
Shi, Q; Su, J; Heygster, G; Shi, JX; Wang, LZ; Zhu, LZ; Lou, QL; Ludwig, V (2021). Step-by-Step Validation of Antarctic ASI AMSR-E Sea-Ice Concentrations by MODIS and an Aerial Image. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 59(1), 392-403.

The lack of in situ data has always posed challenges to remote-sensing-data product validation. Herein, the products of sea-ice concentration (SIC) data derived using the arctic radiation and turbulence interaction study (ARTIST) sea ice (ASI) algorithm were evaluated by comparing them with SICs from a high-resolution sea-ice aerial image obtained during the 27th China Antarctic expedition in January 2011. Results suggest that data obtained from the advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth-observing system (AMSR-E) underestimate SICs by 19. We performed step-by-step comparisons among the aerial image, moderate-resolution-imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), and AMSR-E SIC. These types of comparisons have not been made in previous validation studies. First, SICs acquired from MODIS-Terra imagery were acquired using a tie-point method and corrected by SICs derived from the aerial photography. Second, SICs of MODIS-Aqua images were trained based on the consistency of SIC results between MODIS-Terra and MODIS-Aqua over the selected region on the same day. Finally, the MODIS-Aqua SICs were employed to validate synchronous AMSR-E swath SIC products. The results show that the AMSR-E products underestimate SICs by 8.5 in the marginal ice zone in comparison with MODIS SICs. According to our further analysis between sea-ice types and AMSR-E biases, the higher the proportion of first-year ice, the smaller the AMSR-E SIC bias. In other words, results suggest that the higher the thin ice proportion, the more the AMSR-E underestimates the SIC.

