Wu, SH; Xue, Y; Sun, YX; Jin, CL; Zhang, MH; Jiang, XX; Lu, X (2023). Spatial and Temporal Variation of Aerosol Optical Depth in Huaihai Economic Zone from 1982 to 2021. ATMOSPHERE, 14(5), 822.
Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), quantifying the amount of aerosol in the atmosphere, is widely regarded as a crucial indicator for research on atmospheric physics and regional air quality. At present, the inversion of AOD from observation of satellite remote sensing sensors has become the main technology for large-scale monitoring of aerosol load. The Huaihai Economic Zone is the connecting belt of two key areas of atmospheric governance (the Yangtze River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China), and it has been suffering from air pollution for many years and few studies of AOD focus on this region. Therefore, the spatial and temporal characteristics of the AOD are explored using MODIS AOD data and AVHRR AOD data in this region during the period from 1982 to 2021 in this study. The correlation coefficients between the AOD of satellite observation and actual air pollution were analyzed by combining PM2.5 pollutant concentration and air quality index (AQI) data. The results showed that the AOD is higher in the northwest than in the southeast, and it is different from season to season. The annual variation of AOD in the Huaihai Economic Zone is a W-shaped trend from 1982 to 2011, while the trend of annual AOD is decreasing after 2011. In terms of seasons, the whole differences in AOD are evident, exhibiting AOD values in summer > those in spring > those in autumn > and those in winter. Furthermore, it indicated that the quarterly and monthly variation of the AOD tends to be flat in recent years. Since 2015, the concentration of PM2.5 has continued to decline, the same as that of AQI. Meanwhile, the quarterly and monthly differences in PM2.5 are still obvious, with higher PM2.5 in winter and lower PM2.5 in summer. However, it also represented that PM2.5 is significantly higher in spring than in autumn from 2015 to 2018, which is the opposite for 2019 to 2021. Lastly, the correlation between AOD and PM2.5/AQI is also given; i.e., the correlation coefficients of AOD with PM2.5/AQI are 0.84/0.82, with the highest correlation coefficient in autumn (R = 0.86/0.91) and the lowest in winter (R = 0.46/0.48).