
Liu, YJ; Zhang, YJ; Huang, K; Zu, JX; Chen, N; Cong, N (2020). Increased Surface Broadband Emissivity Driven by Denser Vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau Grassland Area. JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING, 48(12), 1845-1859.

Global changes are profoundly affecting the global terrestrial ecosystems, especially for the vegetation. Simultaneously, the affected vegetation gives feedback to the climates. The Tibetan Plateau (TP), one of the most sensitive areas to global changes, has undergone extraordinary changes on its ecosystem processes. In the multitudinous land surface ecosystem processes affecting the climate, the process of land surface energy balance affecting by vegetation activity is one of the most important and still has not been well recognized. The spatial and temporal patterns of the broadband emissivity (BBE) on the TP and its relations to the vegetation activity and land surface temperature were examined in this research. We find that elevated BBE is regulated by increasing vegetation activity for grasslands over the TP from 2000 to 2015. The spatial patterns of BBE and its interannual changes are highly correlated with vegetation activity. The BBE changing rate generally declines along rising elevation, due to the shrunk effects from vegetation activity. A greater sensitivity of BBE to vegetation activity occurs in the sparse vegetation area or high elevation zone than in the dense vegetation area or low elevation zone. Increasing BBE has a cooling effect on the land surface, especially at night. This cooling effect is related to wind speed. The growing season BBE trend as regulated by vegetation activity highlights the importance to take mounting notice of the growing season long-wave energy fluxes of surface energy balance studies in the future.

