Bentekhici, N; Rabehi, W; Bouhlala, MA; Benharrats, F; Karoui, MS; Benhamouda, F; Zegrar, A (2023). Land cover changes mapping of the west-Algerian territory: a multiscale data analysis for the estimation of the sustainable goal 15.3.1. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 82(18), 428.
At the heart of the 2030 Agenda, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been adopted by the United Nations. SDG 15 aims to implement sustainable management of terrestrial ecosystems by preserving biodiversity and soils and limiting the long-term impacts of disasters. SDG 15.3.1 (proportion of degraded land over a total area) is based on the fight against desertification, the restoration of degraded land and soil, in particular land affected by desertification, it thus remains a major priority for states taking of the UNCCD convention. Land degradation is a large-scale phenomenon, of anthropogenic or natural origin, its measurement via the calculation of indicator 15.3.1 is an effective solution for sustainable management at the planet level. In this contribution, we assessed the change in land cover between 2007 and 2018, one of the sub-indicator of SDG 15.3.1, for the north-west and south-west region of Algeria which occupies 43% of the national territory and includes 15 wilayas while adopting the axes of the methodology proposed by the UNCCD with adaptations to the local geography. The methodology proposed in this work is based on a multi-source/multi-sensor approach while respecting the class nomenclature standardized by the UNCCD. This is a multi-date (2007-2018) supervised classification specific to Algeria known for its significant geographical and bioclimatic diversity, optimized through a multi-scale hierarchical approach based on MODIS images and a hierarchy under a tree multi-sources (NDVI-slope-altitude-land cover from ESA CCI and MODIS MODQ13C1). The output results compared with Trend-Earth data and evaluated via very high and medium resolution spatial data (Alsat 2 2.5 m and Landsat 30 m). This document thus presents a model methodological approach for the production of quality small-scale occupancy maps in semi-arid zones. According to the results obtained, 7905 km2 or 0.9% of the territory studied suffered degradation and 14,738 km2 or 1.64% were improved during 2007 to 2018. To achieve neutrality by 2030, developments and monitoring must be undertaken in these areas. Responsive and implement effective and sustainable management practices. Policy makers must strike a balance between development and environmental protection to restore degraded lands.