You, DQ; Wen, JG; Liu, Q; Zhang, YT; Tang, Y; Liu, QH; Xie, HJ (2020). The Component-Spectra-Parameterized Angular and Spectral Kernel-Driven Model: A Potential Solution for Global BRDF/Albedo Retrieval From Multisensor Satellite Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 58(12), 8674-8688.
The angular and spectral kernel-driven (ASK) model distinguishes soil and vegetation spectral features by the component spectra and is a promising model which combines multisensor data for inversion. However, its global application is limited by the component spectra. This article proposes parameterization of the ASK component spectra of soil and leaf from global spectra libraries as ANGERS, GOSPEL, LOPEX, and USGS. A statistical ratio (gamma) of various leaf to soil spectra is used to capture their spectral differences and variations, with mean (m) + u (0, +/- 0.5, +/- 1) standard deviations (sigma) [i.e., gamma (m+u sigma)]. Optimization inversion is applied to determine the ratio candidates gamma (m + u sigma), allowing more tolerance for spectral uncertainty, which releases the semiempirical nature of the kernel-driven model. Simulation data analysis proves its feasibility and good capture of vegetation-soil spectral differences. The model's bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF) fitting error [root-mean-square error (RMSE)] of 0.0245 is slightly larger than the true component spectra of 0.0178, and albedo RMSE is 0.0116 in Black Sky Albedo and 0.0182 in White Sky Albedo. The result also shows its good robustness to the noises, where the level up to 20% noise conducts a 0.0277 error in BRF fitting and an ignorable influence in albedo. The synergistic-retrieved albedo from multisensor satellite data consists of in situ measurements with an RMSE of 0.0171, compared to 0.0131 from true component spectra retrievals. The new parameterization sacrifices some accuracy, but it is simple and operational for global retrieval with a satisfactory precision.