
do Couto, LD; Nuto, SDS; Hacon, SD; Gioda, A; de Sousa, FW; Barreira, EB; Goncalves, KD; Periss, ARS (2020). Estimate of mean daily concentration of fine particulate matter in the Industrial and Port Complex area of Pecem, Ceara, Brazil. CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA, 36(7), e00177719.

Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with numerous negative health outcomes. Thus, monitoring the environmental concentration of PM2.5 is important, especially in heavily industrialized areas, since they harbor potential emitters of PM2.5 and substances with the potential to increase the toxicity of already suspended particles. This study aims to estimate daily concentrations of PM2.5 in three areas under the influence of the Industrial and Port Complex of Pecem (CIPP), Ceara State, Brazil. A nonlinear regression model was applied to estimate PM2.5, using satellite-monitored optical depth data. Estimates were performed in three areas of influence (Ai) of the CIPP (Sao Goncalo do Amarante - Ail, Paracuru and Paraipaba - Aill, and Caucaia - AiIII), from 2006 to 2017. Estimated mean annual concentrations were lower than established by Brazil's national legislation in all three Ai (8 mu g m(-3)). In all the Ai, the months of the dry season (September to February) showed the highest concentrations and a predominance of east winds, while the months of the rainy season (March to August) showed the lowest concentrations and less defined winds Weather conditions can play an important role in the removal, dispersal, or maintenance of concentrations of particulate matter in the region. Even at low estimated concentrations, it is important to assess the composition of fine participles in this region and their possible association with adverse health outcomes in the local population.

