Lee, YK; Choi, JK; Lee, HJ (2020). A Study on Seasonal Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Matter in Korean Coastal Waters Using GOCI. JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH, 232-245.
Analysis of suspended particulate matter (SPM) is a key to understanding the turbulent sediment flow in the Heuksan mud belt (HMB), located along the southwestern coast of the Korean Peninsula. The purpose of this study was to investigate intra-annual variability in remotely sensed SPM data derived from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) around the HMB over a period of 1 year (2013). Monthly averaged SPM images obtained by the GOCI showed pronounced seasonal changes in turbid water. Dominant environmental factors for intra-annual and diurnal variability of SPM, including river discharge, winds, and tides, were assessed. Monsoon wind dominated seasonal variation in SPM dispersion; the extent of turbid water increased during the winter and decreased during the summer months. Diurnal variation observed from 1-day composite images showed clearly that tidal current was the dominant factor affecting the short-term dispersal pattern of SPM. The gate-controlled river discharge showed the reverse seasonal pattern compared with SPM concentration. However, a turbid plume from the Geum River observed in GOCI data could support the identification of this river as the major source of the HMB. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the spatial and temporal dynamics of the HMB, including intra-annual and diurnal variability, can be successfully detected using the GOCI.