
Wickramasinghe, C; Wallace, L; Reinke, K; Jones, S (2020). Intercomparison of Himawari-8 AHI-FSA with MODIS and VIIRS active fire products. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DIGITAL EARTH, 13(4), 457-473.

The AHI-FSA (Advanced Himawari Imager - Fire Surveillance Algorithm) is a recently developed algorithm designed to support wildfire surveillance and mapping using the geostationary Himawari-8 satellite. At present, the AHI-FSA algorithm has only been tested on a number of case study fires in Western Australia. Initial results demonstrate potential as a wildfire surveillance algorithm providing high frequency (every 10 minutes), multi-resolution fire-line detections. This paper intercompares AHI-FSA across the Northern Territory of Australia (1.4 million km(2)) over a ten-day period with the well-established fire products from LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) satellites: MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite). This paper also discusses the difficulties and solutions when comparing high temporal frequency fire products with existing low temporal resolution LEO satellite products. The results indicate that the multi-resolution approach developed for AHI-FSA is successful in mapping fire activity at 500 m. When compared to the MODIS, daily AHI-FSA omission error was only 7%. High temporal frequency data also results in AHI-FSA observing fires, at times, three hours before the MODIS overpass with much-enhanced detail on fire movement.

