Taugourdeau, S; Cofelas, F; Bossoukpe, M; Diatta, O; Ndiaye, O; Diehdiou, A; N'Goran, A; Audebert, A; Faye, E (2023). Unmanned aerial vehicle outputs and associated field measurements of the herbaceous and tree layers of the Senegalese savannah. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are widely used to assess the vegetation of an ecosystem. This report presents three data sets from UAVs used on a savannah-type ecosystem in Senegal. Two data sets contain an orthomosaic and a surface and terrain digital model (UAV outputs), along with associated field measurements on the tree and herbaceous layers, while the third data set contains an orthomosaic and digital surface model, along with field measurements on the herbaceous layers. One data set was compiled over the entire rainy season on the same plot (plot dataset). One was compiled across a landscape at the 7000 ha Dahra Djoloff research center (CRZ-dahra Centre de recherche zootechnique de Dahra). The third data set was compiled across Senegal from the North to the Southeast of the country with wide variability in climate and soil conditions. All the data sets are in Open Access in the Zenodo repository. These data sets could be used in many different studies: calibration between field measurements and UAV outputs on a large scale, or used as an intermediate step between field and satellite images.