
Lutz, HJ, Inoue, T, Schmetz, J (2003). Comparison of a split-window and a multi-spectral cloud classification for MODIS observations. JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, 81(3), 623-631.

Results of the split-window cloud retrieval method and the new Meteosat Second Generation cloud analysis method (MSG/CLA), have been compared for MODIS data over the west Atlantic Ocean. Very good agreement is obtained for the classification of optically thick ice and water clouds. Differences are found for thin cirrus, thin water clouds and at cloud edges. These differences are explained by the fact that MSG/CLA also uses spectral channels of 3.9, 6.2, and 8.7 m in addition to the split-window, which provides information over and above the split-window observations. Some of the disagreement at cloud edges is interpreted as inter-channel miss-alignment. The analysis in this study also confirms that an optically thin water cloud can be correctly classified by the MSG/CLA method.

