
Shen, J; Cao, NW (2020). Comprehensive observation and analysis of aerosol optical properties and vertical distribution in Nanjing, China. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 239, 117767.

Comprehensive observational experiments on atmospheric aerosol particles were conducted over Nanjing. Aerosol particles were detected vertically in real time by polarization micro pulse lidar (PMPL). To improve the accuracy of the lidar ratio, we combined observational data from ground-based polarization lidar and a sun photometer. Furthermore, the influence of meteorological conditions on vertically-resolved aerosol optical properties was analyzed. On the other hand, sources of aerosol pollution were analyzed using backward air mass trajectory, the potential and source contribution function (PSCF) and concentration weighted trajectory (CWT) models. Aerosol types were identified from PMPL data, sun photometer and cloud-aerosol lidar and infrared pathfinder satellite observations (CALIPSO). Accordingly, a large number of coarse-mode aerosol particles (pure sand-dust particles predominate) from North China appeared in spring, and smoke aerosol particles were generated from biomass combustion in autumn. The study shows that the local emission and regional transport are both important contributors to aerosol pollution events.

