
Luan, QZ; Li, B; Tang, XX (2019). Mapping aerosol optical thickness and water-leaving signals using an improved NIR/SWIR switching atmospheric correction model: A case study in the Bohai Sea. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 40(4), 1374-1393.

In this study, the performance of the near-infrared & short wave infrared switching atmospheric correction (NSSAC) model in estimating remote sensing reflectance (R-rs(lambda)) and aerosol optical thickness at 869 nm (tau(a)(869)) were assessed by field measurements taken in the Bohai Sea. It was found that the NSSAC model had approximately 30% uncertainty for retrievals of R-rs(lambda) in the green regions but provided approximately 50% uncertainty for estimations of tau(a)(869) and R-rs(lambda) at all other moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) visible wavelengths. Therefore, an optimised method is proposed for optimizing the retrieval results of the NSSAC model; it was validated using the field measurements collected from the Oujiang River estuary. The results show that the performance of the NSSAC model for tau(a)(869) and R-rs(lambda) at the blue, red, and near-infrared bands was greatly improved by using the optimised NSSAC model. Moreover, the study also finds that the tau(a)(869) shows a large variation in the Bohai Sea, decreasing from coastal to offshore regions. The monthly average tau(a)(869) has a maximum at February and August. Due to the imperfect atmospheric correction procedure, the NSSAC model-derived R-rs(lambda) is always larger than those of the field measurements. Future work is needed to minimise the detected water-leaving signals in the short wave infrared (SWIR) images.

