Fujioka, Y; Watanabe, Y; Mizuochi, H; Itanna, F; Ruben, S; Iijima, M (2018). Classification of Small Seasonal Ponds Based on Soil-Water Environments in the Cuvelai Seasonal Wetland System, North-Central Namibia. WETLANDS, 38(5), 1045-1057.
The objectives of this study were to classify the small seasonal ponds that develop in the Cuvelai Seasonal Wetland System in north-central Namibia based on soil physicochemical properties so that potential agricultural uses of the ponds could be assessed. Satellite imagery was used to examine the relationships between soil characteristics and the probability of water presence in the region. Soil samples were collected from 66 ponds at three sites and their physicochemical properties and levels of salt accumulation were investigated. Soil data were analyzed by using principal component analysis and cluster analysis. The ponds were classified into four types based on soil properties. Type A accounted for 20% of the ponds and was characterized by high levels of clay, silt, total N, and exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K. Type B accounted for 14% of the ponds and was characterized by high values of organic C, C/N ratios, and available P. Type C accounted for 20% of the ponds, and this type featured high levels of salinity and sodicity. The remaining ponds were classified as Type D. If these seasonal ponds are to be considered for crop production, Type C should be avoided and Type D would require soil fertility improvements.