Heidinger, AK; Bearson, N; Foster, MJ; Li, Y; Wanzong, S; Ackerman, S; Holz, RE; Platnick, S; Meyer, K (2019). Using Sounder Data to Improve Cirrus Cloud Height Estimation from Satellite Imagers. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY, 36(7), 1331-1342.
Modern polar-orbiting meteorological satellites provide both imaging and sounding observations simultaneously. Most imagers, however, do not have H2O and CO2 absorption bands and therefore struggle to accurately estimate the height of optically thin cirrus clouds. Sounders provide these needed observations, but at a spatial resolution that is too coarse to resolve many important cloud structures. This paper presents a technique to merge sounder and imager observations with the goal of maintaining the details offered by the imager's high spatial resolution and the accuracy offered by the sounder's spectral information. The technique involves deriving cloud temperatures from the sounder observations, interpolating the sounder temperatures to the imager pixels, and using the sounder temperatures as an additional constraint in the imager cloud height optimal estimation approach. This technique is demonstrated using collocated VIIRS and Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) observations with the impact of the sounder observations validated using coincident CALIPSO/CALIOP cloud heights These comparisons show significant improvement in the cloud heights for optically thin cirrus. The technique should be generally applicable to other imager/sounder pairs.