Hingray, B; Dedieu, JP; Lebel, T; Obled, C; Sicart, JE; Six, D; Vincent, C; Wagnon, P; Zin, I (2012). Glaciological and hydrometeorological observations in mountainous areas: Some current issues and perspectives. HOUILLE BLANCHE-REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE L EAU(2), 5-11.
Hydrometeorological observations are the basic material for a number of scientific and operational issues. They are required for studies aiming at understanding and/or modeling climate-environment-society interactions along with their spatial and temporal variations. They constitute also the basic information for estimating hydrological resources and risks, for their real time management or for prospective studies that aim to foresee adaptations strategies required by societies to face changes in resource and risks induced by ongoing global change. In mountainous areas, such observations are even more important as hydrometeorological events are more pronounced and variable than anywhere else. Here, the interest of hydrometeorological observations systems such as GLACIOCLIM in these regions is highlighted for various key hydrological issues, taken from the operational, research or environmental monitoring domains. Several observatories or measurement networks developed to meet corresponding objectives are presented. Limits of observations, associated to the measurement itself, to their spatial representativeness, to their temporal coverage and permanence are discussed. Some perspectives for improving current observations systems are finally suggested.