto, C, Pingree, RD (2009). Spring and summer blooms of phytoplankton (SeaWiFS/MODIS) along a ferry line in the Bay of Biscay and western English Channel. CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH, 29(8), 1111-1122.
The seasonal cycle of chlorophyll concentration in the Bay of Biscay and western English Channel has been examined using satellite data (chlorophyll, sea surface temperature (SST), photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) and wind) along the line of the ferry Pride of Bilbao (Bilbao to Portsmouth). The spring phytoplankton bloom develops regularly in the oceanic region of the Bay of Biscay from mid March to the beginning of May with peak chlorophyll concentrations ranging 2-4 mg m(-3). Low wind turbulence is a major factor allowing the development of productivity pulses in the Bay of Biscay during spring. Exceptional blooms of phytoplankton take place in summer (July-August) in the western English Channel with chlorophyll concentrations as high as 40 mg m(-3). Some environmental factors (SST, wind, pressure and tide) are examined. Autumn blooms of phytoplankton (1-2 mg m(-3)) are also detected in the northern Bay of Biscay, shelf-break and Celtic Sea in October. A 11 years pluri-annual synthesis of SeaWiFS satellite measurements is presented. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.