Zhou, XJ; Wang, PX; Tansey, K; Zhang, SY; Li, HM; Tian, HR (2020). Reconstruction of time series leaf area index for improving wheat yield estimates at field scales by fusion of Sentinel-2,-3 and MODIS imagery. COMPUTERS AND ELECTRONICS IN AGRICULTURE, 177, 105692.
Continuous time series crop growth monitoring during the main crop growth and development period at field scales is very important for crop management and yield estimation. For more than a decade, the time series leaf area index (LAI) products obtained from high temporal resolution satellites have been widely used in global crop growth monitoring. However, the spatial resolutions (250-1000 m) of these satellite sensors are too coarse for areas with complex and diverse land-use types, especially in China, which causes great uncertainties in crop growth monitoring and yield estimation results. In addition, due to the infiuence of clouds, optical remote sensing satellites cannot obtain continuous time series data at a given time step over the main crop growth and development period. In this paper, a method based on spatiotemporal data fusion and singular vector decomposition (SVD) is proposed to reconstruct field-scale time series LAI imagery over the main growth and development period of winter wheat. In this method, the Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Refiectance Fusion Model (ESTARFM) is used to fuse the refiectance imagery of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3, and a linear regression model between the LAI data retrieved from the fused refiectance data and the singular vectors derived from the 4-day interval Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) LAI data is established to reconstruct the continuous time series field-scale LAI imagery at a given time step. The accuracy of the reconstructed LAI and its capability for winter wheat yield estimation were tested on the Guanzhong Plain of China. The results indicate that (1) the ESTARFM model can fuse the refiectance bands from visible to shortwave infrared of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 on the Guanzhong Plain accurately within a 20-day interval of the winter wheat growth and development period; (2) the 4-day interval field-scale LAI imagery over the main winter wheat growth and development period can be accurately reconstructed based on the linear regression models between the fused LAI data and the singular vectors derived from the 4-day interval MODIS LAI data; and (3) the yield map estimated from the reconstructed field-scale LAI shows more yield distribution details than MODIS yield estimation results. This study shows the feasibility of reconstructing continuous time series field-scale LAI data over the main winter wheat growth and development period on the Guanzhong Plain by combining the spatiotemporal data fusion model with SVD and the potential for estimating the winter wheat yield at field scales.