
Schiermeyer, C; Pascucci, F; Rinke, N; Berkhahn, V; Friedrich, B (2017). MODIS - A microscopic traffic model for evaluating Shared Space designed traffic areas. BAUINGENIEUR, 92, 341-346.

Over the past years, many cities across Europe have been carrying out policies to promote pedestrian and cyclist movement in the city centers by redesigning the urban road environment. One of these solutions are Shared Space streets, which entail integrating different traffic modes on a single shared surface with no level difference between the vehicular area and the pedestrian one. This type of design is particularly suitable when social and economic activities are present at the edge of the road. This acts like an attractor for pedestrians, who can enjoy the public space, and as a psychological incentive for motorists to drive slowly and prudently because of the presence of vulnerable users within the road. Currently, the design of Shared Space streets in Germany is supported by specific guidelines, but there are no available instruments to evaluate traffic quality and safety in the design phase. In this work, a new microscopic simulation model capable of simulating the movement of road users in Shared Space streets is presented. The proposed approach is based on the Social Force Model and consists of three levels of interactions, namely free flow, long range- and short range collision avoidance. Further, a methodology to evaluate the traffic performance is provided and tested in a real Shared Space street in Hamburg.

