Dutta, I; Das, A (2020). Exploring the Spatio-temporal pattern of regional heat island (RHI) in an urban agglomeration of secondary cities in Eastern India. URBAN CLIMATE, 34, 100679.
UHI is a global phenomenon that causes the variation in local environment. It often creates regional urban heat island (RHI). This study attempted to study these changes at regional level of English Bazar UA and its surroundings. Satellite images from 1990 to 2015 were used in this study. Four class of RHI were identified. Contribution of land use on RHI was quantified by Land contribution Index. To study the spatio-temporal patterns of RHI, nearest-neighbor ratio (NNR), Moran's Index, landscape matrices were computed. The study found (1) RHI is found in the main urban centre and also in its surroundings which forms agglomeration of RHI. (2) The result of NNR shows the value of NNR is increasing with the increase of RHI classes. The value for RHI class 2 RLST <= 4 is stable over time which is categorized as high-risk areas. (3) Landscape indices also indicate that RHI class with RLST >= 2 has the highest impact in the area. It occupies the largest patch index and largest patch size. Finally, this study suggests that areas with RLST 2 degrees C may be ideal for defining RHI in other agglomerations too. This study can also help the urban planner and provide significant thoughts into urban thermal environment study.