
Tait, AB, Barton, JS, Hall, DK (2001). A prototype MODIS-SSM/I snow-mapping algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 22(17), 3275-3284.

Data in the wavelength range 0.545-1.652 mum from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro radiometer (MODIS), launched aboard the Earth Observing System (EOS) Terra in December 1999, are used to map daily global snow cover at 500 m resolution. However, during darkness, or when the satellite's view of the surface is obscured by cloud, snow cover cannot be mapped using MODIS data. Ve show that during these conditions, it is possible to supplement the MODIS product by mapping the snow cover using passive microwave data from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I), albeit with much poorer resolution. For a 7-day time period in March 1999, a prototype MODIS snow-cover product was compared with a prototype MODIS-SSM/I product for the same area in the mid-western USA. The combined MODIS-SSM/I product mapped 9% more snow cover than the MODIS-only product.

