
Bremer, H, Kar, J, Drummond, JR, Nichitu, F, Zou, JS, Liu, J, Gille, JC, Deeter, MN, Francis, G, Ziskin, D, Warner, J (2004). Spatial and temporal variation of MOPITT CO in Africa and South America: A comparison with SHADOZ ozone and MODIS aerosol. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 109(D12), D12304.

Carbon monoxide (CO) measurements from the Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere (MOPITT) experiment are used to explore the correlation between biomass burning and ozone profiles at six tropical stations namely Reunion, Irene, Natal, Ascension, San Cristobal, and Paramaribo. Distinct seasonal patterns of CO at each station indicate the strong influence of African and South American biomass burning. All stations show enhanced CO columns during September-November ( SON) corresponding to austral burning. Furthermore, the effects of Sahelian burning can be seen at Natal and Ascension. Similarly, the signature of northern Amazonian fires can be observed at San Cristobal. The CO variations are generally similar to the variations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) retrieved contemporaneously from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) at most stations, with notable differences at Irene, San Cristobal, and Paramaribo. Tropospheric ozone from Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesonde (SHADOZ) ozonesonde measurements at all stations show elevated levels, corresponding to the CO enhancements in SON months. However, there are several instances of ozone enhancements unaccompanied by any CO increase. This might indicate that sources other than biomass burning such as stratospheric tropospheric exchange (STE) or lightning related NOx may be operative. At San Cristobal, strong CO enhancements during March April are not accompanied by any significant change in ozone.

