Zhou, SG; Cheng, J (2020). An Improved Temperature and Emissivity Separation Algorithm for the Advanced Himawari Imager. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 58(10), 7105-7124.
This study proposes an improved temperature and emissivity separation (TES) algorithm for simultaneously retrieving the land surface temperature and emissivity (LSTE) from the Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) data, including a modified water vapor scaling (WVS) method and a calibrated empirical relationship over vegetated surfaces. The modified WVS algorithm is comparable to the original WVS algorithm in deriving the LSTE but expands the application scope of the original WVS algorithm. The calibrated empirical relationship improved the LSTE and retrieval accuracy over vegetated surfaces by up to 0.165 K and 0.004, respectively. Comprehensive validation and evaluation are conducted in this study.