Alsahli, MMM; Nazeer, M (2022). Modeling Secchi Disk Depth Over the North Arabian Gulf Waters Using MODIS and MERIS Images. PFG-JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY REMOTE SENSING AND GEOINFORMATION SCIENCE, 90(2), 177-189.
Water transparency measured using Secchi disk is an important water quality indicator influenced by various biotic and abiotic processes in coastal and marine ecosystems. Understanding the role of this important indicator over large coastal environments requires synoptic measurements through ocean color satellites, such as Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Medium-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). In this study, we evaluated the performance of different atmospheric correction algorithms and the suitability of different pixel extraction methods in modeling Secchi disk depth (Z(SD)) over the North Arabian Gulf (NAG) waters using MODIS and MERIS imagery. Evaluating the performance of different atmospheric correction algorithms and the suitability of pixel extraction methods yielded various Z(SD) models with different accuracy. The most accurate MODIS and MERIS Z(SD) models had R-2 of 0.75 (RMSE = 80 cm) and 0.78 (RMSE = 74 cm), respectively. These models can be used to accurately map Z(SD) of NAG waters that would provide a better understanding of NAG water quality dynamics. Although these models were designed for NAG waters, they can be applied for the entire Arabian Gulf waters and probably other similar waters with the availability of training data. The key factor that limits the efficiency of these models and other previous models is the success of atmospheric correction algorithms in retrieving reliable remote sensing reflectance over different water bodies.