Trishchenko, AP, Luo, Y, Khlopenkov, KV, Park, WM, Wang, SS (2009). Arctic circumpolar mosaic at 250m spatial resolution for IPY by fusion of MODIS/TERRA land bands B1-B7. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 30(6), 1635-1641.
The first spatially enhanced Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) clear-sky mosaic for the Arctic circumpolar zone (9000km9000km) is presented, as a contribution to the Canadian component of the International Polar Year (IPY) Programme. The imagery was obtained by fusion of MODIS bands B1-B2 observed at 250m spatial resolution with bands B3-B7 observed at 500m spatial resolution to satisfy the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) requirement for a spatial resolution of 250m for satellite-based products for climate. The fusion method used adaptive regression and normalization to preserve the image radiometric properties. A new cloud and cloud shadow detection method and a clear-sky compositing scheme were used for the 250m multispectral data. By the end of the IPY in 2009, a decade-long (2000-2009) time series of these data documenting the state and variability of the Arctic region at fine spatial (250m) and temporal (10-day) resolution will be produced if MODIS continues to operate until the end of this period. The product is generated in the Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (LAEA) projection centred over the North Pole. The major intended application of the new data is mapping the surface albedo at 250m spatial resolution. This product in turn can be used as an input for generating several other Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) as defined by the GCOS.