Lopez-Andreu, FJ; Erena, M; Dominguez-Gomez, JA; Lopez-Morales, JA (2021). Sentinel-2 Images and Machine Learning as Tool for Monitoring of the Common Agricultural Policy: Calasparra Rice as a Case Study. AGRONOMY-BASEL, 11(4), 621.
The European Commission introduces the Control by Monitoring through new technologies to manage Common Agricultural Policy funds through the Regulation 2018/746. The advances in remote sensing have been considered one of these new technologies, mainly since the European Space Agency designed the Copernicus Programme. The Sentinel-1 (radar range) and Sentinel-2 (optical range) satellites have been designed for monitoring agricultural problems based on the characteristics they provide. The data provided by the Sentinel 2 missions, together with the emergence of different scientific disciplines in artificial intelligence -especially machine learning- offer the perfect basis for identifying and classifying any crop and its phenological state. Our research is based on developing and evaluating a pixel-based supervised classification scheme to produce accurate rice crop mapping in a smallholder agricultural zone in Calasparra, Murcia, Spain. Several models are considered to obtain the most suitable model for each element of the time series used; pixel-based classification is performed and finished with a statistical treatment. The highly accurate results obtained, especially across the most significant vegetative development dates, indicate the benefits of using Sentinel-2 data combined with Machine Learning techniques to identify rice crops. It should be noted that it was possible to locate rice crop areas with an overall accuracy of 94% and standard deviation of 1%, which could be increased to 96% (+/- 1%) if we focus on the months of the crop's highest development state. Thanks to the proposed methodology, the on-site inspections carried out, 5% of the files, have been replaced by remote sensing evaluations of 100% of the analyzed season files. Besides, by adjusting the model input data, it is possible to detect unproductive or abandoned plots.