Trivedi, MB; Marshall, M; Estes, L; de Bie, CAJM; Chang, L; Nelson, A (2023). Cropland Mapping in Tropical Smallholder Systems with Seasonally Stratified Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Spectral and Textural Features. REMOTE SENSING, 15(12), 3014.
Mapping arable field areas is crucial for assessing agricultural productivity but poses challenges in sub-Saharan agroecosystems because of diverse crop calendars, small and irregularly shaped fields, persistent cloud cover, and lack of high-quality model training data. This study proposes several methodological improvements to overcome these challenges. Specifically, it utilizes long-term MODIS data to stratify finer Sentinel-2 reflectance and Sentinel-1 backscatter image features on a per-pixel basis. It also incorporates texture features and employs a machine learning approach with over 300,000 samples. The eastern region of Ghana was stratified into seven seasonal strata exhibiting distinct vegetation seasonality, capturing diversity in crop calendars, using long-term MODIS (2001-2009) normalized difference vegetation index phenology. Three years (2017-2019) of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 original bands at 20 m were composited into dry and wet seasonal features according to the strata, from which spectral, polarimetric, and texture features were extracted. The field boundaries were digitized using PlanetScope images (2018-2019). Random Forest classifier with 10-fold cross-validation and recursive feature elimination was used for feature selection and model building. Including topographic variables, out of 137 image features, only 11 features were found important. Sentinel-2 SWIR-based spectral features were most important, followed by Sentinel-1 polarimetric (VV) and elevation features. Half of the 11 features were variance texture features, followed by spectral features. The Random Forest classifier produced a 0.78 AUC score with overall precision, recall, and F1-score of 0.96, 0.78, and 0.85, respectively. While the precision for both classes was >0.90, the recall rate for arable areas was half that of non-arable areas. Future studies could improve the technical workflow with reliable balanced sampling, narrowband hyperspectral images, and fully polarized SAR images.