Boloorani, AD; Papi, R; Soleimani, M; Karami, L; Amiri, F; Samany, NN (2021). Water bodies changes in Tigris and Euphrates basin has impacted dust storms phenomena. AEOLIAN RESEARCH, 50, 100698.
The Tigris and Euphrates basin (TEB) has long been one of the active dust sources in the Middle East. In the last four decades, inefficient water resources management has intensified dust activities in the TEB. Dried water bodies have a high potential for dust emission. Therefore, several studies have been conducted in TEB to identifying dust sources. Nevertheless, the role of water body changes in dust emission is not yet clear. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of natural and anthropogenic drivers on changes in water bodies and dust emissions. The long-term spatial-temporal monitoring of water bodies changes was performed using 36-year Landsat 5, 7, and 8 multi-spectral images. Using visual interpretation of MODIS-RGB143 images, 904 dust storm events were identified, about 61% of them originated from dried beds of lakes, marshlands, and river margins. The lowest area of water bodies was observed in the period from 2000 to 2004 and 2008 to 2012. The area of water bodies in the two mentioned periods has decreased by 31% and 33%, respectively. Severe droughts have occurred in the region during these two periods. Overall, this has led to an increase of almost 23% in dust activities. However, the relationship between change in the area of water bodies and dust emission in the TEB is not necessarily linear and straightforward. In general, it can be concluded that the dried beds of water bodies is the largest source of dust emission in the TEB.